Without self knowledge, without understanding the working and functions of his machine, man cannot be free, he cannot govern himself and he will always remain a slave.
Hope she's right. Not feeling that confident at all but UTTERLY RELIEVED BIDEN GONE
Spoken like a true teen dramaqueen DW. ๐
For those interested, here is a Smart Meter documentary that won awards in 2017. [Link]
free bird basically speaking, this world (however else you wish to describe it and imbibe in it--yakety yak, yakety yak, yak yak yak), is ruled by...
ps - i am still not convinced it is genetic ... that rings like a drug commercial to me .
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Comment: With the increasing numbers of Fireballs being sighted, and increasing volcanic activity, we have to wonder if these events are in any way connected to the obvious climate changes we see all around the globe?
Unfortunately, most people who do pay attention to the fact that all the ancient myths discuss heating of the earth, increasing Volcanic and Earthquake activity, "signs in the heavens," and wars and rumors of wars, can do little or nothing about it in the face of the massive control system that has been created to keep our attention off what really matters. The Global propaganda machine more and more resembles the system utilized against the citizens of Nazi German under Hitler and Soviet Russia under the Communists. Those who might be creative enough to figure a way out of this mess are marginalized and factionalized. It is oh, so true, that Pathocracy is like a disease: