"It might be worth asking for it, as it used to be with the Regained Territories," Skrzypczak said, referring to the eastern German territories incorporated into Poland after the defeat of Nazi Germany. "It might be worth asking for this Kaliningrad region, which, in my opinion, is part of the territory of Poland."
After the defeat of Nazi Germany in World War II, its East Prussia region was split between the Soviet Union and Poland. The USSR got roughly one-third of the region's land, including the city of Konigsberg (known as Kaliningrad since then), establishing the modern Kaliningrad region. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, the region remained a Russian enclave, bordering Poland and Lithuania.
The bold claim voiced by Skrzypczak was blasted by Russian officials, with Kaliningrad Governor Anton Alikhanov stating that the Polish general was apparently seeking a return to the 17th century. Back then, the Duchy of Prussia was a vassal of the crown of Poland, but was never an actual part of Poland.
"I just don't understand how Prussia turned into Poland in the general's mind," Alikhanov told the Komsomolskaya Pravda newspaper. "This, of course, is amazing. East Prussia is, strictly speaking, Germany. We remember this, apparently unlike the general."
Given the history of modern Poland and its lands, Warsaw should not seek to change borders and voice territorial claims, Alikhanov warned.
"If all these generals are that 'smart' then we can remember all sorts of different historical moments, quite recent, not beyond the 20th century," the official said. "And we will come to a conclusion that a very large part of land that is now Poland, in fact, was conquered, claimed from Nazi Germany and transferred as a gift from the Soviet to the Polish people."
Reader Comments
But the general's statement was not without sense. Because she raised another point. Well, 1/3 of Ukraine is the oldest Polish territory, and Lviv is the oldest capital of Poland. They are now located in Ukraine, and before that, some 30 years ago, they were part of Russia.
The question that Ukraine could be dismantled and Poland would regain part of it, i.e. its oldest lands, has been raised more than once.
I do not know how it will end, Ukraine seems dysfunctional as a state after 30 years of existence, it seems that they cannot cope, especially with "gifts from the west"
I'm just explaining the situation.
Visit Poland! Your car is already there.
there was a Polish family dun thought the world was gainst them.
For good reason they reckoned and they went on their way to better times.
Anywhere besides Poland they thought and next thing you knew
they was in Russia.
Well lucky for them they were received with open arms and all got to know one another.
Then a story was told from the past when a country was split betwixt two without the country mentioned knowing.
When the Poles heard this story told, then knew twas bout their country and they wondered?
When will we remember the beauty of Poland?
A wind blew at that moment and the beauty of Poland was remembered by all and never again was Poland to be the victim of ambitious neighbors.
Then the timbers in the fire diminished and all slept well that evening with dreams of Peace on their minds.
A man goes into the Bank of Gdansk to make a deposit. Since he has never kept money in a bank before, he is a little nervous.
"What happens if the Bank of Gdansk should fail?" he asks.
"Well, in that case your money would be insured by the Bank of Warsaw."
"But, what if the Bank of Warsaw fails?"
"Well, there'd be no problem, because the Bank of Warsaw is insured by the National Bank of Poland."
"And if the National Bank of Poland fails?"
"Then your money would be insured by the Bank of Moscow."
"And what if the Bank of Moscow fails?"
"Then your money would be insured by the Great Bank of the Soviet Union."
"And if that bank fails?"
"Well, in that case, you'd lose all your money. But, wouldn't it be worth it?"
This idea of stealing reserves is a cancer upon humanity and Pandoras box is opened and fierceness is on the way big time. What you expect when you play around with derivative instruments that mock zero and infinity. Not smart.
Local banks and local business are where the future beckons.
In Nystad, King Frederick I of Sweden formally recognized the transfer of Estonia, Livonia, Ingria, and Southeast Finland (Kexholmslän and part of Karelian Isthmus) to Russia in exchange for two million silver thaler, while Russia returned the bulk of Finland to Swedish rule.
2 million yefimkova with the weight of the coin in 1721 28 grams – it is 56 tons of silver. For comparison, we can say that the firstborn of the Russian battleship fleet 52-cannon battleship “Poltava” cost sovereign treasury in 35 thousand ethenimks, and that includes the cost of cannons. Thus, Peter I sent to Sweden the amount sufficient to equip a mighty fleet of 56 battleships. The annual budget of Russia in those years was about 4-5 million rubles (or Yefimkova, silver ruble was minted from Joachimsthaler), so the king sent the Swedes half the entire budget of the country. At the same time, “Financial Statistics of Sweden in the period 1719-2003,” says that in 1721 the budget of the country was about 6 million Swedish dalleurs, or 2 million ethenimks. Thus, the Swedes received from Russia an amount equivalent to their annual budget.
