"'The rule of law is under threat!' the Regime shrieks, as it throws its political foes into the gulagThe florid carbuncle of Woke-Maoist lawfare weeps its vile effluvium across the social landscape, poisoning whatever it touches, and nothing in the armory of reason, principle, or good faith avails to heal it. Sickness rages through the body politic. You have lost faith in all the doctors, and they have lost faith in themselves. The fever intensifies. The crisis is upon us. Which way will fate turn us? Toward death or recovery?
— Benjamin Weingarten
The poison killing our country is pervasive untruth. Every institution we have relied on to run the public interest has become a factory churning out lies, evasions, and misdirection — not unlike the way mRNA "vaccines" turned the cells in your bodies into tiny generators of spike proteins destroying your organs. Likewise, half the population, apparently, thinks this is a good thing, that we need more lawfare — the perversion of law by attorney perverts — and that we need ever more lies, evasions, and misdirection (just as the degenerates who run Harvard declare their student body needs more mRNA boosters to remain in school).
Since the doctors have all failed — miserably and dishonorably — America needs an exorcism. The poisons in our system are actual persons carrying out their programmed assignments, just as the spike proteins in the bodies of millions act as individual agents of destruction in your body. What possible invocation can drive out the likes of Mayorkas, Christopher Wray, Avril Haynes, William Burns, Merrick Garland, Lisa Monaco, Marc Elias, Norm Eisen, Jack Smith, Jake Sullivan, Marc Zuckerberg, Mandy Cohen, Rachel Maddow, Daniel Sachs Goldman, Jamie Raskin, Mitch McConnell, Charles "Chuck" Schumer, "Joe Biden" (the remnant of a person, after all), and a thousand others in high places behaving in a way indistinguishable from demons?
What explains their devotion to untruth? What motivates them? Can it possibly be the mere perqs and comforts of their positions? Are they answering a call? And who is issuing that call? Or are they just trapped by their many years of lying continually, fearful of getting cast into prison? Are you asking yourselves: what will satisfy these maniacs? Anything short of the ruin of our country? What will their coveted power be worth in a ruined country?
Mr. Trump volunteered to play role of exorcist in this grand psychodrama. Whatever else you make of him, he has shown a lot of fortitude. Eight years ago, when he came on the scene, he appeared to not know that his opponents were actually demons seeking to wreck the country; rather just low persons sunk in the most common venial corruption, and others mere zealots steeped in futile utopian fantasies of perfecting the flawed human condition. He learned eventually the that the situation was more dire than he ever imagined. His opponents came after him hard from the get-go and keep coming at him. Russia is the knout they use in the attempt to flay him alive.
"Russia Russia Russia" has been one long, elaborate lie. They're going at it again, pretending that Mr. Trump seeks Russian help interfering in the fall election, despite the plain fact that all previous invocations of "Russia Russia Russia" were revealed to be untrue, and maliciously so — and that all the actual election interference originated with the gang shouting "Russia Russia Russia." It looks like more than half the country is refusing to fall for it this time. Thus, the resort to lawfare, the five cases (so far) designed to bankrupt Mr. Trump and gain a felony conviction for objecting to the election shenanigans of 2020.
The lawfare claque around "Joe Biden" — Mary McCord, Lisa Monaco, Marc Elias, Norm Eisen — tutored the likes of Letitia James, Fani Willis, and Alvin Bragg to bring these cases in jurisdictions ruled by the votaries of Abraxas, the gnostic demon-God that drives the Party of Chaos. New York Attorney General Letitia James won the first round with an utterly truthless case, decided despotically by Judge Engoron without a trial, that, for now, has created awful tactical problems for Mr. Trump. He may adroitly overcome the $355-million judgment to bring his appeal, and at some point up the ladder of review, Ms. James will be subject to the disgrace and punishment she deserves. Ms. Willis already has been wrung through her tribulation and revealed herself to be an experienced and dedicated liar unfit to bring the case that was gifted to her by the lawfare orcs. Mr. Bragg's idiotic case based on a tortured chimera of state and federal law, will be served up soon with a pre-determined outcome.
What all these cases have in common is that they were concocted as if no such thing as consequence exists. The first consequence for the stupid office-holders duped into bringing these cases is that they will be dishonored and broken by their bad choices. The second consequence is that they will deepen the suppressed racial animosity in our country — as designed heinously to do by the white leftist elitists manipulating these black state and county attorneys — and possibly drive us into tragic race war to complete the destruction of our country they've wished and worked for.
The special counsel Jack Smith federal cases, on the other hand, look like a complete bust. The one in the DC federal district court under Judge Chutkan is unraveling on its obvious lack of merit, its misapplication of the statutes cited, and Mr. Smith's illegitimate appointment under the rules governing special counsels. The so-called Mar-a-Lago document case in Florida appears to have been a smokescreen for the FBI's attempt to repossess documentary evidence of its own criminal role in the 2015-to-2019 RussiaGate caper. I predict Judge Aileen Cannon will end up dismissing the whole thing as, in effect, a DOJ-sponsored hoax on the court.
