Without self knowledge, without understanding the working and functions of his machine, man cannot be free, he cannot govern himself and he will always remain a slave.
Yet another brainless tw*t. "Gee, let's pull the pin on a hand grenade and give it to the monkey in the room. What could go wrong...?".
It's a timed killer. It's silent. That's why. And they know it too. Hmmm. Follow the trail....
We are at war with one another. Cmon man, the aliens and creator of All is trying to wipe us out as they did before. Don't defend them. Just let...
More enemies of America siding with the Dems in the seat of control at various news outlets and establishments. They took money kickbacks from...
Humans will blow up this beautiful world and forget why they're here in the first place and also the precious balance of nature and peace with...
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