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Eye 2

The West paves the way to war with lies

© 4thmedia.org
Official statements from the Russian government indicate that the president and foreign minister continue to rely on the good will of "our Western partners" to work out a reasonable diplomatic solution to the trouble in Ukraine caused by Washington. Not only is there no evidence of this good will in Western capitals, the hostile measures against Russia are increasing. Moreover, hostile measures are on the rise even though their main effect is to disadvantage Europe.

For example, the socialist president of France has followed Washington's orders and refused to deliver a ship that it owes to Russia under contract. The news reports are so incompetent that they do not say whether Russia has paid for the ship or whether payment was awaiting completion. If Russia has not already paid, then the failure to deliver will harm whoever financed the construction of the ship. If Russia has paid, then the idiot French president has placed France in violation of a contract and under international law France is subject to heavy financial penalties.

It is not clear how this hurts Russia. It is Russia's strategic nuclear force that the West has to fear, not a helicopter carrier. What Hollande has taught Russia is not to do business with France or any country in NATO.

Russia should promptly take the contract violation to court. Either France will be sanctioned with penalties that could exceed the value of the contract or the West will prove that in its hands international law is meaningless. If I were Russia, I would give up a helicopter ship in order to establish this point.

Comment: See also:
  • Why the Ukraine crisis is the West's fault: The liberal delusions that provoked Putin

Eye 1

Bush-era legal memos released on justification for warrantless wiretapping

George "El Diablo" Bush
The Justice Department released two decade-old memos Friday night, offering the fullest public airing to date of the Bush administration's legal justification for the warrantless wiretapping of Americans' phone calls and e-mails - a program that began in secret after the 2001 terrorist attacks.

The broad outlines of the argument - that the president has inherent constitutional power to monitor Americans' communications without a warrant in a time of war - were known, but the sweep of the reasoning becomes even clearer in the memos written by then-Assistant Attorney General Jack Goldsmith, who was head of President George W. Bush's Office of Legal Counsel.

"We conclude only that when the nation has been thrust into an armed conflict by a foreign attack on the United States and the president determines in his role as commander in chief . . . that it is essential for defense against a further foreign attack to use the [wiretapping] capabilities of the [National Security Agency] within the United States, he has inherent constitutional authority" to order warrantless wiretapping - "an authority that Congress cannot curtail," Goldsmith wrote in a redacted 108-page memo dated May 6, 2004.

Comment: This is all done for our protection so we can feel safe and secure in the tyrannical government's arms. No need to worry, we will be "protected" for long time.


The truth about the American economy and the lie that serves the rich oligarchs

© Deesillustration.com
The labor force participation rate has declined from 66.5% in 2007 prior to the last downturn to 62.7% today. This decline in the participation rate is difficult to reconcile with the alleged economic recovery that began in June 2009 and supposedly continues today. Normally a recovery from recession results in a rise in the labor force participation rate.

The Obama regime, economists, and the financial presstitutes have explained this decline in the participation rate as the result of retirements by the baby boomers, those 55 and older. In this five to six minute video, John Titus shows that in actual fact the government's own employment data show that baby boomers have been entering the work force at record rates and are responsible for raising the labor force participation rate above where it would otherwise be. http://www.tubechop.com/watch/3544087

It is not retirees who are pushing down the participation rate, but those in the 16-19 age group whose participation rate has fallen by 10.4%, those in the 22-14 age group whose participation rate has fallen by 5.4%, and those in the 24-54 age group whose participation rate is down 2.5%.

Comment: "Now, if you are a thinking person and have a few firing neurons, you have probably figured out that what we call "democracy" is probably not such a good idea in a world where psychopaths lurk. In fact, it might surprise you to know that the American system was never set up to be a democracy at all - it was set up to be a republic modeled on the Roman system where only rich, well-born oligarchs had any say in what was done. A lot of care was taken in formulating the election system so as to preserve this rule of the wealthy elite."

Global Pathocracy, Authoritarian Followers and the Hope of the World

Light Saber

Law Expert: In case of NATO threat Russia will create a defense alliance for counterbalance

© AP Photo/ Olivier MatthysAs the NATO Summit wraps up in Wales, the Alliance has adopted its “Readiness Action Plan”, which is aimed at responding to the “risks and threats at NATO’s borders and further afield”, including “the challenges posed by Russia and their strategic implications.
As the NATO Summit wraps up in Wales, the Alliance has adopted its "Readiness Action Plan", which is aimed at responding to the "risks and threats at NATO's borders and further afield", including "the challenges posed by Russia and their strategic implications".