This battle has a long way to go. It is clearly a battle of good against manifest evil. The evil side has done its thing — waged war on the American people — by working overtime to systematically derange your minds. Next, they will seek to go after whatever money you still have, whatever things of value you possess, and whatever remaining liberties you enjoy. Pay attention as events unspool.
Reader Comments
Weak & not even close to the Hermetic Alchemy Putrefaction philosophical true meaning of the actual terms & their meaning.
“In order to know the light, we must first experience the darkness.”
“One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious.”
“Knowing your own darkness is the best method for dealing with the darkness's of other people. One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious. The most terrifying thing is to accept oneself completely. Your visions will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.”
In alchemy, albedo, or leucosis, is the second of the four major stages of the Magnum Opus, along with nigredo, citrinitas and rubedo. It is a Latinicized term meaning "whiteness". Following the chaos or massa confusa of the nigredo stage, the alchemist undertakes a purification in albedo, which is literally referred to as ablutio – the washing away of impurities. This phase is concerned with "bringing light and clarity to the prima materia (the First Matter)".
PIn this process, the subject is divided into two opposing principles to be later coagulated to form a unity of opposites or coincidentia oppositorum during rubedo.
Alchemists also applied it to an individual's soul after the first phase is completed, which entailed the decay of matter.
In Medieval literature, which developed an intricate system of images and symbols for alchemy, the dove often represented this stage, while the raven symbolized nigredo.
Black & White.....
"Knowing your own darkness is the best method for dealing with the darkness's of other people. One does not become enlightened by imagining figures of light, but by making the darkness conscious. The most terrifying thing is to accept oneself completely. Your visions will become clear only when you can look into your own heart. Who looks outside, dreams; who looks inside, awakes.”
know thyself...then one questions: But how master... what is dark versus light? Shades of grey are where we all live today.
when I hiked up the mountain they checked on me...pretty much every time...why?? 6th sense we've lost and they have...
That is as close to God as I got...
Divorce changed that...
Now I live where I've had an eagle fly low over my head slowly and look down, on several occasions in the last couple months... it's very spiritual... nothing matches it.
Search for it....
Shhhh, of course if too many people figured it out that would be the end of organized religion & the Babylonian $ MAGI-ck show now wouldn’t it.
Remember the founders of quantum physics figured it out when we had real science.
The first gulp from the glass of natural sciences will turn you into an atheist, but at the bottom of the glass God is waiting for you.
All matter arises and persists only due to a force that causes the atomic particles to vibrate, holding them together in the tiniest of solar systems, the atom.
Cheers & Namaste’ on your journey & path wherever you end up 🦅🌞🦋🐝🔥🌻
Man I sure did. It was a boomer & bloomer for me in the PNW. Very clear, intense & strong from my Bird’s eye perch. 🌕🌝
“Snow Moon“ tonight also 2/24 [Link]
From my location last night it didn’t appear smaller at all. Very clear, bright & intense.
Enjoy ! 🌝🌕
my mind had deeper thoughts and it healed my cold.
That's why we're here.
Father of Lies’ and Worship of Man Occultism [Link]
“The Plan: a homogenized religion (globohomo) that would substitute for the worship of God, called the “worship of man.” The worship of man is rooted in many primitive cults. Such philosophies appeal to the lower instincts, and engender hate, malice, deceit. They are the basis of occultism today.” 🤡💩🎪
El-ite Luciferian goal is to destroy these ancient truths and building blocks with transgender and block chains...
Remember we are now all just bricksbin the wall.
Yes “BRICS’” in the wall. Which is still their system just the other flip side of it.
All great truths start as blasphemies.
Conspiracy theorist’s replaced/juxtaposed Heretics who were exposing truth & light to the darkness.
All & any censorship equates to digital mutilation of the tongue by the dark Lord (Baal)…
Twistory repeats itself in another time & space continuum - quantum entanglement proof of concept. 🤡💩🎪
Snow Moon - [Link]
Let me know what you think. It was way intense last night here in the PNW.
I could definetly feel its effects in my body & mind last night.
All his legal issues will disappear in due course, to the cheers of the deluded.
Of course, he never lies ...none of 'his own' cabinet, the intellectual and aggressive swarm who were to clear that swamp.
He wanted Assange dead, which would have damaged the operation by the CIA, et al., to demonise whistlebowers and journalists.
He employed someone to sit his college entrance exam for him ... In D&D terms, he has Intelligence of 6 and Charisma of 19 (18, magically enhanced!)
He never had follow through.
What awaits the USA? It's like POTUS has been bought and paid for, but the electoral system and democracy works, right?
There was a piece that appeared on SOTT a couple of days ago around 7 am PST. On a quick reading, t found it intelligently critical of Trump, and there were 3 or 4 weak rebuttals from a SOTT commentator throughout. I made a mental note to find the article and comment on it later, and unfortunately didn't note the title or author. But when I went back in to do that, the entire article had disappeared. Interesting, eh?
I agree with that, however Kunstler misses the point. All of this is engineered. All of the players are paid actors, with some extortion and bribes involved. None of these players Kunstler enumerates have any morality at all.
Trump, for all the reasons you cite, is an effing politician, but people who "like him" don't care. And I'm supposed to respect people's thinking abilities, let alone anyone's "authority?" Not for a second!