When men yield up the privilege of thinking, the last shadow of Liberty quits the horizon.
Something related to Trump, and (if true) another surprising and unexpected move :[Link] Unconditionally pardoning Snowden ...
On the topic of things falling from the skies... 'Indigo Skyfold: Some Chemtrails Are Allegedly Part of a Strategic Defense Initiative Missile...
That headline should read : "US democrat deep state redirects weapons to Mexico, to battle the Trump deep state at home" There are no...
Why does Trump resonate so, both positively and negatively, with the American and broader western public It's called conditioning, dumb ass. 30+...
that full disclosure of the assassination documents could compromise "sources and methods" of intelligence gathering, and unfairly implicate...
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Reader Comments
Does it seem to you that there has been an increase in the amount of severe flooding worldwide? I was thinking if we got that much precip here in Canada in the winter months, we would be buried 'til next year.
Ionized particles impacting our atmosphere from all of the solar flares & coronal mass ejections lately go a long way to increasing cloud cover, accelerating storms and amplifying the condensation of atmospheric water. Combine this solar output with Earth's weakening magnetic field and you increase the impact ionized particles have on Earth's atmosphere.
Our Sun will remain at high output for another year or so as its magnetic field flips, signalling its descent into an expected solar minimum in another ten years.
Solar watchers have been surprised by the number of sun-spots and overall solar activity this cycle because it was supposed to be rather weak - not the powerhouse we are seeing today.