Society's ChildS


Jordan Peterson and daughter plagued by fraudulent books on Amazon

jordan and mikhaila peterson
Mikhaila Peterson and her father Dr. Jordan Peterson have a bestselling book on Amazon about the carnivore diet. The only problem, it's not their book.

While Mikhaila has been vocal about her support for a thoroughly carnivorous diet, this book transcribes comments, interviews, and YouTube videos of the two Petersons and puts it together as a collection. It had no approval from either of the listed authors, no proceeds are heading their way, and fans have been fooled into buying the fake book with a horrendous, amateur photoshopped cover.

The guy who put the whole thing together is Johnny Rockermeier, a German YouTuber who has published one other book of Jordan Peterson transcriptions. His YouTube page is full of Peterson videos and interviews.


Best of the Web: Unashamedly intolerant: Veganism promotes a religion of hate, attempts to guilt-trip & ridicule meat eaters

vegan activist
© Getty Images / Sylvain Lefevre
You've probably heard of transphobia or xenophobia or islamophobia. Well, welcome to the latest invented fashionable phobia, vegaphobia!

Vegaphobia refers to meat-eating purveyors of hate, who dislike and fear vegans. Veganism loves to present itself as a brave progressive doctrine fighting off hordes of uneducated angry carnivores.

In reality, it is the ideology of veganism which promotes a religion of hate. Veganism is unashamedly intolerant. Anti-meat campaigners are not prepared to allow others to decide for themselves what they should eat. That is why activists upholding the ideology of veganism feel entitled to invade supermarkets and prevent people from gaining access to the meat counter. They are zealously intolerant towards people who choose to adopt a diet that is at variance with their ideology.

Veganism has become an unpleasant and sanctimonious ideology that directs its energies towards imposing its lifestyle on society. This is an ideology that is not confined to the objective of eliminating the consumption of meat! Veganism is inextricably connected to a wider project of social engineering. It dislikes consumerism and looks down on people who enjoy driving their cars and taking their family on overseas holidays.

Russian Flag

Gorbachev reveals how the Soviet Union could have been saved

© Sputnik/Sergey Guneev
The Soviet Union's first and only president Mikhail Gorbachev says he 'fought to the last' to keep the USSR from falling apart. He believes it would have survived past 1991, had his planned democratic reforms been realized.

In his upcoming book 'What is at stake: The future of the global world,' Gorbachev describes what could have kept the Soviet republics as one, cohesive whole. The key, he says, would have been to restructure the union as a federation and give its members more autonomy - something he'd been trying to do before the USSR fell apart.

"My deep belief was that the way to the republics' political sovereignty, to their economic self-reliance, to the preservation of their identity, to the development of their culture, lay in the renewal of the union, in turning it into a democratic, real, effective federation, to which the republics would delegate part of their authority," Gorbachev says, in an excerpt from the book seen by Russian media.


Four drunk US marines arrested in Japan for attacking police cars

us marines
© Reuters
Four members of the elite combat unit of the United States were arrested in Japan after they attacked police cars. The US marines were detained in Japan's Okinawa Prefecture, RT reported, citing Japan's Kyodo news agency. The report said the Americans attacked two police vehicles in a drunken state.

The incident happened even as the Japanese police were in search of a Marine who allegedly invaded a house. In the melee three US marines attacked the police cars, according to the Okinawa Times. Okinawa police took all the four US marines into custody.

Japan currently hosts a very large contingent of around 54,000 US troops in the country. The management of the US military bases in Japan have been a bone of contention between the two countries. The US troops are in Japan as part of a post-World War II agreement to offer security to Japan.

The post-war Japan chose not to have a fully functioning military. The deep scars of World War II pushed the Japanese to an anti-war stance. The Constitution drafted after the war limited the use of force only as a means of self defence. The essence of Japan's pacifist stance under the US occupation was that it will refrain from using force to resolve international conflicts. This policy ruled out military alliances and intervention in regional military conflicts.

