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SOTT Focus: Behind the Headlines: Terror in Nice, attempted coup in Ankara

Erdogan on Facetime
© Sky News
On Bastille Day last week, when all of France was celebrating, the country suffered a third horrific terror attack. This time in the southern city of Nice. With more than 80 dead and scores injured, a single man in a truck managed to help President Hollande legally justify martial law - in perpetuity. Was this yet another false-flag operation in a long string of violent acts to help justify the West's lockdown of Muslims and people everywhere? Or was it something else entirely that is simply being exploited as a convenient tragedy to catapult the narrative?

And right on the heels of the horror in Nice a military-led coup was attempted against the autocratic and corrupt government of President Tayyip Erdogan. Was this an "authentic" coup initiated from within who wants Erdogan out? Was it planned and executed by foreign agents who are upset with Turkey's rapprochement with Russia? Or was the coup a Machiavellian attack on itself using dupes in the military to help Erdogan further solidify his own power?

After discussing these topics, Brent joined us for a Police State Round-up, including the recent shootings and Baton Rouge and other stories.

Running Time: 02:09:43

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SOTT Focus: The Health & Wellness Show: The Quackery and Cruelty of Animal Medical Research

Seventeen to 100 million mice, rats, birds, rabbits, cats, dogs, primates and other animals suffer and die in laboratories every year in the U.S. They comprise the research subjects in chemical, drug, food, cosmetics and medical training exercises to assure that products are safe for human use. But is this really the case? Though there is little mention of animal medical research, or vivisection, in the mainstream press these days, scientists, medical doctors and animal activists have railed against animal experimentation for decades. Does animal research do anything to advance human health and wellness? Despite all the years of experimentation, has it ever led to any cure or breakthrough? Can the results of research conducted on an entirely different species even be extrapolated to human beings? Is vivisection just a way for people in white lab coats to get away with torturing animals?

On today's episode of The Health and Wellness Show explored this topic in depth. Zoya's Pet Health Segment lightened up the mood with fun facts about farm animals.

Running Time: 01:16:55

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SOTT Focus: Deconstructing the official narrative around the attacks in Nice, France

nice attack
The death toll in the Bastille Day truck attack in Nice is currently at 84, with a couple of hundred injured, some still in critical condition. The driver managed to break through a barricade late Thursday evening and for almost 2 kilometers plowed through the crowd gathered to watch the fireworks. The driver has been identified as French-Tunisian Mohamed Lahouaiej Bouhlel, a non-religious petty criminal who reportedly shouted "Allahu Akbar!" before going on the rampage. He also reportedly opened fire on civilians and police, and was killed during the shoot-out.

The reaction from French citizens and world leaders has been predictable.

European countries tighten security following Nice terror attack
Countries across Europe are strengthening security following the Nice terror attack which claimed the lives of at least 84 people. It comes as France extends its state of emergency for an additional three months.

In a Thursday television address following the fatal attack, French President Francois Hollande announced that the current state of emergency, which was set to expire on July 26, would be further extended.

Now other European Union countries - including Belgium, the UK, Italy, Spain, Germany and the Czech Republic - are taking measures in an attempt to combat the threat of terror.
As Gearóid Ó Colmáin puts it, it looks like France is set for a permanent state of emergency (similar to the one the U.S. has been under ever since 9/11).

The new British Prime Minister Theresa "Big Mother" May shook her magic eight-ball and determined a terror attack in the UK is "highly likely", and the mayors of London and New York are 'reviewing safety measures' and amping up security.

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SOTT Focus: Joe Quinn on terror attack in Nice - should be seen in context, 'hands of Western powers extremely dirty' - PressTV

joe quinn
France has experienced its third terror attack in 18 months. Over 230 people have been killed in those attacks, more than the entire century preceding it. As the European country with the largest Muslim population, France is the front line in the attempt to create internal divisions and stoke anti-Muslim sentiment in the EU, all in support of foreign interventions and a perpetual global war on terror. SOTT's Joe Quinn appears on PressTV to discuss this wider context, and why it's essential to keep the broad perspective in mind after this latest tragedy.


SOTT Focus: Dallas police shootings: Social Engineering and the American Police State

dallas police shooting
Social tension in the US appears to be at a boiling point. In the span of a week we have seen the deaths of two civilians - Alton Sterling in Louisiana and Philando Castile in Minnesota - at the hands of cops. The two deaths were caught on video and have further enraged public opinion in the US, in particular among the black community, which has borne the brunt of police brutality for many years. Within a few days of the slaying of Sterling and Castile, five police officers were shot dead by "a sniper" during a 'Black Lives Matter' march in Dallas, held in protest against the police killing of the two men. Is someone trying to stir things up in the USA?

On Tuesday July 5th, Alton Sterling, 37, was selling CDs for cash outside a store in Baton Rouge, as he did most days. On this particular day he was approached by a homeless man who repeatedly asked him for money. Sterling told the man to leave him alone several times before resorting to showing the man that he was armed. The previous day Sterling had purchased the weapon for his own protection. "He didn't have a gun before that," barber Ronnie Harton, 50, told the New York Daily News. "He said he had to protect himself, because he had all this money on him [from selling CDs]. Around this area, you get robbed real quick."

Perhaps resentful that his requests for money were rebuffed by Sterling, the homeless man called 911 on his cell phone and told police that there was an "armed man in the parking lot." When police arrived and confronted Sterling, he was tackled to the ground, tased and, apparently because police were told he was carrying a firearm, publicly executed with two shots in the chest and four in the back.

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SOTT Focus: Psychopaths are Destroying our World (VIDEO)

psychos in power
The harm and destruction caused by psychopaths in positions of power can now be felt everywhere. This world-wide problem worsens daily as the totalitarian whims of humanity's intra-species predators makes life increasingly unbearable for normal human beings.

Although they look and sound human, psychopaths feel no remorse, have no conscience, and have no concern or compassion for anyone but themselves. They prey upon our brothers, sisters and children; they lie to us and manipulate us. They poison us and tell us it is for our own good. They make life unlivable. They cause societies to fall, and oceans to die. While their greed consumes people and planet, they instigate hatred, and murder leaders of good will.

The psychopathic rulers and those that they command will stop at nothing. In these times, a true humanity can unite and emerge from the chaos. But people need to see the problem and share it.

History is repeating. Share this knowledge - for our future: the future of humanity.

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SOTT Focus: The Truth Perspective: A Very Heavy Agenda: The rise, fall and resurrection of the neocons, with Robbie Martin

very heavy agenda
"Post-9/11, the War on Terror had outlived its usefulness. The minds behind the think tanks that drive America's interventionist foreign policy decided that the U.S. needed a new enemy, so they chose an old one -- Russia."

Thought they were gone and increasingly irrelevant after the disastrous Iraq war? Think again. The neocons are back, and they're directing American foreign policy with as much psychopathic zeal as ever. PNAC may be gone, but it has simply been rebranded as the 'bipartisan' Foreign Policy Initiative, and its agenda is one and the same: to ensure U.S. hegemony and global domination, no matter how many people they have to kill.

All this and more is covered extensively in filmmaker Robbie Martin's new documentary, A Very Heavy Agenda. Robbie has crafted a stunning tapestry of the neocons' deceptions, pushes for war, and blatant media manipulations. Using their own words, he essentially lets the neocons condemn themselves, as they attempt to normalize imperial aggression, the violation of other nations' sovereignty, and the information war against their biggest target: Russia.

Tune in to the Truth Perspective to hear Robbie discuss the latest instalment of his film, Maintaining the World Order. You can read Robbie's writing on Media Matters, tune in to his podcast (co-hosted with his sister Abby), and check out A Very Heavy Agenda on Vimeo.

After the interview, Brent's Police State Round-up covered the latest police atrocities, and the recent events in Dallas and protests all over the country.

Running Time: 02:10:35

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Here's the transcript of the show:

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SOTT Focus: The Health & Wellness Show: Your Mama's drama can cause you trauma

By popular demand, the Health and Wellness crew has re-visited the topic of intergenerational trauma. Can trauma from your ancestors be passed down through DNA? How does your familial and cultural history influence your worldview, personality, fears, phobias and ability to handle stress? Does family trauma mean that we're doomed or can learning ancestral history be a key to personal healing in the present?

Running Time: 01:40:05

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SOTT Focus: SOTT Earth Changes Summary - June 2016: Extreme Weather, Planetary Upheaval, Meteor Fireballs

Sott summary june 2016
© Sott.netSummertime in southern Italy... rivers of ice!
Multiple tornadoes in Germany, rivers of ice in Italy, flash-flooding in Greece, simultaneous record rainfall in England, Germany and France can all mean only one thing: it's summertime in Europe!

Yes indeed, it's summertime in the northern hemisphere, but not as we once knew it. The pace of increasing climate chaos continued relentlessly all over the world last month: China recorded its most destructive tornado in living memory, another 'once-in-a-millenium' flood hit the US Mid-Atlantic states, and intense storms battered capitals from Accra to Kuala Lumpur to Warsaw.

These were (just some of) the signs of the times in June 2016...


SOTT Focus: Police State Roundup: Cops assault, rape, and shoot civilians - lie about it - and get away with it

teen beaten by cops
Hannah Cohen after her encounter with the TSA.
Shocking and horrific stories from around the USA this week as the police everywhere are becoming unhinged and violent. The above photograph comes from Memphis, TN, where 19-year-old Hannah Cohen was attempting to travel home through the airport when she was violently attacked by TSA and airport police.

Hannah was returning home after successfully completely treatment for a brain tumor from St Jude's Hospital. After setting off a metal detector, she was pulled aside for further screening, which is where things went downhill. Being blind in one eye, partially deaf and somewhat paralyzed, Hannah was confused and scared as she had no idea what was happening to her. When her mother tried to explain, common sense was left by the wayside as protocol indicated Hannah was 'dangerous.'

Resisting their attempts at manhandling, Hannah was thrust to the ground when she hit her head. The above picture is the result. She was then arrested and spent a night in jail before being released without charges. This entire scene could have been avoided with just a little discretion and two-drops of common sense, but apparently that's not something Memphis TSA and airport police are trained in.