ADL Central Pacific Region Newsletter
The Oakland Tribune is not impressed. From a September, 26
Earlier this month, the board of Oakland's Museum of Children's Art, MOCHA, abruptly canceled an exhibit of Palestinian children's art that had been six months in the planning. "A Child's View in Gaza" featured drawings and paintings by Palestinian children who were living in Gaza during Israel's three-week bombing and ground invasion that began Dec. 27, 2008.
Pro-Israel lobbying groups claimed that the Gaza exhibit was anti-Israel and fought to kill it. They asserted that the art could not possibly have been created by children . . .
The museum's actions have drawn justifiable condemnations from critics, including progressive Jewish groups who have demanded the museum reverse itself and allow the art work to be shown.
The entire event is troubling that certain individuals have prevented the public from viewing art they don't want us to see. What's to stop other organizations from using the same strong-arm tactics to silence opposing viewpoints?
For more see the
Forward - "
Bay Area Jewish Groups Celebrate Shutting Palestinian Art Exhibit."
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