"There's absolutely no legitimate basis whatsoever for Iran to launch a military attack against Israel, which it continues to threaten," the senior official says in a briefing with reporters.
"There's been a sense out there that somehow, Iran now has the right to attack Israel militarily, and we completely reject that logic," he adds.
Comment: Rejecting logic hasn't been helping the US-Israel much.
The senior Biden administration official says the US is prepared for any contingency. "We have moved an awful lot of military force into the region, including F-22s that arrived today... We're doing all we can to deter such an attack, to defeat an attack if it comes, and also to demonstrate to Iran that there's a better path forward here than a military attack."
Earlier today, Biden met in the Oval Office with Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin to review US military deployments to help defend Israel from an attack against Iran, the official adds.
Comment: This is quite the charade, because Biden struggles to even string a sentence together.
"The consequences of such a direct attack could be quite significant, including for Iran and Iran's economy, which I know their new government is concerned about," the senior official adds.
Comment: Actually, given the regions supply of oil, as well as it being a key avenue for shipping, the consequences of an escalation could be just as devastating for the West, if not more so.
Moreover, Iran isn't alone in the region, nor is it the only one due to retaliate - because the two assassinations also effected Hamas and Hezbollah - unlike the the pariah state of Israel and the invading forces of the US: Russian forces commander arrives in Syria, plans to meet with US-backed SDF and Syrian gov to end tensions
Note that US troops are already dying amidst the increased tensions: US soldiers injured in rocket attack on Iraqi base; 2 US National Guard killed in Baghdad days earlier