The money was paid in full, as in February 1727 the new Swedish King Frederick I gave the Russian ambassador in Stockholm, Prince Vasily Dolgorukov, a receipt for the acceptance of Sweden two million thalers – in full.
Reminds me of a children’s film. [Link]
What you think about that idea?
And since we are discoursing, what do you think are the chances of the Lady Wolfpack to win it all?
I'm curious.
The best children's book is also a book adults would be advised to study. Funny thing is the generations coming up know better I suspect and I put my faith in them, but that is because I played a part in the play and I put more than faith in it.
I’m still getting over the Bengals loss…
And I think a return to the good ‘ol barter system would be ideal.
All this I owe you shit in the form of legal tender hasn’t worked out too well has it? Return to good faith deals and work alongside each other rather than compete.
Title of that story: "Over 100,000 [Poles] slaughtered [by Ukrainians] with axes, pitchforks, scythes and knives: The Wołyń massacre started 76 years ago today and lasted for two years"
Excerpt: "Ukrainian attacks against Poles intensified on 11 July 1943. At the crack of dawn that day Ukrainian insurgent detachments, supported by local Ukrainians, simultaneously surrounded and attacked 99 Polish villages in the Kowel, Włodzimierz Wołyński, Horochów and Łuck districts.
"The Ukrainians ruthlessly slaughtered Polish civilians and destroyed their homes.Villages were burned to the ground and property was looted. Researchers estimate that on that day alone the number of Polish victims may have amounted to some 8,000 people, mostly women, children, and the elderly.
"The genocidal massacre carried out on that day has gone down in history under the name of Bloody Sunday, and it was undoubtedly one of the darkest chapters of the Wołyń Crime.
"The murders were committed with incredible cruelty. Many were burnt alive or thrown into wells. Axes, pitchforks, scythes, knives and other farming tools rather than guns were used in an attempt to make the massacres look like a spontaneous peasant uprising.In the blood frenzy, the Ukrainians tortured their victims with unimaginable bestiality. Victims were scalped. They had their noses, lips and ears cut off. They had their eyes gouged out and hands cut off and they had their heads squashed in clamps. Women had their breasts cut off and pregnant woman were stabbed in the belly. Men had their genitals sliced off with sickles."
You won't even think that this is the same political game as in the releases of Mr. Biden and many others!
They are politicians, they don't want or want to remember something, not people! If I were to get to know Americans only through the statements of politicians or films, I would say that Americans are complete idiots ... is it like this or not? ;-)
And all the media in the US is 95% controlled by only 6 corporations, and all of them are headed and majority-owned by Jews. [Link] That means newspapers, TV channels, movie studios, magazines, radio stations, everything. All of it belongs to only 6 Zionist organizations. That is why 95% of Americans are so ignorant. Not stupid - ignorant.
However, it must not be forgotten that politicians or the media ARE NO LONGER TRANSMITTERS OF TRUTH!
You'd better listen to ordinary people, so long as they are there, where the report comes from. It cannot be that a blogger from Japan comments on what is happening in Ukraine. This is assumed to be false.
In Poland, there is such an advantage of all this that planes do not fly in such a mass, and from the beginning of the war we have practically cloudless clear skies, that's the truth :-)
Do you want a bit of truth about Ukraine?Please. I've seen this movie before, that's how it is now.
"Brother ....
brother, are you alive?
What a female dogs
Give me my flower the first aid kit!
I'm on my way, I'm on my way
Come on over here !!
... a fucking nation !!!
Flower quickly !!!!
FAST TO ME !!!!!!!!
RIFLES !!!!!!
sound of guns ...
What is their tactic?
It is a gang that stops one car by force at first.
He kills everyone and leaves their bodies in the way.
Then the gang hides into the forest.
Each successive car that comes along and wants to help the victims becomes their next prey.
They just wait for everyone to get out of the car and be lit by the headlights of their own cars!
Then they open fire.
When dawn is approaching or they just get cold.They go to cars and rob dead bodies, take cars.
It is a terrible perfidy. The goal is not only to steal, but is a sign.
"This is how you end up with what they want to help!"