Syria's Conoco Gas Plant
© Google MapsSyria's Conoco Gas Plant
Reports have emerged that the US military are attempting to block the Syrian government from reaching ISIS-held gas and oilfields in Deir Ezzor's countryside.

The US forces were reportedly airdropped on the Conoco Gas Plant to the northeast of Deir Ezzor city, as seen in the above map.

It has been confirmed however by Al-Masdar News CEO, Leith Fadel, that US troops were airdropped on the Taybeh Oil Field.

This comes as only yesterday Fort Russ News reported with detailed maps on the race between Syrian government forces and US-backed Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF) race to reach Deir Ezzor's rich oil and gas fields.
Syrian army deir ezzor map oil fields
© MurasalonAs seen in the above Murasalon map, the Syrian Army are pushing their offensive against ISIS directly to oilfields they control.
It is unclear at this moment if the SDF were involved in today's airdrops.