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Lavrov: 'Nobody in their right mind would want war on Korean Peninsula'

© Daily Express
"I don't think that anyone who is in his right mind would like to start a war on the Korean Peninsula. Not only Russian, but also American experts and American officials voiced the assessments of the consequences [of a potential Korean conflict], including the enormous loss of human life," Lavrov said in an interview with RT.

Moscow hopes that there are people in the US who understand the need "to defuse" the tension over North Korea and turn to a political and diplomatic solution, the foreign minister added.

Washington, Lavrov believes, wants to strangle North Korea until it submits. Moscow will not back such an approach and will continue to seek a way to integrate North Korea into the world community, not isolate it. "You can't strangle North Korea. You can't impose a total blockade," he said.

In September, Moscow received a signal from Washington that the US wanted dialogue and that military drills on the Korean Peninsula would be postponed until spring 2018, Lavrov said. However, Washington later announced new military drills in autumn and North Korea responded to them "with a new missile." The minister was referring to the North's test of its Hwasong 15 rocket, which Pyongyang claimed to be an intercontinental ballistic missile (IBCM).

Arrow Up

Iranian MPs support a bill to recognize Jerusalem as the Palestinian capital

© Amir Cohen / Reuters
Iranian MPs have overwhelmingly voted in favor of a bill that would see Jerusalem recognized as the capital of the Palestinian State during a parliamentary session Sunday.

The motion was backed by 187 of the 233 deputies, with 15 voting against and 9 abstaining, Iranian media reported. The measure will become Article 1 of the new legislation that stipulates Iran's support for Palestine which the parliament will debate over the next two days.

On Thursday, the UN General Assembly voted overwhelming in favor of a non-binding resolution declaring the US recognition of Jerusalem as Israel's capital "null and void." Earlier this week, the American ambassador to the UN, Nikki Haley, vetoed a draft UN Security Council resolution, which also rejected Donald Trump's declaration.

Iran's Foreign Ministry said the US veto was no surprise for Tehran because of America's "racist and hostile policies that unilaterally back" Israel which has occupied Jerusalem since 1967. The "provocative and unwise decision" underlined the "lack of compliance with international resolutions" by the Americans, ministry spokesman, Bahram Ghasemi said as cited by the Mehr news agency.

The Iranian state "strongly condemns this move and urges all countries and the international community to prevent its implementation to preserve international peace and security," he added.

Russian Flag

Russian nationalists want holiday to celebrate victory over terrorism in Syria

Russians on parade
© Dmitriy Vinogradov / SputnikKhmeimim air base, Syria
Liberal Democratic Party lawmakers have drafted a proposal to celebrate December 11 as a national holiday marking the victory of the Russian armed forces over international terrorism in the Middle East.

The bill published on the lower house website on Monday reads that the date was chosen because on December 11 this year, Russian President Vladimir Putin made a personal visit to the Russian Air Force base at Khmeimim in Syria. Putin announced that the military operation against Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS) and its allies in Syria had ended in victory, and ordered the withdrawal of the main part of the Russian military group.

"It was the Russian military that saved not only the Middle East but also the world as a whole from this terrible threat and contributed to the preservation of Syria as a state," the authors of the bill wrote. "Russian military servicemen destroyed the largest nest of terrorism in the world. This was not just a victory over a small group of terrorists, it was a victory over international organized terror, unlikely to be repeated in future."

Ornament - Blue

Lavrov says no new 'Iron Curtain' between Russia and US

US President Donald Trump and Russian President Vladimir Putin
© Sputnik Photo Agency / Reuters
There is no new "Iron Curtain" between Russia and the US, the Russian Foreign Minister said, predicting that relations between the two world powers will improve, though time which could have been used to mend ties has been wasted.

"I don't think that the term 'Iron Curtain' could be applied to Russia-US relations at the current stage," Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told RIA Novosti on Monday.

However, a number of actions had been taken by the American side which did not help to warm US-Russia ties, the top diplomat said. Among others, he noted economic sanctions imposed on Moscow and seizure of its diplomatic property on American soil, as well as restrictions placed on Russian media.


Lavrov to RT: Reports on US training 'ex-terrorists' in Syria concerning

A convoy of US forces armored vehicles near the northern Syrian city of Manbij
© Delil Souleiman / AFPA convoy of US forces armored vehicles near the northern Syrian city of Manbij
Anti-terrorist missions should not be used to topple governments, Russian Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov told RT, adding that Moscow has been concerned by recent reports of the US training former terrorists in Syria.

"Attempts to profit from anti-terrorist objectives - which should be common, unified and without double standards - are disturbing," Lavrov said. These objectives should not be used to promote one's own agenda, including "changing unwanted regimes," he added.

Comment: See also: Lavrov on US foreign policy: '"We have strength and don't need diplomacy"


Lavrov on US foreign policy: '"We have strength and don't need diplomacy"

Trump Tillerson
© Michael Reynolds / ReutersRex Tillerson (L), US President Donald J. Trump (R)
In an exclusive interview with RT, Russian FM Sergey Lavrov explained the US shoots itself in the foot when it fails to stick to its promises. Going back on the nuclear deal with Iran won't make Pyongyang agree to a similar one.

The veteran Russian diplomat had an hour-long exchange with RT, discussing the state of global affairs as seen from his position. On several occasions he lamented the state of American diplomacy, apparently sacrificed to the needs of the shifting political agenda in Washington.

