Depending on which part of the universe astronomers measure, the cosmos seems to be growing at different rates — a problem scientists call the Hubble tension. Measurements taken from the distant, early universe show that the expansion rate, called the Hubble constant, closely matches our best current model of the universe, while those taken nearer to Earth threaten to break it.
Now, a new study using the gravitationally-warped light of a 10.2 billion light-year distant supernova has revealed that the mystery could be here to stay. The researchers released their findings in a series of papers in The Astrophysical Journal. The Hubble tension calculations have also been accepted for publication in the journal, and are posted in a paper on the pre-print database arXiv.
"Our team's results are impactful: The Hubble constant value matches other measurements in the local universe, and is somewhat in tension with values obtained when the universe was young," co-author Brenda Frye, an associate professor of astronomy at the University of Arizona said in a statement.
Currently, there are two gold-standard methods for figuring out the Hubble constant. The first involves poring over tiny fluctuations in the cosmic microwave background, an ancient relic of the universe's first light produced just 380,000 years after the Big Bang. This method enabled astronomers to infer an expansion rate of roughly 67 kilometers per second per megaparsec (km/s/Mpc), which closely matches predictions made by the standard model of cosmology.

In the new studies, astronomers pointed JWST's near-infrared camera (NIRCam) at the galaxy cluster PLCK G165.7+67.0, also known as G16, which is located 3.6 billion light-years from Earth. There, they spotted three distinct points of light that came from a single type IA supernova whose light had been both magnified and bent, or gravitationally lensed, by a galaxy in front of it.
Type Ia supernovae occur when the material from one star falls onto the embering husk of a dead star, known as a white dwarf, leading to a gigantic thermonuclear explosion. These explosions are thought to always happen at the same brightness, making them "standard candles" from which astronomers can measure far-off distances and calculate the Hubble constant.

By studying the time delays between the dots and plugging them, alongside the supernova's distance, into various models of gravitational lensing, the researchers produced a Hubble constant value of 75.4 km/s/Mpc, plus 8.1 or minus 5.5 — flatly contradicting the standard model once more.
The calculation is unlikely to be the final word on the tension, with other research groups pursuing their own lines of investigation into the cosmic conundrum. For their part, the researchers behind the new studies say that they will continue to gather vital clues from other exploding stars found around the galaxy.
Reader Comments
I mean come on - fudge factors only go so far....
Just like string theory is already proven wrong - but the mean ones stuck in ideology have turned into demented physicist - and that does not lead to better ideas.
The "Big Bang" is unprovable, tis nothing but an absolute presupposition - but I think I can prove it wrong and if you doubt that then I will provide more evidence....but why should I when the gauntlet is now being put down and the zigaboos are in the corner of their own destruction - self fulfilling ironically - let them burn in hell forever for all the harm they cause - and that is evidence enough.
You asked for it:
Good one!
But if you can't follow the logic of that you must not have a mind of your own!
Black holes are figments of imagination - proven.
Cause to be frank about it guard for her - not a one of us has ever experienced a black hole sensory wise - ergo - they are mathematical imagination based upon calculus which is flawed at the edges - do really cast dispersions when you can't refute the logic I reckon and that makes for a poor guard.
Now - if you have experienced a black hole up close - as perceived the likes to Stephen whats his name - then prove it - otherwise - the proof is above - black holes do not exist - they are figments of mathematical imagination from dimwits I reckon based upon flawed calculus and self-fulfilling elitist full of ego harmful,.
It is SHE
In-Breath/in.spirit inspire
Out-Breath/ex.spirit expire
The big bang is our consciousness made visible to the naked 👁
The black hole is our shadow 💣💥
palestine MCsnacks
6 and on top the 9
That's ... a dolphin 🐬 ?
hmmm after having superposed the 9 to the 6, do we need to turn it right/left, by chance?!
I discovered it about 2 months ago. It is a very popular symbol.
Night & Day
Tesla's 3/69 and 3 drawn with a backwards (flipped over) 3 is our infinity sign.
VooDoo6 How we were intelligent, sooo longgg ago!! What happened?!! 💩
Let me draw it and come back to you
I am never in astrology so it wouldn't reach my mind, but absolutely the cancer sign
Ha! The infinity sign came to me as I typed. Probaby your inspiration that I picked up on. Too funny!
What conclusion do you draw from the cancer sign? I cannot find back the original topic; I suppose you were using several occurrences of 6 and 9 to make a point
I believe in astrology so would be happy to understand what you have to say in this case
november 19 if i remember
I gave it away.
The scarab beetle got its name from the Egyptians who named it after the comet that hit the planet. Since the beetles make dung into a ball and roll it. The beetle is found in hieroglyphs next to Khepri who was the sun God who came across the sky. It was Egyptian slang for the shit(Krap) was about to hit the fan.
Scar-ab means rock that impacted the sea.
Sasnava means to fall from above making everything perish in order to refresh or create a new beginning. From the expression "out with the old, in with the new."
Infinite- to exist within a place that has no beginning or ending.
Maybe it was just Medical Science thats cast.
Excellent description of my B.Gita résumé.
2000 years, as explained in the Bhagavad Gita
[Link] - see the link.
I give no heed either way being we don't even understand the biome in our guts - how the hell we gonna understand the universe if we don't understand our own bodies?
My main point was merely that no-one really knows. Even within "mainstream" cosmology the choices are: expand & subsequently contract
expand & stop
expand & keep expanding until heat death.
IIRC some of those depend on knowing the overall shape of the universe as a whole; which we don't.
Many of the other tenets of mainstream cosmology rely heavily on the big bang, which is, unfortunately, just a theory. There are alternate explainations for much of what is considered "evidence" for the big bang.
Finally: I don't really care what any theory that ONLY relies on gravity has to say about our universe. The EU folks may not have everything right, but I also don't believe they have everything wrong. And recent history indicates that EU theory may have some merit.
Although grudgingly "mainstream" has had to admit:
- that the sun is responsible for auroras on earth. (If you're over ~55 then this happened in your lifetime.)
- that solar system wide coherent magnetic fields can exist.
- that galactic scale coherent magnetic fields can exist.
And so on.
My bet is that in 200 years (or less) all of the "great" theories of today will be looked upon with the same regard we hold for epicycles today.
Moreover, I place the same bet as well - my guess is that it is going to be way less than 200 years - in fact, I bet it will be in the lifetime of most of those sharing here.
Warm Regards,
toipup1 Nature is Balance Beauty Power Prosperity, a 'white' person relates to LIGHT, a NATUREd individual. In harmony with life herself.
No wonder we have such a mess and the pharmaceuticals are Boss.
Robes + skin colour are roles & costumes however.
Meaning, we can't emit different than what's going on inside.
2000 years OUT-Breath Pause
Feel it, embrace it, love it - know this - the trees in the forest old know better - breathe in breathe out two-legged ones - the forest knows.
No prisoners will be taken.
the wolfpack is on the hunt....
Kalki (Sanskrit: कल्कि), also called Kalkin, is the prophesied tenth and final incarnation of the Hindu god Vishnu. According to Vaishnava cosmology, Kalki is destined to appear at the end of the Kali Yuga, the last of the four ages in the cycle of existence (Krita). His arrival will mark the end of the Kali Yuga and herald the beginning of the Satya Yuga, the most virtuous age, before the ultimate dissolution of the universe (Mahapralaya).
In the Puranas, Kalki is depicted as the avatar who will rejuvenate existence by ending the darkest period of adharma (unrighteousness) and restoring dharma (righteousness). He is described as riding a white horse named Devadatta and wielding a fiery sword. The portrayal of Kalki varies across different Puranas, and his narrative is also found in other traditions, including the Kalachakra-Tantra of Tibetan Buddhism.
Certainly would be an improvement as we already know who plays Ahriman - Satan.
None of the Chaos was organic that I lived & witnessed.
Chaos theory - Butterfly Effect says;
When the present determines the future but the approximate present does not approximately determine the future.
The truly creative changes & the big shifts occur right at the edge of Chaos.
Cheers & Namaste’ 🦅🔥🏹
Humanity has all their eggs in one basket, Cosmology. It might be looking for definitive answers to the origin of life, in all the wrong places.
Our thoughts shape our reality.
Keep in mind that the people very same people who claim to have walked in the Moon flat out lied.
Keep in mind the very same people who pimped Aliens into our consciousness via various venues, methods, Dream Factory Movies, Egregore’s such as “LAM” are precisiously the same ones promoting pseudo-sciences, myths, folklore.
Lastly to keep it in the actual real perspective versus imaginary perspective NASA document the Future of Warfare 2025 is about & killing people - depopulation not exploring, expanding peaceful & virtuous endeavors, not quite the contrary.
I have a very accurate & complete understanding of the current UN-I-VERSE I’m in currently. The people running it currently couldn’t give two shots about me, my dogs or other’s in their UN-I-VERSE.
They are conquers first & last.
Constellations tell the story Orion/Nimrod.
Creatures of the mountains and seas I fashioned in white limestone and alabaster, and set them up at its gates. I adorned it, and made it glorious, and set ornamental knobs of bronze all around it. I fixed doors of cedar, cypress, juniper and neskannu-wood in its gates. I took in great quantities, and placed there, silver, gold, tin, bronze and iron, booty taken by my hands from the lands which I had conquered.
That would be an understatement of this epoch.
Far, far, far bigger optics than this distraction.
