Mike Vogel
KTVBMon, 12 Jun 2006 12:00 UTC
BOISEE -- It happened early Thursday morning around 7:15 a.m.
Jacqueline Correnti describes what she the bright meteor she saw in the morning sky.
A very bright meteor lit up the skies and streaked across the horizon.
NewsChannel 7 spoke with several of the people who witnessed it.
We had numerous calls here at the station from people who saw it.
Police dispatch also took several calls, and even one person in the Boise Airport tower saw it.
And though the eyewitness accounts vary slightly, they are all consistent with it being a meteor.
"I was driving north on Bogus Basin, and I looked up in the sky and there was fireworks coming down," said Jacqueline Correnti.
When Jacqueline Correnti looked up in the sky this morning she couldn't' believe her eyes.
"I only saw it for a second or two," said Correnti.
A meteor in the skies above the Treasure Valley going west to east.
"Between where those two clouds are, it was right in the middle of it, and heading that way it was, if I were going out to reach and grab it, it was a good volleyball size," said Correnti. "This was definitely not a falling star; the tail on it was bright blue and pretty thick. I've seen Hailey's Comet in the sky, but that is so far away. this was like, this was closer than what an airplane would be. I was so excited, I got goose bumps."
Across town in southeast Boise, Libby Hood saw the same thing.
"I saw it for a good ten seconds it was phenomenal. Was coming home and the bright light from this object in the sky caught my attention and it was low enough here above the roof line, I was just about to pull into the driveway and a flash kind of caught my eye, and I looked over to the left and I seen this ball of fire with a tail behind it, kind of at a gradual descent," said Hood.
At first she thought it might be a plane going down.
"I verbally remember myself saying, 'oh my gosh,' because it was that I looked, and I looked again, and just watched this thing go across the sky, and it was so low. Pretty amazing, pretty phenomenal to witness that," said Hood.
Experts from the Boise Astronomical Society say that if the it did hit the ground, the meteorite would likely be smaller than a walnut.
And although it's unclear if anyone saw it land, considering its size, it is highly unlikely anyone would ever find it.
But if anyone did find it, meteorites are worth a lot of money. Some put their value at about the same as gold.
Comment: A post from our Forum:Im currently living in a town in Essex, Uk...
Last night on 11th January 2006 at roughly 19:10hours I witnessed a decending meteroic phenomena which, if I were to hazard a guess, was a small meteor breaking up to the NE of my position.
Id guess [it was]no more than 3-6miles from my postion as the view I had was clear enough to see a glitering trail of sparks and colour decending with it, although there was no impact sound, I didn't really expect any. It was in my view for around 1.5-3seconds, so I hadn't seen it decend from a great distance and my view was obscured quickly by other houses.
To date in the last - maybe - year or more of watching the skies, this is the sixth or so time I've seen this same type of meteoric phenomena. I think we've been lucky so far as I have yet to have heard any impact. To be quite honest the first 2-3 times I have witnessed this it really sent a chill down my spine as one of these phenomena occured in a horizontal position across a small valley on which I live on the high side, and I knew that whatever it was could have been no more than 200-300feet above my head as it was traveling between the land and the thick cloud cover overhead.
I have had my attetion drawn to the skies so many times now and seen so many unexplainable occurences and strange celestial events, I thought I'd start sharing them as and when they occur in future. Ourselves in the future have helped me so much already in understanding what's going on, I felt its time to try and help share the high strangeness I see going on in the world around my locality.
Keep the hard hats handy.
Comment: A post from our Forum:
Im currently living in a town in Essex, Uk...
Last night on 11th January 2006 at roughly 19:10hours I witnessed a decending meteroic phenomena which, if I were to hazard a guess, was a small meteor breaking up to the NE of my position.
Id guess [it was]no more than 3-6miles from my postion as the view I had was clear enough to see a glitering trail of sparks and colour decending with it, although there was no impact sound, I didn't really expect any. It was in my view for around 1.5-3seconds, so I hadn't seen it decend from a great distance and my view was obscured quickly by other houses.
To date in the last - maybe - year or more of watching the skies, this is the sixth or so time I've seen this same type of meteoric phenomena. I think we've been lucky so far as I have yet to have heard any impact. To be quite honest the first 2-3 times I have witnessed this it really sent a chill down my spine as one of these phenomena occured in a horizontal position across a small valley on which I live on the high side, and I knew that whatever it was could have been no more than 200-300feet above my head as it was traveling between the land and the thick cloud cover overhead.
I have had my attetion drawn to the skies so many times now and seen so many unexplainable occurences and strange celestial events, I thought I'd start sharing them as and when they occur in future. Ourselves in the future have helped me so much already in understanding what's going on, I felt its time to try and help share the high strangeness I see going on in the world around my locality.
Keep the hard hats handy.