One vivid recent example is the crisis in the Korean Peninsula, where the Trump administration chose a heavy-handed approach instead of a negotiated solution, Lavrov said. "I cannot fail to remark upon a trend that we have seen over the past few months. The situation is serious enough that shedding some light on the American approach to the issue is not only proper but necessary," he said.

"In September the Americans signaled that they were prepared for dialogue and didn't plan any military exercise until spring [2018] and that the North Korean leadership should keep calm too. This natural pause before spring could be used to establish some kind of dialogue. We translated this signal and it was not rejected."


Russian government unanimously approves bill to crack down on pedophiles

Sexual crimes against children by persons who take advantage of their official position will be punishable by up to 15 years in prison

pedophilia rings
Russia's government unanimously approved a bill on Monday toughening up criminal responsibility for child molesters even far as life imprisonment.

Deputy Speaker of Russia's State Duma (lower house) Irina Yarovaya authored the initiative. The bill proposes a life sentence for any sexual assault against children under 14 years of age, which results in grave consequences affecting their health or life.


The mindset of the "Ideological Drone"

Patriot America Shotgun flag waving
My recent analysis of the potential consequences of a US attack on the DPRK has elicited a wide range of reactions. There is one type of reaction which I find particularly interesting and most important and I would like to focus on it today: the ones which entirely dismissed my whole argument. The following is a selection of some of the most telling reactions of this kind:

Example 1:
North Korea's air defenses are so weak that we had to notify them we were flying B1 bombers near their airspace - they didn't even know our aircraft were coming. This reminds me of the "fearsome" Republican Guard that Saddam had in the Persian Gulf. Turns out we had total air superiority and just bombed the crap out of them and they surrendered in droves. We have already seen what happens when an army has huge amounts of outdated Soviet weaponry versus the most technologically advanced force in the world. It's a slaughter. Also, there has to be weaponry up the USA's sleeve that would be used in the event of an attack. Don't forget our cyber warfare abilities that would undoubtedly be implemented as well. This writer seems to always hype Russia's capabilities and denigrate the US's capabilities. Sure, Russia has the capacity to nuke the US into smithereens, and vice versa. But if its a head to head shooting war, the US and NATO would dominate. FACT.

Comment: Behind the Headlines: 'Containing' Russia-China and Global Economic Collapse


Guatemala announces plans to relocate its embassy to Jerusalem

Despite the furore over Washington's controversial decision to recognize the sacred city of Jerusalem as Israel's capital, Guatemala has decided to follow suit, announcing plans to relocate its embassy from Tel Aviv.

Tel Aviv
© Ammar Awad / Reuters
Following a phone conversation with Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu Sunday, the President of Guatemala, Jimmy Morales, announced his decision to move the embassy to Jerusalem.


Targeting Iran: Washington's pre-war demonization formula is in full swing

Nikki Haley
© CLIFF OWEN/APU.S. Ambassador to the U.N. Nikki Haley speak in front recovered segments of an Iranian rocket during a press briefing at Joint Base Anacostia-Bolling, Thursday, Dec. 14, 2017, in Washington. Haley says “undeniable” evidence proves Iran is violating international law by funneling missiles to Houthi rebels in Yemen. Haley unveiled recently declassified evidence including segments of missiles launched at Saudi Arabia from Houthi-controlled territory in Yemen.
U.S. Ambassador Nikki Haley's grandiose performance in front of the UN on December 15 should send shivers down the spines of those who remember Colin Powell's equally disturbing performance in the months leading up to the 2003 invasion of Iraq. This is just the beginning of the a new media campaign against Iran with regime change as the end goal.

The United States has had Iran in its crosshairs for decades and current media coverage indicates that US-Iranian relations are only getting worse. In 1953, the CIA overthrew Iran's democratically elected leader, Mohammed Mossadegh, and replaced him with a brutal U.S.- and U.K.-backed dictator, Shah Mohammad Reza Pahlavi. As is typically the case with covert CIA operations, the U.S. had other concerns when it made the decision to lead a coup against Iran's democratically elected government and opted for a dictatorship instead. As explained by The Guardian:
"Britain, and in particular Sir Anthony Eden, the foreign secretary, regarded Mosaddeq as a serious threat to its strategic and economic interests after the Iranian leader nationalised the British Anglo-Iranian Oil Company, latterly known as BP. But the U.K. needed U.S. support. The Eisenhower administration in Washington was easily persuaded."
The Shah's subsequent reign and stranglehold over Iran sowed the seeds of anti-Western discontent. The Iranian people overthrew the Shah in the historic 1979 revolution, and have almost completely rejected Western influence ever since. Shortly afterward, the U.S. backed Saddam Hussein in Iraq to take out Iran in a nonsensically brutal conflict that lasted close to a decade, nearly killing off an entire generation. Further, the U.S. knew Saddam Hussein was using chemical weapons against the Iranian people and enabled him to do so - all the while secretly selling arms to the Iranians in order to maximize the death toll.

Comment: Western media narratives can not only be debunked about Iran:

Alleged Threat of Iranian Nukes is Hysterical Nonsense Because Iran Doesn't Have a Death Wish

but also about North Korea:

What You're Not Hearing From The U.S. Media About North Korea's Missile Tests