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Putin - the great strategist? Sure looks like it

Some, especially many of his compatriots, acclaim Russian President Vladimir Putin is a strategic (and tactical) genius. By contrast Western observers presuppose less competence. The most said by the latter is that he is a kind of evil genius or that he runs circles around US President Barack Obama.

Putin may not be a strategic genius, but he is strategically competent. He is also tactically unpredictable, even brilliant. Let's look at the record.

Putin as Foreign Policy Strategist

The first thing that needs to be stressed is that Putin has no grand strategy, no less one to 'reestablish the Tsarist or Soviet empire.' Such claims are delusions, paranoia, and/or well-compensated stratcomm. His goal is to ensure Russia's status as a global power, one of several great powers in Eurasia writ large, and the indispensable country for any other pursuing a presence in central Eurasia - the former USSR.

But there is no sure-fire strategy for achieving this goal other than that established before Putin's rise to the Russian presidency by then Russian Foreign Minister, the late Yevgenii Primakov. The 'Primakov doctrine' or strategy was the pursuit of a multipolar world through a 'multi-vector' or multi-directional foreign policy that took seriously the Russian state emblem of the double-headed eagle looking both east and west.

Comment: Mr Hahn has given a good overview of Putin's actions to date. However, it seems that he somewhat minimizes the tremendous problems and obstacles that faced Putin when he first came to power. Putin has demonstrated a clear grasp of facts on the ground, and a flexibility of approach as those facts change and morph that has proven effective for the last 15 years. Contrast that with the US necon's PNAC manifesto, which has lurched from disaster to disaster.


Putin ally says Russian air strikes in Syria to last three-four months

Russian jets and Putin
© Getty images
Russia estimates its air strike campaign in Syria could last three to four months, the head of the lower house of the Russian parliament's foreign affairs committee said on Friday.

"There is always a risk of being bogged down but in Moscow, we are talking about an operation of three to four months," Alexei Pushkov, an ally of Russian President Vladimir Putin, told French radio station Europe 1. He added that the strikes were going to intensify.

Pushkov was speaking a few hours before Putin was due to meet leaders of France, Germany and Ukraine in Paris for talks about Ukraine which were likely to be overshadowed by the conflict in Syria.

Pushkov said the strikes mainly targeted Islamic State forces in spite of reports they had concentrated on opponents to Syrian President Bashar Al-Assad.

"The opponents to Bashar are very close to Daesh (Islamic State)," Pushkov said. U.S. sources have said the Russians actually hit facilities of a U.S.-backed group, some of whose rebels received training and support from the CIA.

Comment: Russia isn't playing games here. They are dead serious.


Head of Chechen Republic asks Putin to send Chechen infantry to Syria

© Said Tsarnaev / RIA Novosti
The head of the Chechen Republic has asked the Russian president to send Chechen units to fight Islamic State (IS, formerly ISIS/ISIL) in Syria, adding that his fighters have sworn to fight terrorists till the end.

"This is not idle talk, I am asking for permission to go there and participate in special operations," Ramzan Kadyrov said in the Friday interview with the RSN radio. "Being a Muslim, a Chechen and a Russian patriot I want to say that in 1999 when our republic was overrun with these devils we swore on the Koran that we would fight them wherever they are," the Chechen leader said.

"But we need the Commander-in-Chief's decision to do this," he emphasized. According to the Russian Constitution, the president is also the commander-in-chief of the military forces.


Analyst: Russia wants to stabilize the Mideast, not destroy it like the U.S.

© Sputnik/ Sergey Orlov
Russia has conducted its first airstrike against ISIL militants in Syria. The Russian Ministry of Defense says the operation took place in the Arab republic's third largest city of Homs, which is a central link between the interior cities and the Mediterranean coast.

The operation came hours after the Russian Parliament approved the use of the country's armed forces abroad.

According to Chief of Staff of the Presidential Executive Office Sergei Ivanov, the decision was made after Syrian President Bashar Assad requested military assistance from Moscow in the fight against terrorism.

While speaking to journalists on Wednesday morning, Ivanov also added that the move does not foresee any ground troop operations.

Russia, Iran, Iraq, and Syria have recently created an information center in Baghdad in order to coordinate the fight against Islamic State. The new center would begin operations in October or November.

Георгиевская ленточка

Americans being made to destroy their nation-destabilizaton project in its infancy

Russian author, historian and politician explains what happened today like no one else at today's meeting with fans and supporters.


Even cats don't get born on their own and such high-profile terrorist organisations, packaged with beautiful Hollywood promos don't appear on their own. Of course, it is a project, the same project of the global banking elite. as once was Adolf Hitler, and before that where the Bolsheviks-Trotskyists, who have destroyed the Russian empire and were going to crush the neighboring states.
Islamic state is a can opener in the hands of the global elite, with which it was planning to destroy the world order, as it is.

You know, often when we talk about WWII, a question comes to mind, why did the English have to bring Hitler to power, if they were the strongest ones? Well, in order to be the strongest, you must destroy your competition. And Hitler was brought to power in order to destroy the USSR, which not only grew economically, but presented an alternative of a social order, which was a death sentence.

Lets remember the post-war USSR, when there was a constant dropping of prices which completely contradicts the market economy. Stalin did it, And did it yearly. And he would strangle this financially oriented economy with his price drops. It had to be prevented. This was Hitler's task.

Today's Islamic State is a tool to prevent the growth of China, Russia, and Europe getting out of control.

A big war is needed. Chaos is needed. It will help solve the problem of dropping consumption in the entire world.

