SOTT Focus:


SOTT Focus: Russo-Ukrainian War: The World Blood Pump

© UnknownIron • Ash • Blood
Since Russia's surprise decision to voluntarily withdraw from west bank Kherson in the first week of November, there has been little in the way of dramatic changes to the frontlines in Ukraine. In part, this reflects the predictable late autumn weather in Eastern Europe, which leaves battlefields waterlogged and clogged with mud and greatly inhibits mobility. For hundreds of years, November has been a bad month for attempting to move armies any sort of significant distance, and like clockwork we started to see videos of vehicles stuck in the mud in Ukraine.

The return of static positional warfare, however, also reflects the synergistic effect of increasing Ukrainian exhaustion along with a Russian commitment to patiently attriting and denuding Ukraine's remaining combat capability. They have found an ideal place to achieve this in the Donbas.

It has gradually become apparent that Russia is committed to a positional attritional war, as this maximizes the asymmetry of their advantage in ranged fires. There is an ongoing degradation of Ukraine's warmaking ability which is allowing Russia to patiently maintain the current tempo, while it organizes its newly mobilized forces for offensive action in the coming year, setting the stage for cascading and unsustainable Ukrainian losses.

In Ernest Hemingway's novel, The Sun Also Rises, a formerly wealthy, now down on his luck character is asked how he went bankrupt. "Two ways", he replies, "gradually and then suddenly." Someday we may ask how Ukraine lost the war and receive much the same answer.

Comment: This analysis is a fount of information, logic and strategy - well worth the read.

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SOTT Focus: NewsReal: Germany Sending Tanks to 'Save Ukraine' - WEF Meets to 'Save The Planet'

germany tanks ukraine newsreal
In an apparent last-ditch effort to thwart Russian forces sweeping across Ukraine, the Anglo-Americans are putting enormous pressure on Germany to greenlight the delivery of thousands of German-made Leopard 2 tanks to the 'war theater' they created. Faced with the prospect of the Russian army destroying German tanks en masse, for the second time in 80 years, will Germany cave and repeat history?

Meanwhile, the 'globalist elite' are meeting in Davos, Switzerland, for this year's World Economic Forum, where its representatives and prestigious guests are doing everything possible to validate ordinary people's suspicions that 'the globalists' are megalomaniacs.

Running Time: 02:04:37

Download: MP3 — 85.6 MB


SOTT Focus: Tucker: Is Washington Pulling a Watergate on Biden?

© Fox NewsTucker Carlson
Are the forces that took down Nixon and hamstrung Trump turning on Joe Biden? Tucker draws some amazing parallels between the Nixon era and the last few years in American politics.

"Unelected lifers in the Federal agencies make the biggest decisions in American government and crush anyone who tries to rein them in."

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SOTT Focus: NewsReal: What's Biden Been Hidin'? Classified Documents!

biden documents brazil insurrection horns newsreal
We know, right - shocking, scandalous!

Except, it isn't. Which senior official in DC does not have classified documents in their home?!

And yet, the US govt and media last week made a big stink about it, to the point that AG Merrick Garland has announced a Special Counsel to 'investigate Biden's wrong-doing'. Clearly, this is a contrived message to pressure Biden, possibly to ward him off re-running in 2024.

In the meantime, MAGA Republicans are achieving with astonishing rapidity all they wished for (and more!) when bargaining with Kevin McCarthy for him to become Speaker of the House. It's all going so smoothly for the Republicans, one begins to wonder whether they're being set up for a fall...

Also on this NewsReal, Joe and Niall explain why an eerily familiar 'J6-style Insurrection' took place in Brazil last week, resulting in ex-president Jair Bolsonaro being globally condemned for 'inspiring', if not outright organizing, a 'failed fascist coup'.

Running Time: 01:51:41

Download: MP3 — 76.7 MB

Comment: UPDATE 18 January 2023

Three days later, YouTube removed the 'Biden classified documents' show, because:
There may be an issue with your content
We found something that may violate YouTube's guidelines. To help keep the community safe, we've removed it.
Content that advances false claims that widespread fraud, errors, or glitches changed the outcome of the U.S. 2020 presidential election is not allowed on YouTube.
The 2020 US election wasn't discussed on this show, the 2022 Brazilian election was.


