Alexander Dugin
Alexander Dugin at Multipolarity: Greater Eurasia vision โ€” Discourse of Thinkers Forum (Beijing 02.07.2019)

Comment: Notes from a talk Alexander Dugin gave at the Discourse of Thinkers Forum in Beijing on 2nd July 2019.

Map of Unipolar world (UPW) is
Map of Unipolar world

Map of Multipolar world (MPW) is
The acceptance of Russia-Eurasia as independent pole is here crucial. The sovereignty of Russia is what makes the world multipolar. But the main essence of multipolarity is the fact that Russia alone is not enough to transform UPW into MPW. Four Poles - USA, EUROPE, CHINA and RUSSIA are sufficient to establish MPW. India comes next. The MPW grants independence to other potential Poles.

MPW is based on the principle of multiplicity of Civilizations. It is real substantial diversity.

Today at least two poles of multipolar world are explicitly present : Russian (political will, geopolitics, territory, weapons, strategy, resourัes) and China (economy, political unity, culture, ethics, social justice, geopolitics)

Poles under construction:
  • USA, accepting multipolarity (or at least political realism) can be third pole
  • (may be most powerful one)
  • India have demographic, economic and political condition to form other pole
  • EU refounded on the ground of European civilizations
  • (outside of globalist ultraliberal ideology) - Populist Europe - can be another pole
  • Islamic societies can create other Pole (or rather few particular Muslim Big spaces โ€” 1. Maghreb/Middle East - Arab, 2. Turkish, 3. Persian (shia) 4. Pakistani, 5. Indonesian)
  • Latin America integrated can be considered as potential pole (Bolivar-Peron projects)
  • Pan-African Union is another candidate
multi polar world
The main principles of multipolar world order:
  • Philosophically: real pluralism, diversity, multitude of subjects
  • Anthropologically: inclusive humanism, multinaturalism
  • Geopolitically: complex system of regional powers (Gross Raum)
  • Economically: free trade without (neo) liberal dogmatic
  • Politically: diversity of political systems (depending on historical traditions of each people)
  • Culturally: positive acceptance of different identities
multi polar world
Historical challenge for Russia and China:

Construction of Multipolar World Order (MWO) based on global cooperation, peace and justice

We need to begin forming the philosophy of multipolarity that should replace the liberal globalist theory (end of history, Western hegemony, world capitalism, unipolarity and so on)

The basis of the MPW is Russia-China multipolar alliance. If there is such alliance, MPW exists already today. Russia is one of the two major nuclear powers. China is one of the two major economic powers. If we unite Russian and China in multipolar alliance, MPW is already here. India joins immediately after. Entrance of India and Pakistan in SCO is symbol of great importance.

BRI project when it includes Russia, is precisely the decisive step toward this multipolar alliance. Putin recently suggested to link to BRI Northern Polar Road. So BRI goes eurasian.
greater eurasia
Putin said liberalism is obsolete:
  • If you agree we need concentrate on Multipolar Idea
  • If you disagree you have no future
Alexander Dugin
Alexander Dugin