The abduction of very important figures in the Iranian Armed Forces hierarchy one by one in addition to Askari give credibility to predictions that similar operations are going to continue.

Without the Ali Riza Askari affair being cleared up Western intelligence organizations have kidnapped two more Iranian commanders. The abductees are again important senior commanders. The spy crisis between the United States and Iran is widening and promising to be the intelligence operation that will make its mark on this century.

The abduction of very important figures in the Iranian Armed Forces hierarchy one by one in addition to Askari give credibility to predictions that similar operations are going to continue. Naturally, it is hard to tell where this intelligence operation between Iran and the United States and its allies, one that recalls the Cold War era, is going to lead, but it is obvious that the United States even now is making gains that are going to make life difficult for the Tehran regime.

It is even more remarkable that Iran has kept silent so far as the United States abducts its officers, or has them collaborating or has bought them off. While Israel is warning its personnel abroad against reprisals by Iranian intelligence no such move has yet been made by Iran.

Askari's abduction has both left Turkey under suspicion and made Istanbul the centre for intelligence operations. While the abduction of Iran's former Assistant Defence Minister has been the topic of debate the world over nothing concrete has yet been obtained as to his fate.

Did he run? Was he collaborating? Was he abducted? Where was he taken? On which base is he being held? Why had he come to Istanbul? Just what exactly was he privy to? Did he really possess secret information to the degree that US and Israeli sources claim? None of this has been cleared up. It is not known if he is even alive. Iran is not stating the facts. Turkey is not sharing information about the affair, and US-Israeli sources are not giving the public anything more than speculation.

But now events have taken a new turn. Other Iranians of importance have also been abducted after Askari. Again, US and Israeli intelligence is being held responsible. As you might guess, the abductees are not run of the mill people in any way.

One is a fill colonel by the name of Amir Muhammad Shirazi. The other is a major general named Muhammad Sultani. Askari was assistant defence minister. Nothing much is known about these latest two. It is being said that they were abducted after Askari was.

The Iranian administration, still reeling from the Askari affair, has been hit by a new shock. Important personalities within the Iranian army, senior officers, are disappearing one by one. Either these people are collaborating with US/Israeli/British intelligence or they really have been captured by these countries. That being the case one cannot really say that Iran's generals are safe. If they are not collaborating and are being abducted then even more senior personalities may be in mortal danger. Anybody who can abduct a major general can get at the Iranian army's most sensitive units and kill commanders.

According to Tehran, the United States and Israel have a list. This means we are going to see similar events take place soon. So, what is Tehran going to do about this because no effective operation has been carried out so far? No initiative that could threaten US/Israeli presence has taken place in Iran or in the region. However, while the Iranian army is warning that any "stupid" attack by the United States and its allies will be foiled by an Iranian counter attack, Iranian circles are nonetheless saying they have the manpower to abduct US and Israeli citizens anywhere in the world whenever they want.

There are other allegations:

For example, Five Iranians set out for Istanbul from Iran on Friday 16 March. They entered Turkey at midnight on 17 March. They were then handed over to CIA and MOSAD agents at approximately 1900 gmt on 18 March and were taken to the United States. Were Colonel Amir Muhammad and Maj Gen Muhammad Sultani, said by Tehran to have been abducted, among these five people? Or have five other people in addition to these two officers been kidnapped? If that is the case then one hell of a storm is about to happen!