Health & WellnessS

Light Saber

New fad diet? 1960s research papers on benefits of eating Paleo rediscovered

A lone doctor put the pieces of the leaky gut/autoimmunity story together almost 50 years ago. He saw the connections between intestinal permeability and diseases such as rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis. He published his findings, he helped the people in his care...and his amazing insights eventually died, were buried and nearly lost to time. Loren Cordain shot me the following two papers from Dr. R. Shatin. [...] Dr. Shatin had pieced together the connection between gut permeability, celiac disease rheumatoid arthritis and multiple sclerosis.

In the early 1960's.


U.S. prisoners growing sick after being force-fed vast quantities of the cheap food with known health risks: Soy

Soy prison food
Seven prisoners say it's happening to them - and their health is being damaged because of it.

The Weston A. Price Foundation is seeking an injunction against serving Illinois prisoners soy-laden meals as a source of cheap protein. And now a judge has ruled that the lawsuit will go forward.


Soy, the 'miracle health food' with proven health risks

Soya products
Over the past two decades, soy has been widely promoted as a 'miracle' food that can prevent heart disease, fight cancer, fan away hot flashes and build strong bones and bodies in far more than 12 ways.

Sales of soy foods topped $4 billion in the USA for the first time in 2004, with most segments of the industry reporting double-digit growth.1 Although such growth has mostly slowed, sales aren't reducing and the soy industry has been stepping up its marketing of products all over the world.

The marketing of soy as a 'health food' has been so successful that few people realize that respected scientists have warned that possible benefits should be weighed against proven risks. Even researchers working for the soy industry have admitted to each other at soy symposia that the 'marketing is way ahead of the science'.


Breatharian bonkers: Swiss woman starved to death attempting to live on sunlight alone

Yogi Prahlad Jani claims to have eaten nothing for 70 years.
A woman starved to death after embarking on a spiritual journey which involved giving up food and water and attempting to exist on nothing but sunlight.

The Swiss woman, who was in her fifties, apparently got the idea after watching the documentary film 'In the Beginning, There Was Light' which features an Indian guru who claims to not have eaten anything in 70 years.

The Zurich newspaper Tages-Anzeiger reported Wednesday that the unnamed woman decided to follow the radical fast in 2010.

The paper claimed there have been similar cases of self-starvation in Germany, Britain and Australia.

The prosecutors' office in the Swiss canton of Aargau confirmed Wednesday that the woman died in January 2011 in the town of Wolfhalden in eastern Switzerland.


'Junk DNA' able to sense viral infection

Promising tool in the battle between pathogen and host, Tel Aviv University research confirms

Once considered unimportant "junk DNA," scientists have learned that non-coding RNA (ncRNA) - RNA molecules that do not translate into proteins - play a crucial role in cellular function. Mutations in ncRNA are associated with a number of conditions, such as cancer, autism, and Alzheimer's disease.

Now, through the use of "deep sequencing," a technology used to sequence the genetic materials of the human genome, Dr. Noam Shomron of Tel Aviv University's Sackler Faculty of Medicine has discovered that when infected with a virus, ncRNA gives off biological signals that indicate the presence of an infectious agent, known as a pathogen. Not only does this finding give researchers a more complete picture of the interactions between pathogens and the body, but it provides scientists with a new avenue for fighting off infections.

His findings have been published in the journal Nucleic Acid Research.


Propaganda Alert! Globalists scaring people into eating less meat 'to save planet'

© nickgraywfu/flickrEat MORE of this stuff and you'll improve your ability to see through propaganda
Fertilisers used in growing feed crops for cattle produce the most potent of the greenhouse gases causing climate change

Meat eaters in developed countries will have to eat a lot less meat, cutting consumption by 50%, to avoid the worst consequences of future climate change, new research warns.

The fertilisers used in farming are responsible for a significant share of the warming that causes climate change.

A study published in Environmental Research Letters warns that drastic changes in food production and at the dinner table are needed by 2050 in order to prevent catastrophic global warming.

It's arguably the most difficult challenge in dealing with climate change: how to reduce emissions from food production while still producing enough to feed a global population projected to reach 9 billion by the middle of this century.

The findings, by Eric Davidson, director of the Woods Hole Research Centre in Massachusetts, say the developed world will have to cut fertiliser use by 50% and persuade consumers in the developed world to stop eating so much meat.

Comment: The mental gymnastics it takes to end up believing that whether or not humans consume animals can alter the climate of the whole planet's biosphere are mind-blowing!

Leaving that obvious fallacy aside for a moment, a glaring omission in this article is the viable, natural, environmentally-friendly solution for anyone who wants to stop hurting the planet: a healthy Paleo diet based on grass-fed cattle.

To understand why grain (for either humans or the animals they eat) and vegetable consumption is at the root of the mass planetary bio-ecocide, read up on The Vegetarian Myth:

The Vegetarian Myth
Lierre Keith on 'The Vegetarian Myth - Food, Justice and Sustainability'
The Myth of the Ethical 'Vegan'


Canadian Doctors push Big Pharma agenda; refuse to treat unvaccinated children

Pediatricians in Canada are starting to discharge children whose parents refuse to have them vaccinated.

More and more, doctors are taking a stand when their medical advice is being ignored, said Dr. Hirotaka Yamashiro, chair of the pediatrics section for the Ontario Medical Association and president of the Pediatricians Alliance of Ontario.

"There have been some pediatricians who are very concerned about that, and may not take on the patient in the beginning," Yamashiro said. "If you are going to fundamentally disagree with one of the things I think is good for your child, what else are we going to have a problem with?"

Dr. Fatima Kamalia, a Thornhill-based pediatrician, says she discharges patients whose parents refuse to have them vaccinated.


'Rare Variant' of Mad Cow Disease Discovered in California, One of Many Mysterious Cases This Year

mad cow graphic
© McClatchy-Tribune
For the first time since 2006, it has been announced that an American dairy cow in California has been found to be infected with mad cow disease, formally known as bovine spongiform encephalopathy (BSE).

The form of BSE found was a 'rare variant' which The Washington Post reports is "not generally associated with an animal consuming infected feed." While unrelated to mad cow disease, there have been a number of mysterious viruses which have emerged this year including an incurable hand, foot and mouth disease strain (HFMD) in Vietnam which has already killed 19 children and a new mystery virus has resulted in the deaths of thousands of heads of livestock in Europe.

Similarly, an unidentified disease has killed over 20,000 chickens in Nepal and horses and cattle are dying in Maury County, Tennessee due to causes of death which "cannot be determined at this time."

Detective Terry Chandler of the Maury County Sheriff's Department said, "It is a mystery. We don't know what happened."

As previously mentioned these cases are not cases of BSE or linked in any way to the aforementioned California case as far as we know, however the sheer number of cases of mysterious diseases across the world over the past few months is odd indeed.

Please understand, I am not intending to draw spurious links for no reason, I am just pointing out that we are seeing a great deal of these strange deadly diseases spring up seemingly out of nowhere in locales across the globe.


Exposing Kashi Cereal For The Poison That It Is

Kashi Brand
© Prevent Disease
There is an established misconception among consumers that natural or even organic labeling means more nutritious and less toxic ingredients. This is not always the case and breakfast cereals are no exception. The Kashi brand is owned by Kellogg Company, one of the largest breakfast cereal makers in the world.

The ownership base of Kashi is still not widely recognized or common knowledge, especially since the Kashi website continues to paint a picture of being a small company. Investigations into Kashi cereals show deceiving claims after their breakfast products were found to be riddled with genetically modified (GM) and pesticide loaded ingredients.

The deception at Kashi runs deep, especially when it comes to its association with Kellogg which is kept very discreet from the public.

"We are a small (after 25 years, still fewer than 70 of us) band of passionate people," it says, despite being owned by the nation's largest cereal manufacturer. Kellogg does not include its name on Kashi packaging.

The Cornucopia Institute's "Cereal Crimes" investigation uncovered some disturbing facts about this supposed natural breakfast cereal. The investigations found that Kashi brand cereals contain "high levels" of genetically engineered ingredients. These include soy and corn based ingredients.

For non-organic "natural" products making "non-GMO" claims, results showed that these claims cannot always be trusted.

Most companies do not share detailed standards for "natural" foods with the public. Kashi would likely be uncomfortable sharing with theircustomers that their "natural" foods contain hexane-extracted and genetically engineered soy ingredients.

On August 31, 2011, a class action lawsuit was filed against Kashi for allegedly misleading consumers with its "natural" claims. One Kashiproduct in particular, GoLean Shakes, is composed almost entirely of synthetic and unnaturally processed ingredients, according to the plaintiff.


Anti-depressants 'May Do More Harm Than Good'

Anti-depressants are designed to relieve the symptoms of depression by increasing the levels of serotonin in the brain, where it regulates mood.
Common anti-depressants could be doing patients more harm than good, according to researchers examined the impact of the medications on the whole body.

A team from McMaster University examined previous patient studies into the effects of anti-depressants and determined that the benefits of most anti-depressants compare poorly to the risks, which include premature death in elderly patients.

'We need to be much more cautious about the widespread use of these drugs,' said study leader and evolutionary biologist Paul Andrews.

'It's important because millions of people are prescribed anti-depressants each year, and the conventional wisdom about these drugs is that they're safe and effective.'

Comment: Biologist Paul Andrews is not the only researcher suggesting that 'antidepressants do more harm than good' read the following articles for a more in depth look at Big Pharma's Shady Ploy to Sell Depression Drugs That People May Not Need:

Why Antidepressants Don't Work for Treating Depression
Here's some depressing recent medical news: Antidepressants don't work. What's even more depressing is that the pharmaceutical industry and Food and Drug Administration (FDA) have deliberately deceived us into believing that they DO work. As a physician, this is frightening to me. Depression is among the most common problems seen in primary-care medicine and soon will be the second leading cause of disability in this country.

The study I'm talking about was published in The New England Journal of Medicine. It found that drug companies selectively publish studies on antidepressants. They have published nearly all the studies that show benefit - but almost none of the studies that show these drugs are ineffective.
Antidepressants: The Emperor's New Drugs?
Antidepressants are supposed to be the magic bullet for curing depression. But are they? I used to think so. As a clinical psychologist, I used to refer depressed clients to psychiatric colleagues to have them prescribed. But over the past decade, researchers have uncovered mounting evidence that they are not. It seems that we have been misled. Depression is not a brain disease, and chemicals don't cure it.
Antidepressants Proven to be Useless, Pushed on Public Anyway
Why Antidepressants Cause Brain Damage, Breast Cancer, and Early Mortality
New Antidepressants Can Increase Risks for Elderly, Study Suggests
Why antidepressants are simply a confidence trick: A leading psychologist claims taking sugar pills would work just as well