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Cloud Lightning

Twister tutorial: Don't let the myths about tornadoes fool you

You've no doubt heard the stories regarding tornadoes - they don't strike big cities; they can't cross rivers and lakes; they're attracted to trailer parks. The fact is tornadoes can strike anywhere, including the northwoods.

Last summer Bemidji residents were startled by tornado sirens. On July 23 weather spotters reported a tornado on the ground northeast of the Turtle River area. The first Minnesota tornado of 2011 touched down in St. Michael on Tuesday. Minnesota led the nation in 2010 with 145 reported tornadoes (including 48 on June 17) - blowing away second-place Texas, which reported 105 tornadoes.

The National Weather Service office in Grand Forks is responsible for issuing severe weather watches and warnings. However, it is the on-duty patrol sergeant who is responsible for determining when conditions warrant sounding the warning sirens in the city of Bemidji, according to Christopher Muller, Beltrami County Assistant Emergency Management Director. Muller said warning sirens outside of the city are sounded at the discretion of on-duty communications officers.

The sirens in Bemidji are activated whenever storms are anticipated to produce winds greater than 70 mph, when the National Weather Service issues a tornado warning, or when trained weather spotters observe a tornado. Muller emphasizes that outdoor warning sirens are intended to warn people who are outdoors and are not intended to provide warnings inside buildings.

A weather alert radio is a smart investment. They are inexpensive and modern units can be programmed to only alert you to local weather warnings.


Australia: Doctors Warn Parents to Keep Newborns at Home as Wooping Cough Epidemic Escalates

© Brian Pamphilon.The Sunday Telegraph David and Toni McCaffery with baby Sarah who lost their daughter Dana to whooping cough.
Doctors have warned parents to keep newborn babies at home to protect them from a whooping cough epidemic triggered by the "chardonnay set and alternatives".

There have been 4580 cases of whooping cough so far this year, new data from NSW Health reveals.

Northern Sydney and South Eastern Sydney have led the way in this year's resurgent epidemic, recording the highest incidence of whooping cough, with 669 and 522 cases respectively. The Illawarra region was next highest followed by Western Sydney and Southern Sydney.

National Centre for Immunisation Research and Surveillance deputy director Dr Rob Menzies said it was unsurprising which suburbs had the highest rates of infection.

"It's a phenomenon where highly educated people feel they need to do their own research on what is best for their child and there is scepticism of official government policy," he said.

Comment: Parents would be wise to consider the risks of vaccines and to do their own research. There is an ongoing controversy about the dangers and efficacy of vaccines. The following quote is from from Roger R. Gervais, D.C., N.D., a naturopathic physician. The full article may be found here.
Finally, there is understandable concern among public health officials and parents alike as to what would happen without the vaccines. In the case of at least one (the Pertussis vaccine), the vaccine, which is known or suspected of causing infantile encephalitis and sudden infant death syndrome, would appear to be worse than the disease. It has also been implicated in bacterial infections including meningitis.

Many years ago, Sweden banned the Pertussis vaccine because of these dangers. For similar reasons, Japan delays the vaccine until after two years of age, whereas in North America, it is usually administered at two months of age. Both Sweden and Japan are credited with having the lowest infant mortality rates in the world. This fact would tend to discredit claims that the Pertussis vaccine is necessary to prevent an escalation of infant mortality in North America.


Self-Compassion: The Most Important Life Skill?

mother and son
© Justin JinKristin Neff with her son Rowan.
A charming animated baby, Kristin Neff's son Rowan retreated into himself as a toddler, losing his few words and becoming prone to inexplicable screaming fits.

There are numerous ways Neff could have reacted to Rowan's 2004 diagnosis of autism. She could have buried her emotions, become despondent or immediately found something to blame.

But Neff, an associate professor at the University of Texas at Austin, was in the midst of pioneering psychological research on self-compassion. And her findings suddenly proved invaluable to her personal life. Being sympathetic and kind to herself let her cope constructively and offered insight into how to parent her struggling son.

Neff wrote about it all in "Self-Compassion" (William Morrow, 2011), released this April. And a budding field of research has psychologists are finding that self-compassion may be the most important life skill, imparting resilience, courage, energy and creativity.

It's also a skill many people lack.

Self-compassion is often misunderstood as being soft and indulgent; and the phrase alone would probably turn the stomach of Amy Chua, whose book Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother (Penguin, 2011) re-stoked the debate about how strict or lenient we should be with our kids and with ourselves.

But psychological research says neither side of this debate wins.

