Don't Panic! Lighten Up!S


Obama an entry in latest slang dictionary

Obama cool_01
The sixth edition of "UCLA Slang" is being published this month and it is just "presh!"

The book is released every four years by linguistics professor Pamela Munro and her students at the University of California, Los Angeles (UCLA).

Munro said the lighthearted dictionary is put together using a methodical process that starts with students collecting slang from friends followed by a detailed analysis to make sure submissions are spelled and defined correctly.


Best of the Web: The Constitution Says Obama Can't Be President. And Neither Could Reagan

© mrssatan.blogspot.comObama's ofishill birth cert
Barack Obama's birthday is tomorrow (or is it?) and in the spirit of gift giving, I've got something for the 28% of Republicans who don't believe Obama was born in America: An invitation to common ground.

Here's the first place we can agree: It would be nice if the president would ask Hawaii to release his original, long form birth certificate.

There are all kinds of perfectly good moral, legal and political reasons why he shouldn't, but, frankly, I'm still tuckered out from all the perfectly good moral, legal and political reasons Hillary Clinton wouldn't release the Rose Law Firm billing records.

I'm not going through that hell again.


Satire: Cambridge Cop Accidentally Arrests Henry Louis Gates Again During White House Meeting

Washington - Upon arriving late to his meeting with President Barack Obama and famed African-American intellectual Henry Louis Gates, Cambridge police officer James Crowley once again detained the distinguished Harvard scholar after failing to recognize the man he had arrested just two weeks earlier, White House sources reported Thursday.

"When I entered the Oval Office, I observed an unidentified black male sitting near Mr. Obama, and in the interest of the president's safety, I attempted to ascertain the individual's business at the White House," Crowley said in a sworn statement following the arrest.


Moscow Patriarch Kiril shows off 30,000 euro watch, preaches moderation in consumption

During Moscow Patriarch Kiril prayer at the Volodymyr Hill in Kyiv a VIP.glavred photographer took a photo of the watch Kiril was wearing. It is a Breguet, costing between 28,000 and 36,000 euros, depending on the seller.

Light Sabers

Video: Indo-Pakistan Standoff: the conflict enters its 11,680th day

Mr. Potato

William Shatner does Sarah Palin

Last night on The Tonight Show with Conan O'Brien, former Alaskan Governor Sarah Palin's farewell speech was the subject of an amusing tribute by none other than the infamous William Shatner.

Whether you're a Sarah Palin fan or not, the William Shatner Sarah Palin farewell video is a golden bit of political satire to love or hate.

Mr. Potato

Video clip comparing Palin, Santa Cruz woman popular on Huffington Post

One of the most popular video clips featured on the Huffington Post this week is a comical comparison between former vice presidential candidate Sarah Palin and a woman who gave nonsensical testimony in front of the Santa Cruz City Council last year.

As of Tuesday, the Post had registered more than 300 comments about the video montage called Sarah Palin v. That Crazy Santa Cruz Lady. The clips juxtapose various comments Palin made about nature during an event in Alaska, and a string of non sequiturs from an unidentified speaker at a May 13, 2008 Santa Cruz council meeting.

A link to the Post video was also the most-viewed and most-shared item on the Sentinel's Web site Tuesday.

Cow Skull

Teen escapes jail over bomb hoax

White House Crime Scene
© n/a
A British teen-ager who phoned the White House and claimed as part of a "drunken prank" that there was a bomb in the center of New York, escaped jail on Monday.

Thomas Hutchinson, 19, from Sheffield, northern England, made a "giggling" call to the White House switchboard after drinking with friends at a barbecue last May, and claimed there was a bomb in Madison Square Garden.

The operator pressed a malicious call trace button and it was found to have been made in Britain.


British 'mayor' seeks fireplace in Chicago

England's honorary "mayor of Barton" is asking Chicagoans to check if their home fireplaces were ever owned by Queen Elizabeth I.

Martin Kirby, a newspaper columnist from Barton, England, who was awarded the "mayor" title -- an honorific Barton traditionally reserves for "the biggest fool in town" -- said the 500-year-old fireplace was last seen in 1907, when it was purchased for $1,200 by a Chicago collector, the Chicago Tribune reported Monday.


New service lets Jews tweet a prayer to God

Judaism's holiest prayer site has entered the Twitter age.

The Western Wall can now be accessed through the networking service, allowing believers anywhere to have their prayers placed between its 2,000-year-old-stones without leaving home.

The Tweet Your Prayers Web site says supplicants' messages will be printed out and taken to the wall, joining the thousands of handwritten notes placed by visitors who believe their requests will find a shortcut to God.