scarecrow GMO
© www.ufo-blogger.comThanks, Monsanto, for killing our food...
According to the United States Department of Agriculture, genetic engineering of US corn, beets and soy has increased from 65 percent in 2006 to a shocking 90 percent in 2013. Why do so many countries around the world outright reject GMOs when America is forcing them down the throats of the general population without so much as a label for the victims to distinguish? If the word victim sounds drastic, it's time to consider just what it is humans are consuming on a daily basis, and how it shows up in hundreds of thousands of food items and ingredients sold in just about every store.

Consider this: What if confusion was for sale -- would you buy some? Most bees that touch down on pesticides end up unable to locate the honeycomb and they just die. Could GMOs be the culprit of most Alzheimer's and Parkinson's? Your food may be able to withstand heavy doses of herbicides and pesticides, but can you? Your cells may be mutating as you read right now, but there's a way to repair them. First, turn off the TV and throw away the newspaper. You won't find the "repair mechanisms" there. Throw away all of your "commodity crops" that are present in 70 percent of the processed foods found on grocery store shelves.

Next, if you have a smart phone, get the free phone app "Fooducate" (pronounced like educate) here and you can scan the barcodes of all food products to find out instantly if they are GMO. Yes, this is a great tool on the battlefield of the "Food War."

Then, check out GMO labeling laws in 64 different countries around the world, including China, Brazil, Japan, Portugal, South Africa and the entire European Union.

Last year in the USA, 52 GMO labeling bills were proposed in 26 states. Maine and Connecticut are two of those success stories requiring labeling of "Frankenfoods" and serving as beacons of truth about the health detriment of consuming pesticides.

biohazard crop
© foodfreedomgroup.comWhat's in YOUR refrigerator?
Frankenfoods deserve that label!

The warning on all GMO foods in America should say, "Consume Frankenfoods at your own risk," and have the list of side effects that have already been proven on animals in laboratories, including cancerous tumors. Frankenfoods are foods that warp cells because they contain bug and weed killer. Frankenfoods are foods that contain DNA from organisms that would never normally "breed" or mix with crops, much less be fused into the genes. Frankenfoods grow pesticide in your gut -- instead of feeding healthy bacteria and turning on your enzymes, they're shutting them down with carcinogens!

In 2012, French scientist Gilles-Eric-Seralini discovered that GM feed (corn) given to animals caused specific issues with kidney and liver function. Of course, "Big Food" tried to discredit him and his team's profound research, but they failed to bury it. Seralini's research is now part of history and vital information for consumers who want to know the truth about Frankenfoods like US corn, soy, canola, cottonseed, beets and alfalfa. Biotech wants to hide the truth -- they are heavily vested in the ultimate "Ponzi scheme" called the Affordable Care Act.
Americans are supposed to invest their hard-earned pay in sick care that prescribes chemicals for chemical food sickness -- GMO toxic blood. You can't "cut out" GMO, unless you stop eating and drinking it.
Still, GMO Propaganda Ensues

Did you know that the USDA, the FDA and the EPA do not perform their own independent research on GMOs, that they actually rely on the companies that create it?! Do you believe that Monsanto would ever say or report anything bad about the billions of dollars they stand to make each year off selling Frankenfoods that go completely unlabeled and invade most staple food? Guess what? You have a right to know everything that's in your food, no matter what! You could be allergic to GMO! Check now. Here's the allergy test -- take it: