Donald Trump
© Carlos Barria/Reuters
US President Donald Trump's decision to launch a missile strike on the Syrian military after an alleged chemical attack in Idlib brings back a series of tweets from 2013, when Trump urged then-President Obama not to go into Syria in a similar situation.

Back in 2013, Donald Trump, who was a real estate mogul and reality TV star before becoming president, strongly and repeatedly opposed then-President Barak Obama's intention to go into war with Syria after chemical attacks were blamed on Syrian government troops. The escalation was defused at the time when the Syrian government gave up its chemical munitions stockpiles, and Obama backed down.

However, today's President Trump seems to be doing everything Trump-2013 criticized Obama for.

The cost of the strike on the Syrian military airbase, which was ordered without Congressional approval, is estimated to be between $30 million and $100 million, depending on which modification of the Tomahawk cruise missile was used.

Back in 2013, Trump repeatedly told Obama not to go into Syria.

Three Syrian servicemen and two civilians were killed in the attack, according to Syrian officials.

Back in 2013, Trump highly doubted that US citizens would benefit from such an attack.

That "more important" day has seemingly arrived during his own presidency.

The only thing that today's President Trump seems to have in common with his 2013 counterpart is his intention to be sneaky and strike Syria "by surprise."