© D Minton/R MalhotraThe distribution of rocks in the asteroid belt has retained traces of the migration of the giant planets billions of years ago, a new simulation suggests.

Today's asteroid belt may have been shaped by a tumultuous period in the early solar system when Jupiter and Saturn moved out of their original orbits, a new simulation suggests. Ultimately the work could help refine a picture of how quickly the planets moved and where they got their start.

Recent studies have suggested that many objects in the solar system were reshuffled nearly 4 billion years ago. Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune, are thought to have been born close together before gravitational interactions with numerous pieces of rocky debris changed their trajectories.

Their movement then caused the rocky debris to scatter like bowling pins, potentially explaining what battered the Earth, Moon, and Mars with so many craters some 3.8 billion years ago.

Now, this same reshuffling might explain the appearance of the main asteroid belt between Mars and Jupiter.

Several grooves in the belt seem to be empty of asteroids. Called Kirkwood gaps, they are thought to be cleared of debris by Jupiter's gravity, which causes any objects orbiting there to move chaotically. Saturn's moons have produced similar gaps in the planet's rings.

David Minton and Renu Malhotra at the University of Arizona in Tucson wanted to reproduce the asteroid belt and its gaps in a computer simulation.

Shifting position

Using the current orbits of the giant planets Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune, the team was able to roughly replicate the observed distribution of asteroids over a simulated period of some 4 billion years.

But they had much better luck when they started out with the best estimates of where the giant planets were early in the solar system's history. The four planets are thought to have started out relatively close together. Then, Jupiter moved inward while Saturn, Uranus and Neptune moved outward.

"We're able to produce an asteroid belt that's much more like the observed asteroid belt than a model that only uses the giant planets in their current positions," Minton says.

Eroding belt

In this version of the simulation, two of the belt's gaps showed a distinct signature: a sharp inner edge and a smeared out, relatively empty outer edge.

That is what would be expected if Jupiter carved the gaps as it migrated towards the Sun. In that case, the gaps' inner edges represent where Jupiter stopped in its migration, says Minton. Such a gap "profile" is a closer match to the observed asteroid distribution than the team's other simulation using the planets' current orbits, he adds.

Saturn's outward migration also seems to have left its imprint on the asteroid belt. But in Saturn's case, it was on the inner edge of the entire belt - not the gaps. At the belt's inner edge, asteroids were lost because their orbits were destabilised by the natural wobble of Saturn's orbit over time. This erosion continued as Saturn moved outward, so that the inner edge of the belt is determined by the Ringed Planet's current orbit.

Migration speed

In the simulation, the belt lost 62% of its original population of asteroids due to the migration of the giant planets. But some estimate that the real asteroid belt actually lost some 90 to 95% of its asteroids.

The slower the planets' migration, the more asteroids will be lost due to gravitational interactions with them. "If the planets were migrating too slowly, you wouldn't have an asteroid belt," Minton told New Scientist.

By refining the model, astronomers could get a better sense of how long the migration took and where the planets got their start, he adds.

And if cast-out asteroids are responsible for the Late Heavy Bombardment that pounded the Earth, Moon, and Mars 3.8 billion years ago, modelling the belt could also help determine how long the outburst might have lasted.

Journal reference: Nature (vol 457, p 1109)