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SOTT Focus: NewsReal: MAGA Congress? Speaker House Fight Signals Shift Towards US Isolationism

maga congress trump newsreal
After a contentious opening to the US Congress 2023-2024 that saw Republican rebels force 15 (FIFTEEN!) votes for Speaker of the House, it's likely that Trump loyalists have stamped their influence on what is now a GOP-majority House of Representatives.

While it's too early to know for sure, Joe Quinn speculates that this signals a sea-change in overall US government policy - one that will bring it in line with the direction President Trump had attempted to steer it towards: significantly increased US economic protectionism, coupled with reduced spending on foreign wars and client governments.

Never-Trumpers will be loathe to admit it, of course, but they're coming around to realizing that both Trump's diagnosis and solutions for US problems were correct. Alas, it may now be too late to save the US from economic chaos...

Running Time: 01:31:59

Download: MP3 — 63.2 MB

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SOTT Focus: SOTT Earth Changes Summary - December 2022: Extreme Weather, Planetary Upheaval, Meteor Fireballs

This past month of December, a couple of serious blasts of Arctic air spread across the continental U.S., Canada, and parts of Europe and Asia, shattering records. More than 250 million were affected by the freezing temperatures... and winter had just started.

Forecasters believe that man-made climate change has empowered La Niña, triggering the so-called Greenland Block (A powerful area of high pressure in the Northeast Pacific and lower-than-normal air pressure over the western Pacific). They even propose this is the main factor for the record freezing temperatures in the northern hemisphere this winter. Yet, we know better now: The sun defines climate, and the global cold trend may increase over the coming years.

Warm-mongers also highlighted that sea ice in Antarctica reached its lowest extent on record at the end of December. Yet, in the long-term Antarctic sea ice still shows an increasing trend. In addition, the overall snow cover in the Northern Hemisphere is the second-highest in the past 17 years.

Arctic and antarctic ice and snow increase and decrease in yearly cycles connected to larger cycles of solar activity. As the solar-minimum sets in, we can expect an overall increase in ice and snow cover.

The arctic blasts engulfed the US, coast-to-coast and top-to-bottom. 60% of the US was affected by freezing temperatures, and 2 million were left without power. The pattern flipped to warmer temperatures at the end of the month, just to welcome another forecasted polar vortex in January.

Most of Canada, from British Columbia to Newfoundland, was also hit by extreme cold. Airports canceled thousands of flights, and power outages affected more than 300,000 just in Quebec and Ontario.

The UK was pummeled by the 'snowiest period in 12 years' lasting a month. The government outlined plans to go 'lights out' in January after National Grid warned there could be blackouts due to an expected energy crisis.

It was also a time of extremes in France and parts of Switzerland with significant snow at higher altitudes, and heavy rain lower down. Even if there was a warmer trend in some parts of Europe this month, the forecasts point out to a colder January.

Parts of Moscow were covered by over 12 inches of snow this month, something not usually observed until the end of winter. The last time a similar depth of snow was recorded in Moscow in mid-December was in 1989 and 1993.

And Mexico City also got its third snowfall in 82 years, affecting primarily high-altitude areas.

Floods triggered by sheets of rain continued around the world this month, including:
  • Philippines - Heavy rain caused 51 deads and the displacement of at least 46,000. 17,300 acres of crops were wiped out.
  • Southern Thailand - 21 inches of rain in 24 hours.
  • Northcentral Vietnam - 13 inches of rain in 24 hours.
  • Namibia - 3 months' worth of rain in 24 hours.
  • South Africa - Countrywide floods.
  • Baghdad, Iraq - Non-stop rain for 45 days.
And at least two died and 11 were injured after a strong 6.4-magnitude earthquake struck off the coast of northern California. Thousands were left without power. 80 aftershocks have rattled parts of Northern California since the event. The largest aftershock was a 4.6 magnitude quake in Rio Dell, one of the hardest hit areas.


