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SOTT Focus: The Truth Perspective: Giants on Record with Jim Vieira and Hugh Newman

giants on record
Hidden in local archives and dusty Smithsonian reports are accounts that are all but forgotten to North American historians and scientists: accounts of giant (7 to 9 feet tall) skeletons discovered all across the country, many buried under earthen mounds. Some photographs still exist, but curiously, the skeletons do not.

On today's episode of the Truth Perspective we interview Jim Viera and Hugh Newman, authors of Giants on Record: America's Hidden History, Secrets in the Mounds and the Smithsonian Files. We discuss their research: the archaeological finds, the implications for our views on human history, and the nature of the apparent cover-up.

You can find Jim and Hugh's Facebook page here, and Hugh's website here.

Running Time: 01:27:55

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SOTT Focus: The Health & Wellness Show: The Devil's in the Details: Diet Dogma and Fine-Tuning Your Own

meat and veg
© unknown
High carb, low fat, ketogenic, Whole 30 and paleo diets... research exists supporting (and refuting) them all. Some people thrive on a high amount of carbs, some decline. Some people soar on a ketogenic diet while others crash and burn. As much as researchers would like to find the perfect human diet it is becoming increasingly clear that one dietary template is not suitable for everyone everywhere and at all times. Age, genetics, activity level, location and more can all play a role in what one should or should not be eating.

Is diet as black and white as some proponents claim it to be? Do carbs, dairy, grains, fruits and legumes have any place in a 'healthy' diet? Are there any absolute no-no's? Join us on this episode of the Health and Wellness Show as we attempt to tease out the nuances and add some levity to the diet wars. And be sure to stay tuned for Zoya's Pet Health Segment where the topic will be Animals: Do they dream like us?

Running Time: 01:43:17

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SOTT Focus: The Truth Perspective: Interview with Douglas Valentine: The CIA As Organized Crime

central intelligence agency
Today on the show, we interview Douglas Valentine, author of the definitive book on the CIA's terror operations in Vietnam (The Phoenix Program), and the recently released title: THE CIA AS ORGANIZED CRIME: How Illegal Operations Corrupt America and the World. Douglas had unprecedented access to CIA officers while writing his book on Phoenix, and since then, he has been one of their most vocal critics. He names names, and doesn't pull any punches when it comes to exposing the criminal network otherwise known as the Central Intelligence Agency.

Visit Douglas's website here:

Running Time: 01:05:37

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SOTT Focus: Behind the Headlines: Trumpocalypse Averted? CIA Signals Electoral Coup - Fake News Police - Aleppo Liberated

Facebook Fake News
© TechCrunch
The outrageous conspiracy theory that Trump is a Russian government agent, spouted all summer long by supporters of the Democratic Party, received the CIA's 'official blessing' last week when The Firm 'confirmed' the absurd theory's 'truthiness'. With the US Electoral College set to meet tomorrow (Monday Dec. 19th) and cast their votes, what chance 'faithless electors' will cast votes for Clinton instead? Is a coup of sorts in motion against Trump?

Elsewhere in the information war, the Western liberal elite have announced a list of 'fact-checking social media watchdogs' - funded by arch-liberals like George Soros - who will police Facebook for 'fake news'. Number one on the list is the Washington Post, peddler of outrageous conspiracy theories about Putin rigging the US election. Are these liberals dropping their ideological mask to embrace censorship?

The news that Syrian state forces and their Russian allies have liberated Aleppo from its 4-year-long siege by al Qaeda/ISIS has been met with derision in the West, but the Syrians are relieved and that's what matters. This week on Behind the Headlines, we'll assess the situation in the West's War on Syria and see where things might go from here.

Running Time: 01:35:20

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SOTT Focus: The Health & Wellness Show: How to become a mitochondriac with Dr. Jack Kruse

jack kruse
Join us for a brain-splitting follow up talk with Dr. Jack Kruse of Cold Thermogenesis, and Leptin Prescription fame. We'll talk about the the Quantlet, food as electrons, human photosynthesis, circadian biology, DHA, the intricacies of mitochondria and how their function is the key to optimal health. Do you have skin in the game?

Previous Health and Wellness Show with Dr. Kruse
The Health & Wellness Show: A conversation with Dr. Jack Kruse

Essential reading for citizen scientists:
Epi-paleo Rx: The Prescription for Disease Reversal and Optimal Health by Dr. Jack Kruse
Power, Sex, Suicide: Mitochondria and the Meaning of Life by Nick Lane
Light in Shaping Life: Biophotons in Biology and Medicine by Roeland Van Wijk
The Fourth Phase of Water: Beyond Solid, Liquid, and Vapor by Gerald Pollack
Life on the Edge: The Coming of Age of Quantum Biology by Johnjoe McFadden and Jim Al-Khalili

Jack Kruse blog posts:
The Redox Rx: How to Improve Your Redox Potential

Running Time: 01:27:46

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SOTT Focus: The Truth Perspective: Interview with Russell Gmirkin: What Does Plato Have To Do With the Bible?

Just how old is the Old Testament? If Moses didn't write the Pentateuch, who did? For millennia, people have thought the Hebrew Bible was as old as many of the events it depicts. In recent generations, scholars have thought it was created over a long period of time, with various authors and editors. But the writings in the Hebrew Bible may not be as ancient as we've been led to believe.

On this episode of the Truth Perspective, we'll be interviewing Russell Gmirkin, independent researcher, scholar, and author of two of the most revolutionary books in biblical studies: Russell's work radically challenges our understanding of the history of the Hebrew Bible. He demonstrates that there is simply no evidence that the Bible existed prior to the time of Alexander the Great (ca. 325 BC). All the evidence indicates that the collection of books we know of as the Hebrew Bible was written around the year 270 BC. And not only that: they relied heavily on Greek literature, particularly Plato's final work: Laws.

Listen in as we discuss how, when, and why the Bible was created.

You can visit Russell's website here:

Running Time: 01:56:09

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SOTT Focus: The Health & Wellness Show: Aging is not just for the aged anymore

aging, elderly, time running out
Diabetes, stroke, obesity, lower back pain, hemmorhoids and sciatica -- all diseases usually found in older people -- are striking children and young adults at greater rates. Many people have the idea that they can enjoy life in their younger years, eat and drink whatever they want, do whatever they like, and not have to worry about diseases or illnesses until they are much older. Unfortunately, this mindset coupled with a plethora of toxic foodstuffs available 24 hours a day and increasingly sedentary lifestyles has led to a world full of youngsters living in elderly bodies.

When it comes to aging, is our society so far removed from what is truly healthy that we confuse what would be considered normal with what is common? Is a sick population, of both the young and the old, our destiny? On this episode of The Health and Wellness Show we'll explore this phenomenon and its causes as well as dietary and lifestyle changes to keep your innards young and supple for as long as possible.

And don't forget that pets age too. Stay tuned for Zoya's Pet Health Segment where the topic will be caring for seniors of the furry persuasion.

Running Time: 01:30:09

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SOTT Focus: Behind the Headlines: Wars, Laws and Resistance: Just Another Week on the BBM

Trump on thank you tour
© William Philpott / Reuters
Today on Behind the Headlines, we connect the dots behind the week's main stories. In the news lately: stunning developments in Syria and a roadblock in Iraq; the death of one of the twentieth centuries biggest personalities, Fidel Castro; the DAPL protests continue, with military vets arriving to protect the protectors; and of course, the ever-present Trump phenomenon.

Running Time: 02:00:16

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SOTT Focus: The Health & Wellness Show: Weapons of mass instruction: The perils of education - Brainwashing, Indoctrination and Robot Factories

Today on the Health and wellness show we will revisit the education system and the ongoing brainwashing, indoctrination and dumbing down of the youthful masses. Compulsory schooling is creating dependent children who grow up to be dependent adults, passive and timid in the face of new challenges, lacking critical thinking and basic life skills. From the looks of it compulsory education is doing more harm than good. What are the social and emotional implications of educating today's youth with useless and needless information while stifling creativity, natural curiosity and the true desire to seek meaningful knowledge? Is the growing ignorance of today's student an example of a failing education system as a whole, or is it a crowning achievement with a more sinister agenda?

Join us as we discuss a side of compulsory education that is seldom studied, researched or looked at with a critical eye. The brainwashing and indoctrination doesn't end once 12 years of mandated education is completed it continues into higher education and university as well.

Stay tuned, as always, for Zoya's Pet Health Segment where the topic will be the bow-killing vet, Kristie Lindsay.

Running Time: 01:58:59

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SOTT Focus: Behind the Headlines: Fake News About Fake News: WaPo Blacklists as Kremlin Disinfo

pro-Trump Kremlin troll
© RT
In the wake of the Trumpocalypse, "fake news" has been in the news. First it was Facebook being blamed for Trump's win because of the pro-Trump fake news floating around social media in the lead-up to the election.

Then, an obscure left-wing activist college professor hastily compiled a list of "fake news" sites and posted it on her social media. The list was picked up by such fake news sites as CNN, WaPo, Boston Globe, NY Magazine, USA Today, Business Insider, and more, with recommendations for serious readers to avoid such tainted goods.

Now, the Washington Post has cited an obscure list of "Russian propaganda" websites to justify its claim that a "Russian propaganda effort" helped spread fake news during the election. Included on the list?, among numerous other great alternative news websites.

Today on Behind the Headlines we share our thoughts on "fake news", who the real fakers are, and what we think about being labelled as Kremlin trolls or useful idiots.

Running Time: 01:37:19

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