Excerpt from The Peninsula:
Assange said only a meagre number of files related to Israel had been published so far, because the newspapers in the West that were given exclusive rights to publish the secret documents were reluctant to publish many sensitive information about Israel.
"There are 3,700 files related to Israel and the source of 2,700 files is Israel. In the next six months we intend to publish more files depending on our sources," said Assange in the nearly one-hour interview telecast live from the UK.
"The Guardian, El-Pais and Le Monde have published only two percent of the files related to Israel due to the sensitive relations between Germany, France and Israel. Even New York Times could not publish more due to the sensitivities related to the Jewish community in the US," he added.
He just seems completely nonplused by the legal situation raised in Sweden, like he can't seem to work out the dynamics of what, who and why and that it may be more 'conected' than previously first thought.
Looks like Julian has just seen the entrance to the rabbit hole and may not realise how deep it goes. Lets hope he keeps his wits about him and 'wakes up'.... and 'gets wise' considerably more than he has already or he may find himself on the most unlikely peoples 'hit list'.