15-year-old Nora Quoirin was on holiday in Malaysia with her two younger siblings and their parents, staying at the Dusun eco-resort in Negeri Sembilan state.
Situated at a trailhead on the west side of the Berembun Forest Reserve, the resort is a mere 35kms as the crow flies from Kuala Lumpur International Airport, but is nonetheless surrounded by dense rainforest.
The Quoirin family had arrived there on August 4th, checked-in to their villa at the resort, then Nora was noticed missing by her father at 8am the next morning when he discovered she was not in her room and that the window was open.
As search-and-rescue (SAR) teams began looking for her, Malaysian officials' working theory was that she had left the bedroom at some point in the early hours, wandered off and become lost. But Nora was born with the brain defect holoprosencephaly, an unusual condition in which the forebrain is not fully divided into left and right hemispheres.
Nora's medical condition meant that she was highly dependent on full-time care and, as her mother insists, "would not have wandered off on her own." Her siblings, who were sleeping in the same room as her, did not notice her leave, and CCTV cameras at the resort did not capture her leaving. Even if she had been motivated to do so, it's unlikely Nora could physically negotiate the rigors of leaving the resort and trekking through steep, dense jungle. For these reasons, her parents insisted that local investigating authorities consider that she had been abducted.
Police are keeping an open mind about a criminal angle, but they have reported that:
there was no sign of any intruder entering the property. They did not find any footprints inside the villa or forensic evidence to suggest an unknown person was inside. The entire area around the villa where the family were staying is covered with soggy vegetation and the single-track road leading to the resort is covered with mud.In any event, multiple SAR teams searched the area, as far as 4kms away from the resort, for 9 days until she was found on the 13th. By then over 350 people had been involved in intensive searches of the surrounding jungle and the nearby river, using helicopters with thermal detectors, drones, sniffer dogs, and even local shamans. The spot where she was found is described as "particularly inaccessible" by the local police chief.
Had someone entered through the window and climbed a flight of stairs to an upstairs bedroom where Nora was sleeping, it is assumed there would have been traces of mud on the floor. It is because of the lack of evidence of any crime that police treated the case as primarily that of a missing person.
At one point in their search, they found footprints, but they didn't lead to her. They deployed cadaver dogs, but those didn't pick up her scent. They even had her mother, Meabh Quoirin, record messages that were played on bullhorns as SAR teams trekked through the jungle:
Bizarrely, they found Nora's body next to the Lata Berembun waterfall, which is located 1.6 miles (2kms) from her villa. What's more, she was found at a site that had already been searched. It's not that they missed her the first time; her body was naked and it wasn't obscured by canopy or other vegetation. It was just... not there - and then several days later, just lying there.

The location is so remote, her body had to be extracted by helicopter. While she presumably would not have been wearing much more than pajamas or underwear, no clothing or personal items have so far been found. Sean Yeap, who was part of the 25-man SAR team that made the shocking discovery, reported that as they approached her:
"It looked like she was sleeping. Her head was resting on her hands. But we all knew she was dead. It was very sad and two women in the group did not want to come close and they started crying."A post-mortem carried out on the body by a senior pathologist from Kuala Lumpur was initially judged "inconclusive" as to the cause of death. They're now saying she "probably died of stress and starvation," but have so far ruled out "violence, abduction or kidnapping," and have found "no evidence of foul play for the time being", although tests are still ongoing.

This case has pretty much all of the profile points seen in Missing 411 cases. These are sets of missing person cases that have been re-investigated and catalogued by retired California police detective David Paulides in his Missing 411 series of books. While his books primarily focus on cases in North America, the author notes that such incidents take place around the world.
Sometimes people vanish without a trace; sometimes they are found, but what these cases typically have in common are several or more profile points from among a set of strange but strikingly similar circumstances:
- the victim had a disability or impairment of some kind
- the victim disappears from/is found in a location with large boulders or boulder fields
- the victim 'wandered off' suddenly, unseen
- the victim is found with no clothing or missing clothing
- the victim is found at or near water
- the victim is found a substantial distance away from her last known location, in rough terrain, where it would ordinarily be difficult if not impossible for the victim to walk themselves
- the cause of death is 'inconclusive/unknown'
- the victim is found in a spot that had been previously searched
- a weather event (which typically occurs right around the time of the disappearance or during the early stages of the SAR operation);
- geographical clustering - whether this occurred in a location with past or concurrent unsolved missing persons cases is unknown.