Comment: The challenges posed by Russia is that they won't allow NATO to do what they've done to so many other countries in the past.

War on humanity: How the U.S. coup machine has been destroying democracy since 1953

An independent expert in international law Alexander Mercouris however explains that "it is absolutely ridiculous to say that Russia poses any kind of military threat to the NATO alliance at all".

"If we just look at the actual level of military spending, the various NATO countries between them spend around 57 % of the total defense spend that is spent around the world on matters and military matters," he told Radio VR. "Russia spends 5%. And Russia has already made it clear many times that it has no aggressive intentions against any state in NATO and no capability to pose such a threat".

Comment: It doesn't matter what Russia says, or what the objective reality is, the propaganda machine creates the reality that the psychopaths in power want.


Best of the Web: Why the Ukraine crisis is the West's fault: The liberal delusions that provoked Putin

soviet star ukraine
© Maxim Shemetov / Courtesy ReutersA man takes a picture as he stands on a Soviet-style star re-touched with blue paint so that it resembles the Ukrainian flag, Moscow, August 20, 2014.

Comment: The following commentary comes from John Mearsheimer, one of the authors of the controversial book The Israel Lobby. Russia's Foreign Minister Sergey Lavrov recently addressed students and faculty of MGIMO on September 1, where he said the following:
Sensible voices, including in the West, are still able to see through the disinformation. The recent issue of Foreign Affairs (September-October 2014) featured an insightful article by Professor John Mearsheimer of the University of Chicago, "Why the Ukraine Crisis Is the West's Fault", in which he wrote that the United States and the European Union now face a choice: either ratchet up the pressure on Russia while continuing to destroy Ukraine, which would be a loss for all stakeholders, or "shift gears" and help build a prosperous and neutral Ukraine which will make a positive contribution to promoting cooperation between Russia and the West. Everyone wins in this outcome. I fully agree with this. But first, the real policy-makers have to heed these words of wisdom.

According to the prevailing wisdom in the West, the Ukraine crisis can be blamed almost entirely on Russian aggression. Russian President Vladimir Putin, the argument goes, annexed Crimea out of a long-standing desire to resuscitate the Soviet empire, and he may eventually go after the rest of Ukraine, as well as other countries in eastern Europe. In this view, the ouster of Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych in February 2014 merely provided a pretext for Putin's decision to order Russian forces to seize part of Ukraine.

But this account is wrong: the United States and its European allies share most of the responsibility for the crisis. The taproot of the trouble is NATO enlargement, the central element of a larger strategy to move Ukraine out of Russia's orbit and integrate it into the West. At the same time, the EU's expansion eastward and the West's backing of the pro-democracy movement in Ukraine -- beginning with the Orange Revolution in 2004 -- were critical elements, too. Since the mid-1990s, Russian leaders have adamantly opposed NATO enlargement, and in recent years, they have made it clear that they would not stand by while their strategically important neighbor turned into a Western bastion. For Putin, the illegal overthrow of Ukraine's democratically elected and pro-Russian president -- which he rightly labeled a "coup" -- was the final straw. He responded by taking Crimea, a peninsula he feared would host a NATO naval base, and working to destabilize Ukraine until it abandoned its efforts to join the West.

Comment: The U.S., NATO, and Kiev (with its genocidal ATO) have done a fine job on their own, destabilizing Ukraine. No Russians required.

Putin's pushback should have come as no surprise. After all, the West had been moving into Russia's backyard and threatening its core strategic interests, a point Putin made emphatically and repeatedly. Elites in the United States and Europe have been blindsided by events only because they subscribe to a flawed view of international politics. They tend to believe that the logic of realism holds little relevance in the twenty-first century and that Europe can be kept whole and free on the basis of such liberal principles as the rule of law, economic interdependence, and democracy.

Comment: Codewords for vulture capitalism and oligarchy.

