A Tucson woman was killed by a pit bull mix she was fostering earlier this week, 13 News has confirmed.

The Tucson Police Department told 13 News on Monday that there was a death investigation following an incident at a home in the 6800 block of East Via Arroyo the day before. The home is near South Kolb Road and Interstate 10.

Nearby resident Raj Sihota said he and his family were panicked the evening the incident unfolded and they saw police vehicles in the area.

After finding out more about the incident, he extends his condolences to the family.

"It's sad and I pray for the family," Sihota said. "It's really sad and it's really scary for the whole neighborhood. It's devastating."

On Friday, Jan. 24, the Pima County Office of the Medical Examiner confirmed the death of 61-year-old Tina Weger was from the attack. The manner of death was accidental.

The dog, which Weger had been fostering for more than a year, was euthanized after the attack by the Pima Animal Care Center.

13 News spoke to Steve Kozachik, the interim director of PACC, who said this was a difficult but necessary decision.

"We don't take euthanizing lightly out here," Kozachik said. "But, when an incident like this happens, such a catastrophic incident. There was no way that we could justify putting a dog like that back out in the community."

Weger was also a loving foster for pets in Tucson and volunteered for various rescues in Southern Arizona, including PACC.

The incident emotionally impacted the people involved and volunteering with the agency.

"We knew her, we respected her, and the staff and volunteers out here are really devastated by the incident," Kozachik added.

Weger suffered puncture wounds and the attack is being investigated by the Tucson Police Department and Pima Animal Care Center, according to OME.

PACC said Weger got the dog from a local rescue.

Kozachik told 13 News that while the incident was indeed devastating, he hopes that this does not deter potential fosters and volunteers in helping PACC and the pets that need help.