Society's ChildS


The 10 radical new rules that are changing American culture

Pelosi shumer
There are 10 new ideas that are changing America, maybe permanently.

1) Money is a construct. It can be created from thin air. Annual deficits and aggregate national debt no longer matter much.

Prior presidents ran up huge annual deficits, but at least there were some concessions that the money was real and had to be paid back. Not now. As we near $30 trillion in national debt and 110% of annual GDP, our elites either believe permanent zero interest rates make the cascading obligation irrelevant, or the larger the debt, the more likely we will be forced to address needed income redistribution.

2) Laws are not necessarily binding anymore. Joe Biden took an oath to "take care that the laws be faithfully executed." But he has willfully rendered federal immigration laws null and void. Some rioters are prosecuted for violating federal laws, others not so much. Arrests, prosecutions and trials are all fluid. Ideology governs when a law is still considered a law.

3) Racialism is now acceptable. We are defined first by our ethnicity or religion, and only secondarily — if at all — by an American commonality. The explicit exclusion of Whites from college dorms, safe spaces and federal aid programs is now noncontroversial. It is unspoken payback for perceived past sins, or a type of "good" racism.

Brick Wall

Ontario issues stay-at-home order, expands vaccines for essential workers and teachers in Peel and Toronto

theatre closed
© CHRIS HELGREN/ReutersA movie theatre owned by Famous Players, a subsidiary of Cineplex Entertainment, remains closed due to COVID-19 restrictions in Toronto on April 6, 2021.
The Ontario government has issued a provincewide stay-at-home order while expanding vaccine eligibility in high-risk neighbourhoods, but critics say the province has been too slow to control fast-spreading COVID-19 variants that are threatening the health care system.

The order was unveiled by Premier Doug Ford on Wednesday, less than a week after his government announced what it called a "shutdown" that closed restaurant dining but allowed non-essential retailers to stay open - and left pandemic rules in hotspots such as Toronto and Peel Region virtually untouched.

After public pushback from medical officers of health in Toronto, Peel and Ottawa, Mr. Ford's cabinet made an abrupt turnaround, declaring a third state of emergency and ordering more closings. The stay-at-home order takes effect Thursday at 12:01 a.m. and is to last four weeks.

Comment: Meanwhile, in Germany:
Chancellor Angela Merkel is backing a short, sharp lockdown across Germany to stem a sudden rise in Covid cases, her spokeswoman confirmed, saying the nation's health system was under growing pressure.

Speaking to reporters Wednesday, German government spokeswoman Ulrike Demmer said Merkel favored "a short, national lockdown," adding that "every call for a short, uniform lockdown is right."

Earlier, Markus Söder, the premier of Bavaria, told German broadcaster ARD he favored a "short, consistent lockdown," adding such a move "only makes sense if everyone joins in."

"The less consistent we are, the longer it will take," he warned.


Russia's Lavrov warns of surging anti-white racism in US

© Antonio Masiello via Getty Images

Asserts that forces within U.S. are trying to impose a "cultural revolution."

Russian Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov says there is surging "aggression against white people" in the United States and that it is harming efforts to fight racism.

Lavrov made the comments during an interview with political scientists that was broadcast on national television.

"We were pioneers of the movement promoting equal rights of people of any skin color," said Lavrov, adding that "everyone wants to get rid of racism."

Comment: See also:


World Economic Forum promotes 'smart mask' that alerts you if you forget to wear it

wef smart mask
© Mikhail Klimentyev via Getty Images
The World Economic Forum is promoting a 'smart mask' that tracks your breathing and alerts you via an app if you wear it improperly or forget to wear it at all.

Yes, really.

A video clip posted to the WEF's official Twitter account this morning hypes the "the mask of the future," designed by Chinese firm CirQ Technologies.

The smart mask tells you when to wash it, whether you're wearing it properly, and alerts you via a sensor linked to a cellphone app when you've left it at home.

The environmental benefits of the mask are also touted as it would cut down on the number of disposable face masks that end up in land fills.


Best of the Web: Gaslighting: How leftist psychopaths demonize and demoralize their opposition

pointing fingers
We have all heard this time honored cautionary mantra: "All governments lie". It's not a theory, it is a fact that history has proven time after time. I would only expand on the rule and say this: All governments, all corporations, all corporate media, all think tanks, and all corporate funded activist groups lie. There is a reason why public trust is at all time lows for the majority of these organizations, and it's not because they are managed by good and honest people.

If you operate on the assumption that these groups are lying to you most of the time then you will find yourself on the right side of history. That said, there are questions we need to ask ourselves if we ever hope to change the world for the better and remove these liars from power: Why do they lie? Why has this become a rule to live by? And, how are they able to lie and get away with it so often?

Well, it's not because power corrupts. That cliché might be true to a point, but I think it's a way for people to dismiss the bigger problem because they are afraid to address the ugly truth. The reality is, power does not necessarily corrupt; it's that the corrupt seek out power.


Fail Hydra! Captain America is now so woke he's fighting a Jordan Peterson parody rather than Nazis hell-bent on world domination

captain america comic movie jordan peterson
© Marvel Studios, Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures; Chris Williamson / Getty Images(L) 'Avengers: Endgame' (2019) Dir: Anthony Russo, Joe Russo (R) Jordan Peterson
The author and clinical psychologist was surprised to learn that Steve Rogers' nemesis Red Skull now appears to be modeled after him, but this painfully obvious liberal pandering has been infecting mainstream art for years now.

When the character of Captain America was at the height of his popularity in the comic book world, he was best known for punching Nazis in the face and extolling the virtues of patriotism.

Today, however, Captain America is as woke as just about every other character being pushed through the dying comics industry. With more and more agenda-driven writers landing gigs with big wigs like Marvel, his duty has now become to drop the overt patriotism and take on the loosely defined Nazis of today - aka anyone with a slightly conservative perspective.

Comment: Happily, the satirists are right on Ta-Nehisi Coates uber-woke heels:

In new Captain America, Steve Rogers is swayed by Red Skull videos - takes responsibility, cleans room


The West lies about everything it claims it values: The treatment of Julian Assange proves it

Julian Assange
© ReutersWikiLeaks' founder Julian Assange leaves Westminster Magistrates Court in London, Britain January 13, 2020
The Western world has a very high opinion of itself and its supposed values, and its treatment of WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange makes a lie of it all.

Truth. Justice. Freedom. Democracy. We are taught from an early age that these are the sacred values our society upholds with the utmost reverence, and that we are very fortunate to have been born in a part of the world which holds such virtue.

You see this haughty self-righteousness pop up on a daily basis in the most influential circles on earth, from the way US presidents are still to this day referred to as the "leader of the free world", to US Secretary of State Tony Blinken recently babbling about the "shared values" of the "free and open rules-based order", to Magnitsky Act manipulator Bill Browder recently referring to the US-centralized power alliance as "the civilized world" in a bid to get Australia up to pace with the rest of the empire's China hawkishness.

People 2

Lockdowns have worsened inequalities in US, across the Americas - Amnesty International

January 31, 2020
© Leigh Vogel/UPIJanuary 31, 2020:
National Institutes of Health official Dr. Anthony Fauci (C) speaks about the coronavirus during a press briefing at the White House in Washington, D.C. Health and Human Services Secretary Alexander Azar (L) announced that the United States is declaring the virus a public health emergency and issued a federal quarantine order of 14 days for 195 Americans.
COVID-19 has increased social and economic inequality in the United States and other countries of the Americas, watchdog Amnesty International said Wednesday in its annual report on the state of human rights.

The 400-page analysis says North, South and Central America has been worst hit by the crisis, with about 55 million cases and 1.3 million deaths to date.

The United States, Brazil and Mexico have the world's highest death tolls, partly because their governments, the report says, struggled to give consistent health guidance, failed to protect the most vulnerable populations or failed to provide full transparency.

Comment: As noted above, lockdowns have exacerbated and accelerated problems already present in the system, and, with governments continuing to enforce them, despite the evidence showing that they don't work, one can only conclude that these measures and their disastrous consequences are serving an agenda that has nothing to do with stopping a virus:

Arrow Down

April in? Paris turning into 'open dump' as furious locals share pictures of graffiti and overflowing bins

garbage paris france
Thousands of pictures have emerged on social media in the past few days of piles of rubbish filling the streets of the historic city under the hashtag 'SaccageParis' - meaning 'trash Paris'
Furious Parisians have turned on their Socialist mayor with a Twitter campaign where they are accusing her of gross mismanagement which as left Paris looking like a 'rubbish dump'.

Thousands of pictures have emerged on social media in the past few days of piles of rubbish filling the streets of the historic city under the hashtag 'SaccageParis' - meaning 'trash Paris'.

Parisians have claimed the city has been left 'abandoned' by their Socialist Mayor Anne Hidalgo and they are fed up with living in an 'unmaintained dump' which some have likened to a 'shanty town'.

Comment: Paul Joseph Watson dares to name the real problem

Paul Joseph Watson: Paris is a Sh*thole (VIDEO)


George Floyd murder trial day 7 wrap-up: Prosecutor has a horrible day

george floyd trial screen capture MPD Mercil
© court proceedings in MN v. ChauvinMPD Lt. Johnny Mercil testifies at Daniel Chavin murder trial
Prosecution visibly shaken after cross-examination of MPD force & medical experts

Welcome to our ongoing coverage of the Minnesota murder trial of Derek Chauvin over the in-custody death of George Floyd. I am Attorney Andrew Branca for Law of Self Defense, providing guest commentary and analysis of this trial for Legal Insurrection.

Overview: "911? I'd like to report a murder."

Today was a terrible, horrible no good, very bad day for the prosecution, to a degree that I haven't seen since the trial of George Zimmerman.

If you have no more than an hour to watch the video of today's proceedings, then I urge you to spend 44 minutes watching the cross-examination of state witness Johnny Mercil, the state's use-of-force training expert, and 22 minutes watching the cross-examination of Nicole MacKenzie, the state's medical care training expert. In both instances the result can only be called a train wreck of a disaster for the prosecution.