But this grand scheme went awry in Ukraine. The crisis there shows that realpolitik remains relevant -- and states that ignore it do so at their own peril. U.S. and European leaders blundered in attempting to turn Ukraine into a Western stronghold on Russia's border. Now that the consequences have been laid bare, it would be an even greater mistake to continue this misbegotten policy.

Better Earth

Retired Danish Major-General says no peace, stability or economic progress in Ukraine without Russia

Denmark's decision to join NATO's anti-missile defense system in Europe will not improve the Danish-Russian relations, but is likely to have a reverse effect, Danish retired Major General Karsten Jakob Moeller said in an ITAR-TASS interview on Friday.

On August 21, the Danish parliament passed a decision allowing Denmark to join NATO's anti-missile defense system in Europe. Denmark will contribute one or several frigates equipped with modern radars. Many Danish politicians believe that Denmark's decision was prompted by the Ukraine crisis.

Comment: More like prompted by the strong arm of the U.S./NATO. The only thing the Ukraine crisis could rationally prompt from world leaders aware of the situation would be sanctions against Kiev, humanitarian support for Novorossiya, and the Hague for Poroshenko and everyone associated with him.

Moeller, who is one of Denmark's leading experts on Russia, said it had been wrong to force Ukraine to decide in favor or against the association agreement with the European Union. "Ukraine was a deeply split country already at that time. The inability by Brussels to understand Ukraine's history had catastrophic consequences," Moeller said, adding the decision to exclude Russia from EU-Ukraine negotiations had almost the same effect.

"Any well-informed person knows about close trade and economic ties, let alone cultural relations between the two countries. Russia has lawful interests in Ukraine that should be seriously taken into account," the Danish expert said.

He hopes a peaceful solution to the crisis will be found soon. He has written many times that Russia is not a problem but part of a solution to the Ukraine crisis.

Comment: The chairperson-in-office of the OSCE, Didier Burkhalter, expressed a similar thought on Friday at the NATO summit in Wales, highlighting Russia's role in stabilizing Ukraine and Europe as a whole, adding that Russia's isolation will not solve existing problems but will rather create new ones in Europe and beyond.


Putin holds all the cards in Ukraine-Novorossiya ceasefire

© Alexei Nikolsky / AP
The cease-fire in Eastern Ukraine is no done deal. The last truce lasted just 10 days and became "unilateral" because pro-Russian rebels never abided by it. But assuming this one does hold, it will give Kiev, Moscow, pro-Russian separatist representatives and OSCE mediators some space to negotiate a peace.

Comment: The last truce was hardly "unilateral": What ceasefire? 'Over 20 killed' in bloody Slavyansk battle

Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko's representatives came to the talks in Minsk with a proverbial knife to their throats. Poroshenko just witnessed the defeat of his armed forces and militias, outgunned and beaten back this past week as pro-Russian rebels - reinforced by Russian heavy weapons and commandos - took key towns and opened a new front. Today, separatists claim to have entered Mariupol, Ukraine's strategic sea port. And after more than five months of exhaustive fighting - in which at least 2,600 people have died, according to UN figures - a real cease-fire may be prize enough for the battered Ukrainian leadership to offer up a compromise.

Comment: Sorry Jim, but your slimy innuendo won't fly. Sure, the 'rebels' are using Russian weapons - Soviet Russian weapons, just like Kiev. How many times must it be said? Russia is not sending troops and weapons across the border: OSCE confirms that Obama and NATO are liars, no Russian tanks or troops have crossed Ukrainian border. The NAF is doing just fine overpowering Kiev on their own.

The rebels, on the other hand, would he holding their fire at a time when they effectively control the major cities of Donetsk and Lugansk, as well as much of a land corridor to the Azov Sea. In order words, their "New Russia," as they now call it, is already a viable, breakaway entity. A fact on the ground.

Russian President Vladimir Putin, meanwhile, can well proclaim his seven-point peace plan is proof of his good intentions in Ukraine. He knows he's already attained his immediate military goal: "to let Poroshenko know that the war is unwinnable for him," as prominent Russian analyst Fyodor Lukyanov recently told NBC News.

Comment: Despite the spin, Jim is right about one thing: Putin holds the cards. And this way, by forcing Kiev to compromise, Putin gets what he wants, and what is probably best for all parties: a peaceful resolution that doesn't involve that much dreaded (and prematurely announced) 'Russian invasion'. The NAF gets a degree of autonomy from the Kiev fascists, and Russia keeps NATO at bay via a Novorossiyan 'buffer' area.


Falling on deaf ears: Moscow promises response to new EU sanctions

© AP Photo / Yves LoggheEuropean Union's officials in the building of the EC in Brussels.
Russia will 'certainly' react to new European Union's sanctions, if they are implemented, Russia's Foreign Ministry said Saturday.

"Concerning the new list of sanctions on behalf of the EU, if they are implemented, the reaction will certainly follow on our side," the ministry said in a statement.

The EU is expected to impose a new round of sectoral sanctions against Russia on Monday, a number of European politicians told RIA Novosti late Friday. European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso also said a week ago that the EU was ready to expand the list of limitations imposed on Russia over the Ukrainian crisis.

Comment: The situation is so ridiculous it's hard to believe. The U.S. funds and supports a coup in a foreign country, the puppet regime of which then attacks the people who refuse to accept said puppet regime, and then the U.S. has the gall to blame Russia for the crisis, and actually imposes sanctions for this very reason. The world has truly gone mad.

The EU's announcement of additional sanctions signals its direct support of Kiev's 'War Party," which is dissatisfied with the result of Friday's Minsk meeting of the Contact Group on Ukraine, the Russian ministry said.

"Basically, the announcement of the upcoming expansion of the anti-Russian sanctions became the EU's first reaction to the meeting of the Contact Group on the resolution of the situation Ukraine that took place in Minsk the previous day and all the agreement that had been reached there, which allow to set the lives of all Ukrainians on a peaceful path," the ministry said in a statement.

"The European Union has demonstrated that its authorities are still lost in a political fantasy, and is practically sending the signal of direct support of the 'War Party' in Kiev, which is not satisfied with the outcomes of the Minsk meeting," the ministry said.

Comment: What are all these sanctions really accomplishing? Maybe it has something to do with this?

War Whore

EU sanctions mean support for Kiev's party of war

© ITAR-TASS/Gennady Hamelyanin
The EU announcement about planned new anti-Russian sanctions indicates that EU leaders, after the ceasefire agreement signing in Minsk, factually send a signal of direct support for "the party of war" in Ukraine, the Russian Foreign Ministry said on Saturday.

Moscow has paid attention to the letter of European Council President Herman Van Rompuy and European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso published in Brussels about restrictions against Russia and media reports about the EU permanent representatives committee's consideration of new sanctions, the ministry said.

Actually, the announcement about new anti-Russian sanctions is the first reaction of the EU to the Minsk meeting of the contact group on settlement of the situation in Ukraine and the agreements reached there to return peace to Ukrainians. Thus, the European Union has demonstrated that its leaders remain in "the political world behind the looking glass" and factually send a signal of direct support to "the party of war" in Kiev, which does not like the results of the meeting.

"Instead of desperately searching for ways how to hurt the economies of their countries and Russia more painfully, the European Union should better support economic revival of Donbass and recovery of life in the region," the Russian ministry said.

If the EU imposes new sanctions, Russia certainly will respond, the ministry added.

Snakes in Suits

We see whose Security Council this is: UN ignores Russia's request for Odessa tragedy investigation

© REUTERS/ Yevgeny VolokinRussia still has not received an answer from the United Nations concerning the May tragedy in the Ukrainian city of Odessa
Russia still has not received an answer from the United Nations concerning the May tragedy in the Ukrainian city of Odessa, Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Gennady Gatilov told RIA Novosti in an interview.

"We raised the questions on Odessa, Mariupol, and other subjects at the Security Council meetings. Unfortunately, we have not received a proper answer on the investigation of those incidents. We hope to get some kind of a clear explanation. But so far, we have to state that we have had no such reaction," Gatilov said.

The diplomat added that Russia had also brought up the issue of the use of helicopters with the UN insignia in the Kiev special operation in the east of the country. The UN has not informed Russia on the course of the investigation of this issue, either, he said.

Comment: Kiev was supposed to smash the Ukrainians' will, implementing austerity for the IMF and providing NATO another link in the chain to bind Russia. Yet despite Kiev's cowardly, "burn them all" terrorist campaign the people pushed back, hard.

Though there may not be an official investigation, here are many of the available facts concerning the Odessa massacre: