Puppet MastersS


Trump offers sanctuary cities an "unlimited supply" of illegal immigrants

trump immigrant sanctuary cities
© NBC"They always say they have open arms. Let's see if they have open arms."
Trump said the Border Patrol is apprehending thousands of people every day and because of current law they are only allowed to be held in custody for 20 days before being released into the U.S.

"But we could fix that so fast if the Democrats would agree," Trump said. "But if they don't agree, we might as well do what they always say they want. We will bring the illegals... to sanctuary city areas and let that particular area take care of it, whether it is a state or whatever it might be."

"California is certainly always saying they want more people, and if they want more people in their sanctuary cities, we will give them more people," Trump quipped. "We can give them an unlimited supply. And let's see if they are so happy."

"They always say they have open arms. Let's see if they have open arms."

Comment: Nancy Pelosi has an attack of NIMBY:
A scuttled White House proposal to release immigrant detainees in San Francisco and other sanctuary cities triggered a fierce backlash Friday from Democrats including House Speaker Nancy Pelosi, whose office called the idea "despicable."

The Washington Post first reported that the White House proposed sending the detainees to sanctuary cities, including Pelosi's district, twice in the last six months. The proposal was first floated in November amid reports of a large migrant caravan from Central America making its way to the southern border. The idea was again considered in February, amid the standoff with Congress over a border wall.

"The extent of this Administration's cynicism and cruelty cannot be overstated," Pelosi spokeswoman Ashley Etienne said in a statement Friday. "Using human beings-including little children-as pawns in their warped game to perpetuate fear and demonize immigrants is despicable, and in some cases, criminal."

She added: "The American people have resoundingly rejected this Administration's toxic anti-immigrant policies, and Democrats will continue to advance immigration policies that keep us safe and honor our values."

Officials stressed that the plan never went anywhere.

A source familiar with the discussions also told Fox News that Democrats who advocate leniency toward illegal immigrants should work with the administration to find ways to transport those set for release, including in their states and districts.

The proposal was apparently rejected both times it came up by immigration agencies.
Hollywood had its meltdown:

While sensible people pointed out the obvious:

Tucker Carlson calls out the hypocrisy:


Is Julian Assange another Pentagon Papers case?

daniel ellsberg, pentagon papers
Before WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange gained asylum in the Ecuadorian embassy in London in 2012, he and his British legal team asked me to fly to London to provide legal advice about United States law relating to espionage and press freedom. I cannot disclose what advice I gave them, but I can say that I believed then, and still believe now, that there is no constitutional difference between WikiLeaks and the New York Times.

If the New York Times, in 1971, could lawfully publish the Pentagon Papers knowing they included classified documents stolen by Rand Corporation military analyst Daniel Ellsberg from our federal government, then indeed WikiLeaks was entitled, under the First Amendment, to publish classified material that Assange knew was stolen by former United States Army intelligence analyst Chelsea Manning from our federal government.

So if prosecutors were to charge Assange with espionage or any other crime for merely publishing the Manning material, this would be another Pentagon Papers case with the same likely outcome. Many people have misunderstood the actual Supreme Court ruling in 1971. It did not say that the newspapers planning to publish the Pentagon Papers could not be prosecuted if they published classified material. It only said that they could not be restrained, or stopped in advance, from publishing them. Well, they did publish, and they were not prosecuted.

Comment: See also:


Will Russiagate mastermind John Brennan ever face justice?

John Brennan
The Great Russia Deception all began with John Brennan. It was Brennan who reported "contacts... between Russian officials and persons in the Trump campaign", just as it was Brennan who first referred the case to former FBI Director James Comey. It was also Brennan who "hand-picked" the analysts who stitched together the dodgy Intelligence Community Assessment (ICA) (which said that "Putin and the Russian government aspired to help...Trump's election chances.") And it was Brennan who persuaded Harry Reid to petition Comey to open an investigation. At every turn, Brennan was there. He got the ball rolling, he pulled all the right strings, he whipped up a mood of public hysteria, and he excoriated the president at every opportunity. For those who want to know where Russiagate began, look no further than John Brennan.

Here's a bit of what Brennan told the House Intelligence Committee during his testimony in 2017:
"We were uncovering information and intelligence about interactions and contacts between U.S. persons and the Russians. And as we came upon that, we would share it with the bureau."
Brennan's statement clarifies his role in the operation, he was providing the raw intelligence to Comey and Comey was reluctantly following up with surveillance, wiretaps, leaks to the media, and the placing of confidential informants in the Trump campaign. It was a tag-team combo, but Brennan was the primary instigator, there's no doubt about that.

Comment: Others agree. Brennan's role in this fiasco should be rigorously investigated.

See also: Devin Nunes has ample cause to submit a criminal referral for CIA Director John Brennan

Eye 2

Assange was sold for $4.2 BILLION - Former Ecuadorian President confirms IMF loan in exchange for Assange

Assange Correa
© RTJulian Assange talks with Ecuador President Raphael Correa in May 2012
Former and much loved Ecuadorian President Rafael Correa has accused Ecuadorean President Lenin Moreno of suspending the asylum of cyber-activist Julian Assange in order to obtain a loan from the International Monetary Fund (IMF).

Correa said that there is evidence of the agreement and that Moreno, who Correa selected at his successor, has promised to "hand over" Assange in a 2017 meeting with Paul Manafort, former US campaign chief to Donald Trump.

Former President Correa, who broke with Moreno, also commented on visits to Ecuador by US Vice President Mike Pence.

At these times, Moreno would have promised to "help isolate Venezuela, leave the Chevron oil corporation, a company that destroyed half of the Amazon rainforest, unpunished, and to deliver Assange."

Comment: Correa has since been booted off Facebook, aka CIA-book.


Professionals only: Military conscription in Russia to become a thing of the past - Putin

© Sputnik / Vitaly AnkovConscript at the enlistment office in Vladivostok
As the modern military faces more complicated challenges and obtains advanced technologies, it requires a transition to a professional army, said President Vladimir Putin.

"Compulsory military service slowly becomes a thing of the past," he said, adding that "it takes time and appropriate financing" to make it happen.

"But this trend exists and we will move in this direction," Putin stressed.

However, many countries don't abolish compulsory military service completely because militaries have a lot of unskilled work to do, he added.

Comment: See also:

Light Saber

Russia statement: Assange's persecution sends freedom of speech & journalists' rights into 'oblivion'

Maria Zakharova
© Global Look Press / MFA RussiaThe Russian Foreign Ministry spokesperson Maria Zakharova
The Russian Foreign Ministry has said the manner in which the UK government executed the arrest of WikiLeaks co-founder Julian Assange is demeaning to human dignity, and his long-running persecution is a blow to journalism.

Commenting on the arrest and detention of the publisher in the UK on Thursday, the ministry's spokesperson, Maria Zakharova, condemned the British authorities for manhandling the 47-year-old Assange as he was being hauled out of the Ecuadorian Embassy in London.

"The manner in which this operation was executed leaves a total impression of a flagrant and unconcealed neglect for the human dignity of the arrestee," she said, adding that Moscow hopes all of Assange's rights would be respected.

Comment: Other public figures have spoken out:
Lee Camp has unloaded on mainstream media in a fiery speech in defense of WikiLeaks co-founder Julian Assange. He said that by staying silent, they put a nail in the coffin of press freedom they themselves used to enjoy.

The host of Redacted Tonight addressed a crowd of protesters outside the UK Embassy in Washington, DC.
If you are not going to stand up for freedom of press, freedom of speech, stand up for your own goddamn job, then. How about that?

Fashion doyenne, activist and long-time friend Vivien Westwood:
Fashion designer Vivienne Westwood has blasted UK authorities for "misrule of law" over the arrest of Julian Assange, telling RT video agency Ruptly she had spoken to the whistleblower just days ago inside the Ecuadorian embassy.

The British designer and activist, who is a friend of Assange's, told Ruptly that she saw Assange on Tuesday and was surprised to learn rumors of his impending arrest were true. Westwood said she had read in the press that Ecuador would not kick Assange out of the embassy, but said Assange told her during the visit that his removal was indeed imminent.

She said Assange told her Ecuador was in a "very weak" position and under "such strong pressure from America that they're just waiting to find an excuse and they will arrest me either tomorrow or definitely within two weeks. That's what he said to me on Tuesday," she said.
"This is about human rights, free speech and misrule of law by government, because what's at stake here. The issue is that Chelsea Manning and Julian [Assange] released American war crimes. Chelsea the whistleblower, Julian the publisher - and that's what this is about."
Westwood said she blames England for the situation, saying "England have kept him in that embassy trapped under total false pretenses" for years.

Earlier on RT, Westwood said Assange was "one of the greatest heroes in the world."

Eye 2

Journalists worried as new UK law could send citizens to jail for going to terror hotspots

West Bank
© Reuters / Nayef HashlamounAn Israeli soldier (L) checks the press identification of Reuters cameraman Mazen Da'na in the West Bank
New UK counter-terrorism legislation could see Britons face up to 10 years in jail if it's proven they have entered or remained in a "designated area" overseas, as free press campaigners warn British journalists face arrest.

Coming into force on Friday, the Counter-Terrorism and Border Security Act 2019, will give UK border guards enhanced powers to stop and search individuals without suspicion, on the grounds of tackling "hostile state" activity.

UK ministers unveiled the sweeping new proposals last year in a bid to tackle the threat from so-called foreign fighters. The act allows Home Secretary Sajid Javid to designate an area, dependent on parliamentary approval.

Comment: So long as they're pushing the government narrative, they'll be fine, for everyone else, this new law is in line with the UK's tip toe towards totalitarianism:

Bad Guys

The real victims of Trump-Russia collusion hoax: Those smeared as 'Russian agents'

Michael Flynn
© Chip Somodevilla/Getty ImagesFormer White House National Security Advisor Michael Flynn arrives at the Prettyman Federal Courthouse in Washington on Dec. 18, 2018.
When President Donald Trump declassifies all the FISA-related documents-as he has vowed to do-we'll see a most sordid story of how top FBI and Justice Department (DOJ) officials launched a politically motivated "counter-intelligence" investigation of the Trump campaign, using confidential informants who were sent to entrap innocent people.

For two years, the Spygate plotters and some media outlets inside the DNC Media Complex coordinated together to sell the U.S. public the hoax that the "Crossfire Hurricane" investigation started with verified evidence that Trump's campaign was compromised by agents of the Russian government.

Much of this hoax was centered around the now-infamous "Steele dossier," the political opposition research project of former MI6 official Christopher Steele, who was paid by the Hillary Clinton campaign through the political operative firm Fusion GPS to target Trump and his associates with fake allegations of Russian collusion.

Comment: Now that the whole Russian collusion hoax has been brought to light in the mainstream media, it is also time to expose the fact that Russia never played a part in interfering with the US elections in the first place! The whole of Russiagate was built on a gigantic pack of lies.

Snakes in Suits

Top US envoy to Iraq warns against collaborating with Iranian Revolutionary Guard

United States Department of State
© CCC BY 2.0United States Department of State
People can have relations with the Islamic Revolution Guards Corps or with the US and "its financial system," not both, top US envoy in Baghdad said.

Joey Hood, the US charge d'affaires in Iraq, warned Iraqi militia groups Wednesday against receiving support and otherwise collaborating with Iran's Islamic Revolution Guards Corps, which the US recently designated as foreign terrorist organization, Kurdistan 24 reported.

"This designation makes it clearer and clearer that people can have a relationship with the problematic parts of the Iranian government, like the IRGC, or they can have a relationship with the United States and our financial system, but they cannot do both at the same time," Joey Hood said in an interview.

Comment: Sputnik reports:
Hezbollah: We Have 'Many Cards Up Our Sleeve' to Respond to US Over IRGC Move
Iran revolutionary guard
© AP Photo / Ebrahim Noroozi
The statement comes after earlier this week US President Donald Trump stated that Washington would recognise IRGC as a foreign terrorist group. The designation marks the first time that the US has formally blacklisted another country's military as terrorists.

The head of the Lebanese movement Hezbollah, Hassan Nasrallah has rebuffed Washington's decision to designate Iran's Islamic Revolutionary Guards Corps (IRGC) as a terrorist organisation, accusing the United States of being the main source and sponsor of terror in the world.

And they'd be right.

"US impudence and folly went beyond limits when it branded Iran's IRGC as a terrorist organisation. The force has made a great deal of sacrifice in order to stand against the US and Israeli hegemony in the region. We, hereby, condemn the US decision, and express our support for our friends at the IRGC", Nasrallah said on Wednesday evening.

He also noted that the move was a concession to Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in the wake of elections in the country.

"Blacklisting the IRGC and Hezbollah is a proof of our strength not weakness. It is our fundamental right beside a humanitarian and moral duty to confront all those who threaten us and our achievements. The resistance front has many cards up its sleeve to respond to US sanctions and measures", the Hezbollah chief added.

Addressing Washington's decision earlier this week, the Iranian Supreme National Security Council accused the US government of supporting terrorism and recognised the US Central Command (CENTCOM) as a terrorist organisation.

IRGC is a branch of Iran's Armed Forces that was founded in 1979 in order to struggle against left-wing opposition groups. Today IRGC has a wide range of responsibilities such as domestic security, overseeing the activities of political, social, and non-governmental organisations, private companies and firms as well as preventing foreign interference.
Evidently the US is incapable of accepting that these ultimatums, more often than not, spectacularly fail:

Bad Guys

CNN tries and fails at creating conspiracy theory over Ruptly's exclusive shot of Assange arrest

assange arrest Ruptly
© RuptlyJulian Assange is dragged from the Ecuadorian embassy by British police
If you've seen the pictures of a frail Julian Assange being carried out of Ecuador's London embassy like a bearded battering ram by a gaggle of coppers, then you did so courtesy of video agency Ruptly.

Normally the identity of the video agency that provides news footage is not worthy of a story in itself, but Ruptly has one distinctive factor which sets it apart: it's Russian. Even worse, it's Russian and it's a subsidiary of RT.

CNN appears so shocked that the footage of Assange being manhandled "wasn't captured by leading UK broadcasters like the BBC, Sky News or Independent Television News (ITN)" that it wrote a story headlined "How a Russian-owned media outlet landed the first video of Julian Assange's arrest."