War is needed for many reasons. Americans create the Islamic state.

Comment: Starikov brings a fresh angle to the US-created mess that is ISIS, Al Qaeda, Al Nusra etc.

Black Magic

SOTT Focus: Western warmongers killed 1.5 million Muslims in 'war on terror'; falsely accuse Russia of '30 civilian casualties' in airstrikes against ISIS

"I believe the perception caused by civilian casualties is one of the most dangerous enemies we face."

- U.S. General Stanley A. McCrystal in his inaugural speech as ISAF Commander in June 2009.
The dust had hardly settled on Russian airstrikes on ISIS positions in Syria before Western media reports claimed that 'civilians' had been killed "including women and children".

Leaving aside the dubious nature of these allegations - the first of which was made before Russian airstrikes had even begun, according to Putin - Western propaganda outlets and the politicians they serve are in no position to point the finger at Russia over any purported "collateral damage".

Comparing recent BBC headlines with BBC headlines from 4 years ago when NATO obliterated several cities in Libya, you could be forgiven for thinking that BBC journalists and editors have only now realised that bombs kill people, in particular Russian bombs (the British, French and American variety only ever killing 'bad guys' with 'pin-point accuracy').
NATO bombs destroyed Sirte, killing thousands, in 2011

Snakes in Suits

Poroshenko invited Hollande to Kiev after discussion of situation in Donbas

Hollande and Poroshenko
© Reuters
Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko has discussed with French President Francois Hollande the situation in Donbas, issues of visa-free regime and UN Security Council reform, Poroshenko's press service said on Friday.

"Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko held a meeting with French President Francois Hollande in France. The presidents discussed the situation in Donbas and Crimea and coordinated their positions ahead of talks in the 'Normandy format'. The presidents of Ukraine and France noted the necessity of reforming UN Security Council. They discussed the issue of visa-free regime for Ukrainians and agreed to hold a Ukrainian-French investment forum in November," the press service said.

The leaders also agreed on Hollande's visit to Kiev. "Petro Poroshenko invited Francois Hollande to pay an official visit to Ukraine. The invitation was accepted," the press service added. "The relations between Ukraine and France are at their highest level" since the beginning of 1990s, Poroshenko said.

Comment: Nothing is going to change here. It looks like just a show. Putin and Lavrov must be exasperated. Merkel, Poroshenko and Hollande met to get their story straight before being joined by Putin.


CIA pulls personnel from US embassy in Beijing

US Beijing embassy
© architecturez.blogspot.comUS embassy, Beijing, China
The CIA has withdrawn a number of its personnel from the U.S. Embassy in Beijing following two massive cyber attacks involving U.S. government employee records, according to the Washington Post.

Citing current and former U.S. officials "who spoke on the condition of anonymity to discuss a sensitive matter," the newspaper said the CIA took the steps because the hack of U.S. Office of Personnel Management records this year could have enabled the Chinese to identify the intelligence agency's employees.

U.S. officials have privately pointed to China as the source of the OPM attacks but have not publicly declared who was behind them. Although no evidence has emerged that the stolen data has been abused, U.S. officials have said they are concerned about potential counterintelligence problems.

Officials told the Washington Post that China could compare OPM records, which include details on State Department employees, to a list of embassy workers and figure out who could be a potential CIA employee by process of elimination.

Comment: It's hard to know who knows what...it is simpler to assume everyone knows everything sooner or later. Is this a ploy by US to deflect attention away from the Mid East, gain sympathy at home, point a finger or is it a legitimate concern? That the CIA is in Beijing should not be a surprise to anyone. Perhaps China, by recent subtraction of US employees (a real process of elimination!), determine the status of who left...


Iran denies sending forces to Syria

Iranian army
© AP Photo/Hasan Sarbakhshian,file
Iran did not send its ground troops to Syria, IRNA news agency reported on Friday.

"A high-ranking Iranian diplomat has refuted today as a blatant lie several foreign media reports stating that Iranian forces have arrived to Syria to participate in ground operations," the agency noted.

IRNA reminded that one of such reports was published in the London-based Asharq Al-Alwsat Arabic international newspaper.


SOTT Focus: Information war goes into overdrive as West reacts to Russian intervention in Syria

We recently wrote about the 'parade of horribles' in Syria attributed to Assad's forces all coming from one primary source: the 'Syrian Observatory for Human Rights' (SOHR), an 'opposition group' run by a Syrian 'expat' living in Coventry, England. RT has since picked up the trail of the elusive 'Rami Abdulrahman' and his fantastic claims about events in Syria:

From the moment Russia launched airstrikes against terrorist targets in Syria on September 30th, Abdulrahman's word was again repeated as fact across Western media, this time providing the claim that the initial wave of Russian airstrikes against terrorist sites had killed 36 Syrian civilians. Abdulrahman's powers of observation appear to be so astute that he 'confirmed' those civilian deaths before the airstrikes even began.

Far from being "isolated by the international community", as Obama claimed in New York City on Monday, Putin arrived today in Paris for talks with French president Hollande and German chancellor Merkel - ostensibly to discuss next steps for peace in Ukraine, but Russia's intervention in Syria and the systemic shift in the global balance of power it heralds will probably be top of their agenda.

'ISIS', meanwhile, has reacted to the airstrikes by posting a tweet warning 'Death to Putin: We are coming #soon' with a picture of the Kremlin in flames. Note the logo top-left: we once again have private US-Israeli SITE intelligence group to thank for 'speaking on behalf of the terrorists'...

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