Comment: The locals want U.S. troops out. Not only are they a nuisance, they're a criminal threat: U.S. troops regularly rape local women, for example. It's no wonder Japanese aren't the only ones who want them to just go home:

Eye 1

Media downplays importance of Baghdadi after Trump announces his death - WaPo calls terrorist mastermind "austere scholar"- UPDATE: WaPo alters headline upon social media backlash

Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi

"Baghdadi was a figurehead".

After the Washington Post ludicrously described him as an "austere scholar," some U.S. media outlets are now downplaying the importance of Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi in an apparent effort to take credit away from President Trump for the ISIS leader being killed on his watch.

Baghdadi detonated a suicide vest after being pursued by US military dogs during a raid in north-west Syria.

The Washington Post's first reaction was to describe the terror leader as an "austere scholar" in its obituary of him, prompting widespread ridicule.

Comment: The Washington Post wasn't the only publication to attempt this public gas-lighting:

bloomberg tweet baghdadi
See also: 'Died like a dog': Trump says Islamic State leader Baghdadi killed - for real this time - in US forces raid in Idlib

Social media poured scorn on the Washington Post for the headline's subtly laudatory tone. RT reports:
The Washington Post's bizarre decision to describe terror chief Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi as an "austere religious scholar" in an obituary has brought a storm of criticism on the paper, and spawned hundreds of #WaPoDeathNotices memes.

The headline sparked a furious reaction on social media, with many struggling to comprehend why the Post had chosen to frame the story in this manner.

Others ridiculed the paper, posting fictional obituaries under the hashtag #WaPoDeathNotices. Would the paper have described serial killer Jeffrey Dahmer as an"unconventional romantic and avant-garde gastronomist," or Bonnie and Clyde as wealth re-distributors in the banking sector?"

The backlash was so great that it appears to have prompted another headline switcheroo, as the piece now describes al-Baghdadi as an "extremist leader." At the time of writing the headline reads: 'Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi, extremist leader of Islamic State, dies at 48.'
Weak-sauce apology from WaPo Vice President, Communications General Manager Kristine Coratti:

Alarm Clock

Iraq declares curfew after scores killed in violent protests

© Reuters / Thaier Al-SudaniProtesters crowd the streets of Baghdad
The Iraqi government has declared a curfew in the capital Baghdad "until further notice," as a fresh wave of anti-government demonstrations grips the city. More than 60 people have been killed in recent days.

The curfew, in effect from midnight to 6am, was announced on Monday, according to Iraqi state television. As announcement was made, hundreds of protesters clogged Baghdad's Tahrir Square, in the fourth day of anti-government demonstrations.

The demonstrations saw more than 60 Iraqis killed over these four days, and counterterrorism troops deployed on Sunday. Reuters' sources said that the troops have been authorized to "use all necessary measures" to quell the unrest. Buildings have been torched across the country, in a nationwide show of rage against Prime Minister Adel Abdul Mahdi's government.

Comment: See also:


Sweden: Nigerian occult mafia spreading across the country, police say

Nigerian occult mafia
A West African criminal network that's known for human trafficking, drug running, fraud, and using bizarre occult rituals and torture to brainwash prostitutes is spreading throughout Sweden.

Police fear that Black Ax, an international criminal organization based out of Nigeria, is beginning to gain a foothold in Uppsala after already establishing itself in cities like Stockholm, Gothenburg, and Malmö, SVT Nyheter reports.

"They are mainly involved in human trafficking," says Uppsala police spokesperson, Jale Poljarevius.

"They are holding women hostage, and through voodoo, they are tricking them into believing they will end up badly if they leave the job. But they are also involved in selling cocaine and heroin," Poljarevius added.


The so-called 'alt-right' Intellectual Dark Web is more liberal than you think

Most of us hold opinions that 70 years ago would have placed us to the left of the Overton window
Jordan Peterson
© Global Look PressJordan Peterson
In February last year, Spectator Life ran an article by Douglas Murray on the arrival of a new group of unorthodox thinkers who were challenging the dogmas of the authoritarian left. People who maintained, among other things, that there are fundamental biological differences between men and women, that free speech is under siege on campus and elsewhere, and that some aspects of western civilization — in particular, the values of the Enlightenment — are worth defending.

