Is mind control via thought substitution possible? If it is, and if it's being used, what can we do to protect ourselves?
The number of methods of mind control has proliferated as funding for research has expanded.
Here, I want to consider what could be called thought substitution, one ongoing facet of this research.
My conclusions on this subject come from accounts of modern mind control research, which utilize forms of
signal-broadcasting aimed at the brain.
More importantly, I'm drawing on my observation of the differences among people, when it comes to their
awareness of their own thoughts and emotions.
First of all, we need to make the distinction between passive and active people. Passive people are either sedentary or going through the motions in life.
They are easily controllable, and it doesn't take sophisticated electronic measures to do the job.
Television, a few tranquilizing drugs, peer pressure to conform, and the game is over.
Such people will also mistake the invasion of outside thoughts for their own. It doesn't really matter where the impulses come from or who delivers them.
By active people, I mean
those who are passionately pursuing conscious objectives. They know why they're doing what they do. They have energy. They're inventing their own futures. They're aware of repressive forces in the world.
They're also quite familiar with their own feelings and thoughts.
Yes, mad scientists can affect these people via electronic harassment, no doubt about it - just as you can affect someone by kicking him in the ribs. But this is no monumental scientific achievement.
The early CIA MKULTRA programs were all about harassment and torture and disorientation, utilizing high-dose drugs, isolation, threats, hypnotism, and the provoking of fear.
The combination of these elements, according to witness (victim) statements, could result in programmed personae. Multiple personalities. But it should be understood that
the primary driver in this operation was fear/pain - the very same combination that made the Catholic Inquisition successful.
Active people, as I define them here...could they be fooled into believing that electronic signals aimed at their brains are really their own thoughts?
This is an important question. And I must say, too many casual observers are eager to jump on the bandwagon and assert that, yes, this is eminently probable.
But I point out, mind control is not just about planting suggestions,
it's also very much about slipping them past a person's overwhelming history of knowing how his own thoughts feel.That's the kicker. That's the limiter.
The eager beavers who want to believe, full bore, in the efficacy of thought substitution, would rather not consider this limiter. But they should.
Active people would instantly become aware that an idea masquerading as their own is a charlatan. And they would reject it.Researchers are attempting to use a person's own brainwaves - capturing them and then outfitting them with thought-impulses and broadcasting them back to the brain. This is an effort to carry off a grand deception.
However, thought isn't, for some people, a gross and crude activity. It has many subtleties and nuances.
And in its original and primary form, thought is not a material phenomenon at all.
It doesn't start from the brain. The brain carries it forward, but the brain is an intermediary device.
Thought begins in a space that has no physical characteristics at all. Thought at its core isn't physical.
What I'm discussing here isn't mystical. Mystical is actually presuming that the brain is the seat of all consciousness.
So...what form of mind control can work against the non-physical? And now we're back in the realm of early MKULTRA. Pain, fear, harassment.
That works on the brain, on a leg, on an arm, on a foot. It works on a non-material soul who inhabits and wears a physical form. It isn't sophisticated at all, any more than spraying pepper on a crowd or blasting an acoustic weapon at protestors is sophisticated.
Yes, a thumb-screw is mind control. So is the rack and the threat of execution. So is fear of excommunication for a believer. So is a bullet in the shoulder. So is a disruptive burst of electronics from a transmitter.
They can grossly control a person because he exists, here and now, in a physical body. We already know about such physical effects. Humans have known about them since the dawn of time.
But to slip through, to achieve the smooth and seamless substitution of somebody else's thought for your own, is an entirely different matter.
If you're aware.
Jon Rappoport
The author of three explosive collections, THE MATRIX REVEALED,
and POWER OUTSIDE THE MATRIX, Jon was a candidate for a US Congressional seat in the 29th District of California. He maintains a consulting practice for private clients, the purpose of which is the expansion of personal creative power. Nominated for a Pulitzer Prize, he has worked as an investigative reporter for 30 years, writing articles on politics, medicine, and health for CBS Healthwatch, LA Weekly, Spin Magazine, Stern
, and other newspapers and magazines in the US and Europe. Jon has delivered lectures and seminars on global politics, health, logic, and creative power to audiences around the world. You can sign up for his free emails at
been subjected to such skulduggery. It can be a nuisance. I can recognize the difference between my thoughts and those of an extraneous origin.