SOTT Focus: Is there an Orwellian agenda behind "Climate Change"?

climate change NWO

Comment: This 2017 Dutch SOTT-Focus article correctly predicted that the CO2 scam is going to be used to control every facet of our lives.

To what extent is climate change real? And what is actually happening? Read on to find out our viewpoint about this.

Co2 tracker

"It is the greatest scam in history. I am amazed, appalled and highly offended by it." ~ John Coleman - Meteorologist and founder of the American Weather Channel.
Only 36 percent of geoscientists and engineers believe humanity is causing a climate crisis, according to a survey from the peer-reviewed Organization Studies. In contrast, a large majority of the 1,077 respondents are convinced that nature is the main cause of global warming.

Global warming skeptic scientists do not deny that man-made CO2 is warming the planet. But regard the amount of CO2 emitted by humans as too minuscule to make a difference.

Remember Al Gore's globally promoted documentary ''An inconvenient truth,'' calling for "drastic measures" to reduce greenhouse gases before they reach "the point of no return" within ten years? Well, the ten years have passed. And the doomsday scenarios have not materialized.

Comment: The role humanity plays in the planetary/cosmic "weather system" lies in the strength of its "collective psychic state" - which is now in serious trouble because of the increasingly extreme pathological control over humanity.

So we are responsible for climate change, just not in the way everyone thinks. The hidden powers have distorted and falsified this higher truth - and have everything to fear when it comes to light.


SOTT Focus: To Support You Against The Onslaught of Mendacity From Officialdom, We Need You to Keep Online: 2023 SOTT Goodies Here!

canada protest convoy covid
Somehow, we've made it to the end of 2022 without civilization collapsing. Although most things did - more or less - successfully 'reboot' after the hare-brained, draconian 'lockdowns' of 2020, and the 'voluntary' ("but if you don't take it, you're fired - and WILL die soon") 'vaccines' of 2021, it's thanks only to the resilience of decent working people that anything still works at all. And special thanks should go to the Canadian truckers and their millions of supporters who stood up to the Trudeau regime in early 2022. For all we know, without their peaceful uprising, Covidianism and globalist diktats would have been forced on us all to a greater extent than they have so far been.

Then again, maybe the pathocrats in power no longer care what 'the little people' think. What was it that pulled governments back from the brink of physically enforcing compulsory 'vaccination' in 2022: mounting evidence that the 'vaccines' had no effect on reducing Covid-19 transmission or hospitalizations? Concern over the growing, widespread discontent? Or Vladimir Putin's announcement in late February that Russia would no longer stand by while a US-installed puppet regime in Ukraine attacked ethnic Russians?

The timing was certainly interesting. Two whole years of deliberate psychological terror about a relatively harmless illness suddenly gave way to the kind of racist and virulently hateful invective against Russia that would have made Hitler proud. So much for 'never again'. Once again a Western 'grande armée' is at war with Russia, a war they tell us will not end until Russia's total collapse or the government's replacement with entities favorable to Western business. Not only that, we're told that the war is existential - that the West, as such, will 'cease to exist' if Ukraine does not 'defeat' Russia.


SOTT Focus: Vladimir Putin: Leading Humanity Through the Transition

The West's "Empire of Lies" is powerless against truth and justice. Russia will continue to bring its position to the whole world. Our position is honest and open, and more and more people hear, understand and share it. ~ Vladimir Putin (source)
Putin lights a candle

Comment: This article is part of a series of which the previous articles can be found below. May these give hope during these trying and deciding times.

2 + 2 = 4

SOTT Focus: Dmitry Medvedev on The Question of Legitimate Military Targets in Ukraine

NATO V Russia
The question of legitimate military objectives has been treated differently in the history of mankind. It is perceived differently during the current conflict with the Nazi regime of Ukraine. For example, Russophobic marasmatics from the US Senate like to practice on this topic by the way and inappropriately. However, there is something in common that lies in the customs of war and international conventions. These are the rules of conduct during the war (jus in bello), which originate in sacred sources.

What are legitimate military targets today?