I should mention that the specific detail in Nora Quoirin's case which spurred me to take a closer look was the description of her having been found naked beside water, looking as if she was sleeping. This description matches one of the female cases featured in Paulides' recent documentary, Missing 411: The Hunted.
In fact, one subset of cases Paulides catalogues in North America is missing hunters, who are typically armed, healthy men, very familiar with the outdoors, and even the specific location they disappeared from. So it can happen to anyone, but the best - and perhaps the only - defense against something like this happening to you or someone you know is awareness of the phenomenon...
In the meantime, we can only wish the Quoirin family well as they grieve their daughter, and encourage readers to familiarize themselves with the phenomenon of mysterious disappearances.
Reader Comments
Secondly, other than the understandable short cut of the meaningless word 'aliens', I think lillie's ponderings are most likely way closer to the mark than your curt dismissal.
No evidence of any kind of intrusion.
No evidence of any kind of means by which Nora was taken from her room.
No evidence of how she could have made her way bodily through 2km of thick jungle.
No evidence of any kind of struggle or passing through the terrain such as scent for dogs to pick up.
Evidence she was on the ground and then suddenly she was not.
Evidence that she was not at the site where she was eventually found after her disappearance - and then she was.
No evidence of how she met her death.
No evidence as to why she met her death.
Add to this Niall's list of typical shared signatures of these types of the 'Missing'.
I think you will find that in such revealing cases the rule kit of materialism and 3rd dimension/density 'reality' goes out the window. As does our understanding of life, where it originates from, who controls what aspect of our origins and inbuilt vulnerability to levels of being way beyond our comprehension. .
There are more things in heaven and earth, Horatio,
Than are dreamt of in your philosophy.
I know how much you people want to believe in Aliens but right now that's not what is going on. This is human technology from the breakaway civilization and this is exactly like the others in that the area had been previously searched. This murder is designed to convince you of all-powerful evil aliens I am quite sure.
These missing, these crimes, they cannot be the work of aliens. These are the crimes of a perverted and sick alternate civilization. Pizza is real. The technology to commit these crimes is real. I think this may be the start of a round of globalized terror designed to induce terror in the global population.
I think it was Jim Marrs who said it, or some other 'outside the box' thinker, who suggested that circumcision is a way of 'branding' male humans by occult societies oor ultra/extra terrestrials/dimensionals, and I thought; "Hmm; there's some verisimilitude in that idea."
However, in the West I'm unaware of any similar 'branding' of females. (Lord knows it certainly is 'ritualized' at a briss.)
Just FYI.
I guess from a certain perspective a person whoโs not part of the local genetic pool and who has some genetic neurological anomaly would stick out a mile in an area that might have some highstrangeness associated with it or just unlucky being in wrong place at the wrong time, when things go strange.
Iโve heard of accounts in southeast Asia, where some villagers deep in the jungle, wear dark clothing as its considered bad luck to wear bright colours, seemingly people tend to go missing and are never seen again or if they are found they seem to have experienced what could be described as an alien abduction or drug induced trip, perhaps just bitten by something attracted to the bright colour and a number of possibilities that could happen thereafter depending on the person and the area itself...?
Some accounts of people describe heavy breathing of something very big and they feel it in the air above their heads in the dark of night... well I guess wonโt ever hear of the guy who felt saliva dripping on his shoulder, donโt expect to hear those stories for obvious reasons.
Thanks for the heads up... appreciated.
As for possible explanations, I don't find 'aliens did it' compelling nor are evil-gov/ genetic experiments or undiscovered terrestrial species very likely but more likely than aliens. One does wonder why the perpetrators, if any, would go to the trouble of attacking (often, not always) in such wild and remote places at some great effort when people can be snatched off the street anywhere.