I completely reject the version of the UN-I-VERSE they are pimping until they explain WTF they are actually doing to humanity. There is zero moral accountability or consideration for the zcience they are doing.
It’s all about perspective.
Our thoughts shape our reality.
Keep in mind that the people very same people who claim to have walked in the Moon flat out lied.
Keep in mind the very same people who pimped Aliens into our consciousness via various venues, methods, Dream Factory Movies, Egregore’s such as “LAM” are precisiously the same ones promoting pseudo-sciences, myths, folklore.
Lastly to keep it in the actual real perspective versus imaginary perspective NASA document the Future of Warfare 2025 is about & killing people - depopulation not exploring, expanding peaceful & virtuous endeavors, not quite the contrary.
I have a very accurate & complete understanding of the current UN-I-VERSE I’m in currently. The people running it currently couldn’t give two shots about me, my dogs or other’s in their UN-I-VERSE.
They are conquers first & last.
Constellations tell the story Orion/Nimrod.
Creatures of the mountains and seas I fashioned in white limestone and alabaster, and set them up at its gates. I adorned it, and made it glorious, and set ornamental knobs of bronze all around it. I fixed doors of cedar, cypress, juniper and neskannu-wood in its gates. I took in great quantities, and placed there, silver, gold, tin, bronze and iron, booty taken by my hands from the lands which I had conquered.
You are LORD of your H.OM.E 🎯
The Hidden Divine Message:Every perfect object of Nature is identical.
Hence, there should be a consistent mathematical design or a constant.
Eko-Ham-Bahusayam: We (Ham) are One (Eko) and we shall manifest (Sayam) as many (Bahu).Aham-Brahmasmi: I (Aham-Human Being) am like (Asmi) Brahma (Creator-God).
Hidden Divine Message:
The Golden Ratio:
Between Tenth (55) and Eleventh (89) sequence.89/55 = 1.618181818.
Now, let me share a dialogue with Antaratma (Voice of Silence).The Voice of Silence:
Critically analyze the well-known and accepted Golden Ratio.
The Golden Ratio (Phi): 1.618033988749895.
Intuitive Questions and Intuitive Answers:
The Golden Ratio is called Divine Proportions.The Divine Nature is perfect.Are the never-ending infinite numbers of digits of the Golden Ratio perfect?
The universe may be infinite, but every perfect object of the universe and Nature is finite.
Hence, there should be limited numbers of digits of the Divine Golden Ratio.
Now, let us contemplate further.
The Golden Ratio is a set of two ratios.
Is it, 1:1.618033988749895, the perfect Divine Golden Ratio?
The integers of the well-known Golden Ratio are not consistent.
Hence, what is the perfect and most approximate decimal value of the Divine Golden Ratio?
The Voice of Silence:
Divyank Ratio (The Divine Golden Ratio): 1:1.618034.
It is equal to 38.1966% and 61.8034%.
What is so unique?
38.1966 + 61.8034 = 100.00The square of 61.8034 is equal to 3819.66025156, almost a hundred times the value of 38.1966%.0.025156 is insignificant and can be ignored.
Is this precision seen in any other ratio?
No Way!
The Conclusion:1:1.618034 is the perfect and most approximate decimal value of the Divine Golden Ratio and Divyank Ratio.
It is being revealed for the first time
.Michael Mestilinus had talked of the inverse value of -61.8034 long back.
Unfortunately, it was not taken to a conclusive level and proven with conclusive scientific evidence.
A New Higher Dimension:The Genesis of Divyank, the Divine Constant.The Voice of Silence:
How are the perfect objects of the universe and Nature developed?
The Biological Sciences:
According to biological sciences, the stages of development of perfect objects of Nature are,The first stage of creation.
The second stage of development.
The third stage of maturation.
The Ancient Indian Spiritual Science:
According to the Vedas, Upanishads, and ancient Indian wisdom,Lord Brahma represents the first stage of creation and is equal to 22/21.
The ten incarnations of Lord Vishnu represent ten stages of development.
Lord Shiva represents the third stage of maturation, five elements (Panch-Bhutas), and is equal 0.34419.
The Sum:Divyank: ((22/21)10.34419)=1.61803
4.The Confirmation:
Divyank, the Divine Constant, was confirmed with the help of IBM SPSS version 21.
Now, let us contemplate Divyank, the Divine Constant.
The Scientific Proof and Evidence: The Study of Human Cells According to medical sciences, under the compound microscope, we see the following three parts of the cell.
Cell Membrane.Cytoplasm.
Under the electron microscope, we see the following parts,Cell Membrane: It consists of seven independent parts.Cytoplasm: It has seven organelles.Nucleus: Seven parts.The Sum: There are 21 parts in a normal healthy human cell.
Ch-IRON sharpens IRON