High StrangenessS


Radar anomaly seen across Illinois, Kentucky possibly part of war games?

c-130 plane
© Flickr/ US Air ForceC-130 military transport plane.
A storm-like image appearing on radar has led inhabitants in the Midwestern region of the US to reexamine a mystery they thought they'd solved. Local reports indicate the radar anomaly came from a military aircraft, but it's unclear where the aircraft could have originated.

A multicolored streak covering portions of radar in western Kentucky shocked the National Weather Service on Monday. The streak lingered for about 10 hours, even though there was absolutely no rain falling, reports Evansville Courier & Press.


UFO? North Carolina fisherman captures video of lights multiplying over ocean

Lights over Outer Banks, NC
© Charlotte Observer
A 90-second video credited to an Outer Banks night fisherman is raising questions on social media about a possible UFO sighting off the North Carolina coast.

The recording was posted Nov. 29 on YouTube by ViralHog, which said it was made in mid November at Cape Lookout, the southernmost point of the Core Banks. It has been viewed nearly 45,000 times.

National Park Service officials at Cape Lookout National Seashore told the Charlotte Observer they were not sure what the set of lights might be, but found them to be "peculiar."

The name of the angler who took the video is not provided by ViralHog, a video licensing agency. However, someone named C.R. Larkin posted the same video Nov. 24, writing that it was filmed Nov. 13 off Cape Lookout, between 9 and 10 p.m.

"Around 9 p.m., I rebaited my hooks, cast them out into the surf and walked back to my chair," says a post with the YouTube video. "When I turned back to the ocean, I saw a light in the sky. The light is very bright, stationary and silent. Over the course of the next hour it faded in and out, as well as sometimes becoming multiple lights."


Texas resident records mysterious 'cigar-shaped' object in the sky - 'motionless for 20 minutes'

cigar shaped UFO fort worth texas
The motionless, cigar-shaped object spotted last week near Fort Worth, Texas on November 19th, 2018
A Keller resident saw the mysterious bright object in the sky last week. It didn't move for 20 minutes, the witness said.

At first, the white object in the sky looked like a cloud. A weather balloon, perhaps ?

The motionless, cigar-shaped object spotted last week near Fort Worth left the witness stumped. And a video of the sighting has since gone viral, opening the door to UFO theories online.

Keller residents said they saw a mysterious, rod or cigar-shaped object in the sky last week. The object, which appeared to be glowing, was still for about 20 minutes, the witness said.

"It was the oddest thing I've ever seen," the unidentified witness said, according to their report to Texas UFOs, a website that tracks mysterious UFO sightings throughout the state. "I watched it for about 20 minutes. It didn't move. I don't think I've ever seen anything in the sky stay that still before, not even for a few seconds, let alone 20 minutes."

Several people commented on the YouTube video guessing it could be a blimp. However, a Texas UFOs administrator said they couldn't find any information the Goodyear blimp was scheduled to be in Keller on Nov. 18, the day of the sighting.

Further, the witness said it sat motionless in the sky for about 20 minutes, and similar UFO sightings were reported in Brownsville in August 2016 and El Paso in August 2018.

A few people went along for the ride on YouTube, with one commenter comparing the footage to "the classic cigar-shaped UFO" he saw in the mid 90's over Reading, Pennsylvania.
Julian Gill is a digital reporter in Houston. Read him on our breaking news site, Chron.com, and on our subscriber site, houstonchronicle.com. | julian.gill@chron.com


UFO caught on camera in Kamloops, British Columbia

UFO Kamloops
© Harprit Singh
Harprit Singh swears he is not one to make bogus UFO sightings.

That's why what he saw in the sky above Kamloops baffles him.

Singh sent CFJC Today video he recorded at 4:15 p.m. Saturday, Nov. 10, at the New Afton mine just west of Kamloops, where he works.

The video seems to show a strange movement behind the clouds.

WATCH: The strange movement can be seen in the upper half of the frame, near the middle.


(Video Credit: Contributed / Harprit Singh)


Pilots report close encounter with a UFO off the coast of Ireland, or was it a meteorite?

UFO light
© PixabayThe object was spotted off the coast of Ireland's county Kerry, FILE PHOTO.
Several sightings of an unidentified object flying at "astronomical" speed before disappearing off the coast of Ireland has sparked an investigation by the Irish Aviation Authority.

The UFO was first spotted by a baffled British Airways pilot last Friday (November 9) at approximately 6:47am local time while flying over the south-west coast of Ireland.

The pilot was flying a Boeing 787 from Heathrow to Montreal when he made a call to Shannon Air Traffic Control (ATC) to ask if there were military exercises taking place in the airspace.

You can listen to the archived recording of the call from 17 minutes here.

Comment: The original source of this report, the Irish Examiner, has since published the claim from a 'aviation journalist' Gerry Byrne that what the pilots saw were "in all probability meteorites" and that "it's not uncommon for meteorites to come in at a low angle, a low trajectory into the Earth's atmosphere."

There have indeed been a large increase in the number of meteorites in our skies over the past 10-15 years, but the problem with this theory in this case is that meteorites do not generally change direction ("veer off the north") or "climb away at speed" as reported by the pilots that witnessed the event.


Fast moving flying saucer filmed over Lake Tahoe

lake tahoe UFO
A family member filmed the lake before the tour begins. After they got home he checked the video and noticed that an object flew with tremendous speed over the lake.

He said that he did not see the object while filming the lake. The video has submitted to Mufon for further investigation.

The UFO appears at 00.07 seconds in the video.


Bizarre case of Angelique, the electric poltergeist girl

Woman and chairs
© Unknown
The history of the paranormal is littered with mysterious individuals who at times seemingly came out of nowhere to baffle and beguile, before fading off into the mists of time. These people step out from beyond the fringes of what we know to demonstrate abilities or phenomena beyond our comprehension, tease us with answers to the unknown realms that lurk on the periphery, and then are forgotten to leave their mysteries swirling in the wake of their departures. Such cases are often murky, sometimes frustratingly lost to time, and always baffling. One such case of a particularly mysterious historical case of such a puzzling person is that of a poor peasant girl in France, surrounded by strange, ghostly phenomena, who would go on from her humble life to become a great unsolved mystery.

The tale revolves around an Angelique Cottin, who in 1846 was a young, 14-year-old peasant girl living in the village of Bouvigny, near La Perrière, France, when her life and that of those around her would be forever changed as she launched herself into the realm of legendary unexplained mysteries. In January of that year, Angelique was at work weaving silk into gloves on a large wooden weaving frame when the whole thing began to shiver and shake with increasing intensity, before actually sliding across the floor, despite is heavy weight and the fact that that no one was touching it except Angelique just moments before. It was noticed that when Angelique approached the frame it would seem to actually retreat from her, almost as if it were a living thing recoiling from her presence, which was all enough to unsettle the others who were with her at the time. The frightened witnesses to the inexplicable event told adults, but at the time no one believed them.


Mysterious green object spotted just above the surface of Jupiter

mysterious green image above jupiter
© secureteam10/YouTube

What appears to be a massive greenish-colored object
was captured in an image above the planet Jupiter.

What looks like a "massive unidentified structure" can be seen in the image.

Tyler from Secure team explains in the following video:


Mysterious glowing trails captured on camera by stunned residents of northern China

Beijing UFO
The mysterious object was seen by residents of Beijing, Shanxi, and Inner Mongolia yesterday evening
A mysterious UFO was captured on film by stunned onlookers across China on Thursday evening, in what appears to be the result of some high-altitude aircraft activity.

Residents of Beijing, Shanxi province and Inner Mongolia posted their reported 'sightings' of the unusual flight pattern on Chinese social media on October 11.

Comment: More pictures:

UFO Beijing
UFO Beijing
Yeah, that's weird.


Strange lights filmed during storm over Myrtle Beach, South Carolina spark UFO theories

UFOs over Myrtle Beach, SC
© Screenshot/UFOZone
Mysterious lights caught on a time-lapse video recorded from a pier in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, in early August have triggered conspiracy theorists who claim the footage is evidence of a UFO sighting.

The recording, which shows lights hovering in the night sky above a Myrtle Beach pier, was captured on August 5 and later uploaded onto website Mutual UFO Network (MUFON) on October 4.

The footage was also shared on YouTube on Sunday by user UFO Zone, who stated in the video's description that it shows a "massive 'spaceship'" lingering above the area during a thunderstorm.

​"I was taking the pictures off the edge of a long pier after dark, so there were no reflective surfaces around," the unidentified filmer who shared the recording with the site wrote. "I did not notice the objects until I returned home and checked the photograph and video."