Puppet MastersS

Bad Guys

Marching towards martial law in Turkey: Erdogan is on the warpath with the Kurds

Germany coalition
Turkey is undergoing the most severe domestic political crisis of recent years. In previous years, R. Erdogan and his moderately Islamic Justice and Development Party (AKP) managed to consolidate Turkish society with neo-ottoman foreign policy slogans, iron out conflicts between secularists and Islamists, balance the role of the army in Turkish politics, bring to the end armed resistance of KWP (Kurdistan Workers' Party) fighters and evolve to finding a peaceful solution to the Kurdish problem. The current situation, however, has once again become severely strained.

The Turkish parliamentary elections in June 2015 fell short of Erdogan and his supporters' expectations. The ruling Justice and Development Party (AKP) couldn't poll enough votes in order to form a single-party government for the first time since 2002. As compared to the 2011 elections, it lost 10% of the vote. Erdogan's plans to make amendments to the constitution, with the help of the new National Assembly (medzhlis), in order to transform Turkey from a parliamentary into a presidential republic and push through a series of radical reforms in Turkish politics have been put on hold indefinitely.

AKP's attempts to make a coalition in the National Assembly with opposition parties also failed. Erdogan was forced to announce new parliamentary elections on November, 1st 2015 and entrusted the current Prime Minister to form an interim government.

Comment: It looks like Erdogan and the neo-ottoman interests he represents might have gotten too big for their britches. With Obama insisting that he remain 'focused' on Washington's goals in the region, he's gone off against the Kurds, an important ethnic group for the Balkanization of Iraq. The Zionist-Washington axis may be getting ready to put him in his place.

Bad Guys

You cannot pass! France wants to shut borders to immigrants; Sweden's far-right calls for vote on immigration

© Regis Duvignau/ReutersMigrants stand near a highway overpass near the makeshift camp called "The New Jungle" in Calais, France.
Marine Le Pen, leader of France's right-wing National Front party, declared that immigration should be brought to a halt, calling for the country's borders to be closed. Meanwhile, the far-right Sweden Democrats say a referendum should be held on the issue.

"It's time for a referendum in Sweden on our immigration policy," party leader Jimmie Akesson told supporters during an annual summer speech, AFP reported. His party, the Sweden Democrats, has recently come in at the top of a Swedish opinion poll for the first time.

Having accepted 80,000 refugees last year, Sweden has taken on the burden of accommodating the largest number of migrants in the EU as a percentage of the native population. Sweden's migrant-friendly policies have long made it one of the most favored destinations among asylum-seekers.

"What is it that makes people risk their lives and those of their children to come here? I dare say it is the other parties' lax policies that cause many of these tragic fates. That cause death," Akesson said.

Comment: Policies that allow them to have a better life is their cause of death? Do Swedes really buy this crap?

In France, criticism of the "migrants wave" that has swept over Europe was one of the key points of Marine Le Pen's speech at the Brachay commune in northeastern France on Saturday.

"The immigration situation today in France is completely out of control," the political leader declared both on Twitter and in her speech ahead of regional French elections. The leader of France's National Front claimed that 99 percent of rejected asylum seekers remain in France, stressing that "this figure must be reduced to zero." She also asserted that "national borders are needed for France."

Comment: See also:

Eye 1

House of Frauds? Cameron dishes out peerages to expenses scandal MP, City banker & Tory cronies

House of Lords
© Alastair Grant/pool / Reuters
A disgraced Tory embroiled in an expense scandal, a multimillionaire donor, and a slew of political cronies have been handed peerages by Prime Minister David Cameron, sparking fresh demand for drastic reform of the House of Lords.

Cameron was accused of an assault on democracy on Thursday after he gave peerages to 26 Conservatives, and offered knighthoods and a string of other honors to political friends.

Public frustration over mounting costs in a climate of austerity had previously forced him to pledge to tackle the size of the House of Lords.

However, critics warn he has handed out new peerages at a faster rate than any prime minister since Harold McMillan in 1958.

Comment: Last month, Lord Sewel, 'former' deputy speaker of the House of Lords provided an insight as to just what calibre of peer this 'Establishment' chamber covets.

British House of Lords deputy speaker Baron John Sewel resigns after leaked video shows him snorting coke off prostitutes


The real problem is American, not Russian, aggression

Adolf Putin
© america.aljazeera.comUS propaganda in full bloom and spreading...
Russia didn't want a new Cold War. The myth of a "revanchist Russia" is convenient spin. The real issue is American interventionism.

Ordinary Russians generally like and admire American culture. They consume American TV and movies. Teenagers in Siberia follow the street fashion of New York. Even in isolated Yakutia you will find people who can rap along to Kanye West or Jay Z. Many older people can manage a few bars of Elvis or Sinatra.

The reverse is not true in the States. Few Americans could quote a bit of Pushkin. In fact, most US citizens have probably not even heard of him. Or Pasternak. Or Tolstoy. Regrettably, if you ask an average American for an opinion on Russia, the current likely answer is something that depicts the nation as their enemy.

Comment: It is no longer an advantage for the American public to be educated or think for themselves. An isolated and ignorant public is controllable.

This is very, very sad. Especially when Russia has no desire to be an enemy of the US and is not a threat to any genuine American interests. Actually, Russia is not even much of a danger to most of the things it's supposed to be a danger to. Like the Baltic States, for instance. Or the EU project.

However, relentless anti-Russia propaganda in the US corporate media has brought us to this point. American elites are now more united in their disdain for Russia than they ever were during the Cold War. During that period, dissenting voices were heard. Now, they are completely frozen out.

Indeed, anybody with any real knowledge of Russia is condemned as "Putin's shill" these days. Even academic heavyweights like Stephen Cohen. Thus, we have the bizarre situation where most American mainstream media commentators on Russia are people who have either never lived in the country or haven't been there for years. Or both. If old Joe McCarthy himself was around, he'd be on CNN every five minutes.

Comment: The US is spinning its wheels into a deep rut but not without temporary and peripheral success. Many of its "friends and allies" support the blame game where none is indicated. Duped? Cajoled? Rewarded? Fear-induced? Historically, when the sh-t is about to hit the fan, the US knows the best distraction is aggression framed as martyr/victimism. America seems to have a lock on this concept and quite the expertise at using it. How long can Russia backpedal and "keep its cool?" In some respects, the longer it holds out, the farther and deeper the US is allowed to go.

Eye 2

Den of vipers: 2 ultra-radical Ukrainian MPs face investigation for kidnappings, torture

© Stringer / RIA Novosti Radical Party leader Oleg Lyashko
A new criminal case has been reportedly opened against the leader of the Ukrainian Radical Party, Oleg Lyashko, and his fellow party member Igor Mosiychuk. The two are accused of organizing a criminal group, kidnappings and torture.

Mosiychuk reported the news on his Facebook page: "Yesterday it became known that the Ukrainian Prosecutor General's Office had opened new criminal cases against me and the leader of the Radical Party, Oleg Lyashko."

The proceedings were approved by Ukraine's prosecutor general, Viktor Shokin, Mosiychuk added. The two ultra-radical MPs stand accused of "organizing a criminal group, kidnapping, illegal detention as well as torture," Mosiychuk wrote.

The information about the violent incidents the two were involved in allegedly came from Sergey Malnichuk, the commander of Ukraine's most infamous volunteer squad, the Aidar battalion, which has been condemned by Amnesty International for its brutality in eastern Ukraine.

Comment: Looks like the psychopaths are at each others' throats! Aidar is just as bad.

Ukrainian authorities have yet to confirm the information.

Comment: Small justice... Each and every member and supporter of the various volunteer battalions should be investigated: Ukraine war crimes report: Torture and inhumane treatment of civilians


Russian MP endorses moving UN HQ to neutral country - US has too much control through visa restrictions

united nations building
© Chip East / ReutersThe United Nations building, New York City
"[C]urrent placement of the UN offices allows the United States to manipulate the work of the General Assembly through "selective" access of other nations' politicians"

A leftist Russian MP wants the UN headquarters moved to a neutral country. Addressing the UN Secretary-General, Igor Zotov says the current host - the USA - is using its position to apply leverage against its political opponents.

"The benefits of the public discussion prompted by the initiative to move the UN headquarters are obvious. It will allow nations to get a different view of the UN's place in the modern world and yet another time raise the question of fundamental problems in this organization and its adapting to modern realities," Zotov (Fair Russia) writes in his letter, quoted by popular Russian daily Izvestia.

The lawmaker suggested that the decision to move the UN headquarters is made through a broad consensus of representatives of all UN member-countries, various activists and politicians and legal and political experts.

Zotov mentioned that the current placement of the UN offices allows the United States to manipulate the work of the General Assembly through "selective" access of other nations' politicians to the working meetings of the body.

Deputy head of the State Duma Committee for International Relations, Leonid Kalashnikov, supported the idea, saying the Russian delegation to the UN could initiate the transition of the organization's headquarters to a neutral country, such as Switzerland.

Comment: Not surprising. Washington will rig the Great Game in every way possible.


Poroshenko cannot control situation in Kiev

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko
© Nikolai Lazarenko/Ukrainian president's press service/TASS
Clashes near the Verkhovna Rada building in Kiev demonstrate that Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko cannot control the situation in the country, State Duma's Committee on International Affairs chairman Alexey Pushkov told Rossiya 24 TV channel on Monday.

"Nationalists in Ukraine want to assert full and unquestionable power of radical forces. In this case, neither [German Chancellor Angela] Merkel nor [French President Francois] Hollande nor the Minsk agreements will not help. They [nationalists] are not going to take them into account," Pushkov noted.

Poroshenko "has to maneuver - he has to show Europe that he controls the situation in the country," Pushkov continued. "However, I think that he can manage it less and less. And today's events in Kiev demonstrate that Poroshenko does not have complete control over the situation," he stressed.

Evil Rays

Norway spends millions in propaganda to portray Russia as aggressor

© Sputnik/ Alexander Vilf
The Norwegian TV series "Occupied" narrates the story of Russia's "occupation" of the territory of Norway. The new project is reported to be the most expensive series in the history of Norwegian TV, media reported.

Norway spends an unprecedented amount of money to portray Russia as an aggressor and intimidate Norwegians with claims of an alleged security threat from the East.

According to latest data, the film's budget amounted to 90 million Norwegian kroner (11 million dollars) and exceeds the budget of Norway's latest TV project Mammon by more than double.

Russia expressed regret over the upcoming release of the Norwegian miniseries narrating a made-up story of how the Russian army occupied Norway's territory with the support of the international community.

The story tells of a "radical ecological party" which comes to power in the Scandinavian country and stops all oil and gas production. The occupiers keep the industry under control, but allow the country's residents to lead their daily lives more or less normally.

Comment: Fear and fantasy has become the content of Western 'news' and 'entertainment'. But that's what you get from weak leaders with corrupting minds.

Snakes in Suits

Imbecilic Australian FM tells Europe: 'Join ISIS strikes & you'll solve your migrant problems'

Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop
© Olivia Harris / Reuters Horse shit: Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop likes to talk it.
Australian Foreign Minister Julie Bishop has called for more European countries to join airstrikes against Islamic State, claiming that bombing will relieve the refugee crisis. Australia has not agreed to an US request to expand its own operations against jihadists into Syria, however.

Bishop said that 40 percent of refugees trying to enter Europe are coming from Syria, suggesting that additional strikes would help reduce that number.

Comment: Yes, killing civilians will certainly reduce the amount of refugees. Sick psychopathic thinking.

"There's more countries can do in terms of supporting the airstrikes which are proving effective in stopping Daesh (Islamic State) from claiming territory off sovereign governments," Bishop said.

Related: US-led airstrikes kill 52 Syrian civilians in a day, not 1 ISIS fighter - monitor

"The crisis that is unfolding in Europe will focus their attention. This humanitarian crisis is unprecedented," she added, referring to the number of asylum seekers from the Middle East. "It will focus their attention on trying to resolve the situation at its source and that will include a military and political solution in both Syria and Iraq."

Comment: More bombing equates to more refugees. The psychopaths-that-be are dragging the world into this Middle East bloodbath that has no end. For more insight read Russian boots on the ground in Syria? Middle East mayhem intensifies.


Russia's MAKS air show results in $5.3 billion of aerospace contracts

MAKS Airshow
© Sputnik/ Maksim Blinov
Russia's largest and most popular international air show MAKS-2015 has wrapped up on Sunday, with contracts signed worth over $5.3 billion in six days.

About 760 companies from 35 countries took part in the annual show, officially called the International Aviation and Space Salon. The show took place in the city of Zhukovsky, Moscow Region, on August 25-30. Over 404,000 visitors attended the salon.

In 2015, MAKS proved that despite the current political tensions between the host country and the Western states and the economic difficulties Russia is facing, the interest in Russia's aerospace products, technologies and the country's aerospace market remains particular.

Noteworthy Deals

Aircraft manufacturing giants, such as Boeing and Airbus along with world-famous aerospace firms were presented at MAKS, actively participating in negotiations with Russian counterparts from the industry and government officials.

The absolute majority of the deals were signed in the first three days, where the first one featured arrival of Russian President Vladimir Putin and the second two were dedicated exclusively to business.

Mostly signed in the civilian aerospace sector, many deals had to do with Russia's Superjet-100 (SSJ-100), a short-to-medium-haul passenger plane developed by Sukhoi aircraft manufacturer.