Alarm Clock

Sleep Deprivation is a National Epidemic. And It's Killing Us

© unknown
Get some sleep. That's the urgent advice the newly refreshed science of slumber has for North Americans.

Never mind the majority who got less than the recommended eight hours of sleep last night. In April, yet another air-traffic controller - the fifth in as many months - was suspended for falling asleep on the job, leaving a plane circling Reno, Nev., for 16 minutes with no one in the control tower to talk to.

A more alert tin-pusher on duty in neighbouring California eventually talked down the pilot - who, unlike several infamous colleagues last year, was awake. A British pilots-union survey recently discovered that 20 per cent of pilots pass out on the job.

We live under the enduring spell of The Warrior Who Does Not Sleep, believing that many accomplished people survive on no more than 4.5 hours of "core sleep" a night. It's a myth.

Many heroic non-sleepers used pills (John F. Kennedy was a walking pharmacy and once fell asleep interviewing a prospective secretary of agriculture) or were inveterate nappers (Napoleon, Ronald Reagan, Bill Clinton and even Winston Churchill, who used sleeping tablets and survived his famous midnight meetings by climbing into bed for an hour every single afternoon).


Bed Bug Epidemic May Lead to "Superbug" Epidemic

© unknown
If recent news of the growing international bed bug epidemic (PDF) hasn't been enough to give you pause for concern (as well as creepy-crawlies), the latest evidence from a new study in Canada might. Researchers in Vancouver have found that these pests are in some cases also carrying drug-resistant bacteria, and may be infecting their human hosts with such superbugs as MRSA and VRE.

From Reuters:
Researchers in Canada have found bedbugs carrying antibiotic-resistant superbugs, a surprise finding because scientists had thought the pests were not capable of spreading infections. The study was done by a team in a poor corner of Vancouver, where both bedbug infestations and strains of antibiotic resistant bacteria are increasing.
A rapid rise in both international travel and commercial shipping over the last decade is believed to be partly responsible for bed bug infection epidemics in the U.S. and large cities abroad. While bed bug infection symptoms of itching and skin inflammation are relatively minor, bed bugs are parasites which suck the blood of their host, which leads to the risk of exposure to blood-borne illnesses.


Australia: Royal Hobart Hospital Reporting Gastroenteritis Epidemic

© unknown
The Royal Hobart Hospital had reported an epidemic of gastroenteritis in the Psychiatry Department while closed the admissions for the Department of Psychological Medicine and Psychiatric Intensive Care Unit. Although, the move has not affected the visits to the Department of Psychiatry rather visitors are urged to limit their trips.

The authorities were forced to bar the entries in order to curb the public exposure to the psychiatry department, intended to halt the spread of the illness. As per the reports, approximately 9 patients were observed with the highly contagious illness along with a few staff members. However, exact number of contaminated patients as well as staff is still behind the screen.

The Mental Health Services Chief Executive, Dr. John Crawshaw, verified the severe outbreak while assured that necessary measures had been taken as per the released instructions from the Infection Control Unit and Public Health.


Childhood leukaemia linked to mosquito bites

Bites from mosquitoes carrying unidentified viruses might explain childhood leukaemia clusters around the town of Fallon in Nevada. And last week, a separate UK report found no link between nuclear power plants and childhood leukaemia.

The Nevada cluster is the largest in the US. Previous research failed to find a link between the cases and carcinogenic chemicals. The new study of the 14 Fallon cases that arose between 1997 and 2003 - a rate 12 times higher than normally expected in such a period - concludes that military personnel may have brought a virus to the area, which was then spread by mosquitoes. The cluster "fizzled out" once all vulnerable children had been infected.

Comment: More on protecting against carcinogenic chemicals and radiation, viruses and germs:

Detoxify or Die: Natural Radiation Protection Therapies for Coping With the Fallout of the Fukushima Nuclear Meltdown

DMSO: The Antidote for Radiation Poisoning

The Day the Water Died: Detoxing after the Gulf Oil Spill

New Light on the Black Death: The Viral and Cosmic Connection


Does Your Computer Stress You Out?

Comment: Stressed?. Want to have quick, easy way to bust it. Check it out Éiriú Eolas: An Amazing Stress Control, Healing & Rejuvenation Program.

Cow Skull

The Meat You Should Never, Ever Eat...

Is your meat made of scraps stuck together with "meat glue"? This exposé reveals how you may be being deceived about the meat you buy -- and why the dangerous practice makes food poisoning hundreds of times more likely.