Murray's list included Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro, Sam Harris, Christina Hoff Sommers: all members of what they jokingly referred to as the 'intellectual dark web' (IDW). When the New York Times's Bari Weiss used the same moniker in an article about these thinkers a few months later, it entered the mainstream lexicon. The IDW went global.

Needless to say, this oddball collection of writers and broadcasters were immediately dismissed by the defenders of progressive orthodoxy as beyond the pale. A piece in the Guardian described the IDW as 'the thinking wing of the alt-right'. Other left-wing commentators have said much the same, pointing out that most of its members are middle-aged white men — proof, apparently, that they want to withhold power from women and minorities. Peterson's defense of the patriarchy is often cited as Exhibit A in the case for the prosecution.

Comment: See also:


If it bleeds it leads: The role of American media in perpetuating and profiting from mass shootings

If it bleeds it leads
Video games. 4chan. "Toxic masculinity." These are just a few of the media's favorite folk devils when it comes to assigning blame for mass shootings in America. However, there is startling evidence that how the media covers these tragedies makes them culpable in perpetuating future ones.

This might sound like an outlandish claim, but it's supported by evidence from no less an authority than the National Institutes of Health. It's related to a well-established phenomenon of copycat suicides known as the Werther Effect. Other countries' medias have taken steps to minimize the Werther Effect through self-imposed industry standards on suicide reporting, and many of these standards have parallels with the coverage of mass shootings.

The American media currently has no industry standard practices for how to cover either suicides or mass shootings. However, one can easily see the difference between how mass shootings and suicides are covered. Whereas suicides are treated as sombre tragedies, mass shootings often have the sensationalism turned up to 11. There's a detailed discussion of the shooter's life story, motives and methods. Strong evidence suggests that this both encourages and instructs potential mass shooters.

Statistically speaking, mass shootings represent a tiny portion of all deaths in the United States. For example, 2017 was the deadliest year for mass shootings in America with a total of 117 people killed. For context, 102 people die from automobile accidents every day according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Institute.

Comment: See also:


2 dead as gunman shoots 16 people at Halloween party near Greenville, Texas, then RETURNS to open fire at media during vigil - Suspect at large

shooting texas
© Ryan MichaleskoOfficials work a crime scene after a shooting at Party Venue on Highway 380 in Greenville, Texas, on Sunday, October 27, 2019. As of early Sunday morning a gunman is still at large after killing at least two people and injuring 14 at Party Venue Saturday night, according to Hunt County Sheriff Randy Meeks.
The parking lot outside the Party Venue near Greenville was littered Sunday with signs of the panic of the night before. Halloween masks people had cast away lay near blue medical gloves that dotted the ground. Nearby, a pool of blood had soaked into the gravel.

Sgt. Jeff Haines of the Hunt County Sheriff's Office said even a brief glimpse inside the venue was worse.

"Horrific," he said, describing what he'd seen while authorities searched where a gunman shot eight people at a crowded party as nearby Texas A&M University-Commerce celebrated homecoming weekend. Two of the victims died, including 23-year-old Kevin Berry Jr. of Dallas. Four more were in critical condition late Sunday.

Comment: The number of injured has since been revised upwards to 16.

Comment: More on the follow-up shooting at the vigil for the first shooting:
Reports of multiple shots fired at vigil for victims of Texas university homecoming mass shooting

A series of what appears to be gunshots can be heard ringing out in the background of a video, posted by Matt Howerton, reporter with WFAA, ABC-affiliated TV station in Dallas, Texas.

The journalist reported that the incident forced those gathered at the vigil to flee in disarray, while he and his collegue scrambled to take cover in the nearby trees.

"We heard DOZENS of gunshots," he tweeted. It's unclear if anybody has been injured in the reported shootout.

Diana Zoga, a reporter with KXAS-TV, posted a video of her bullet-ridden car on Twitter, noting that it appears that more than one gunman was invoveld in the incident.

"Multiple shots. Our news unit was hit at least 3 times," Zoga tweeted.

So that's two mass shootings in the same location, and no suspects identified or caught.