David Paulides: 'People are vanishing in urban areas'
Featured guest David Paulides observed that the many cases of upstanding young men disappearing in urban areas contradicted what one would expect from instances where someone vanishes from a city...[Link]
I am going to rent the Missing 411 documentary. Thanks, Niall, for writing this article!
For one thing, are we to believe that the stomach ulcer suddenly developed in the few days she was wandering around the forest?
For another, where are her clothes? Someone has them or has left/hidden them somewhere.
Like her parents I have so many questions. No doubt the Malaysian authorities would far prefer that she took herself off and got hot and lost. There's a $multi-million tourist industry at risk (cf. serious fall in tourist income in southern Portugal).
I don't buy the Missing 411 approach. Mr Paulides is very personable and has a creditable police officer history. He's very successful at engaging a big audience. And ducking and diving and hinting at various possibilities. He's certainly cornered the market. He leaves very little room for other perspectives (and has threatened to litigate and silence another researcher in this field).
I suppose I wonder how come that Missing 411 is the only game in town with all its fantastical maybes/perhaps/could bes - lots of questions and no answers.
Seems to me there's far more to Nora's dsappearance than we know, and most likely very dark. But, I believe, ultimately of terrestrial cause.
I certainly understand that Mr Paulides does his best to respect the families of those who went missing. He never makes any suggestions as to how they went missing. What he does instead is gently steer and enable his interviewers to come up with what he's thinking. It's enormously clever and a tried and tested police interviewer tactic.
'the Missing 411 approach' is almost entirely a police approach. That is, concerned with certain types of evidence which are sought in order to track and implicate offender/s. That's great when dealing with crimes, but I wonder how much there actually is to suggest that any of these missing411 cases are crimes? Don't forget, this is also essentially a series of cold case reviews - Mr Paulides is coming at these cases sometimes many decades after the event. Most of the evidence he would have sought and used as a police officer at the time of the disappearance is now lost.
In order to bring some coherence to his long arm reviews, he's constructed 'data points', or a set of commonalities which appear to point fingers of suspicion in clear directions.
Contrasted with that is the Parks service search and rescue approach which doesn't assume criminality and thus is broader in a number of respects, including for example local expertise/knowledge whilst they are actually working live cases. Police detectives are nothing if not suspicious about everything. First-hand, I've seen even the best of them get tangled up in their own projected crime scenarios and miss quirky but simple clues or answers right under their noses!
That's as maybe, but how useful are these data points ? Yes, there are clusters...because these are the 'easiest' places for anyone to go missing! That is, in a forest, by a river, by a huge rock or whatever! Boulder fields? well, to someone who's lost they may look so much easier to navigate quickly than a thickly wooded forest! It's no surprise, however tragic, that young children and learning disabled people get themselves lost. Men of German ancestry? Well, valdereee, valderahh! Germans invented trekking and hiking up hill and dale through forests - it's in their genes! So not really suprising that men with these genes are still keen, keener than most demographic groups, to get out there.
Of course, I'm just scratching the surface. And I can't pretend to offer a comprehensive analysis here of the issues I see as problematic in the missing411 approach. Here, I'm just trying to open some doors, and let in more light and other perspectives - and, since your question,it's clear that our fellow posters do indeed have other perspectives which are to some degree or other at variance to those of Mr Paulides.
Over the years, I must have listened to perhaps 100-200 hrs of missing411 interviews/programs. In one of the latest interviews (so sorry, lost it now - I think I followed it from some links here), Mr Paulides forthrightly concedes that "99.9%" of all those who go missing in national forests and parks are found. That's a very large number of people. There are bound to be the comparatively few who aren't so easily recovered - I don't mean to sound flippant at all, but the wilderness is full of wild things and nature is renowned for tidying up.
In sum, all I'm saying is that however clever interpretations and profiling like missing411 sound, they haven't contributed much, if anything, to solving any case. Whereas,the SAR people have indeed rescued or recovered far more missing people. There may be other, very different reasons for why the unrecovered people are not found and I believe we should bear that in mind.
1. RAF B24 Liberator KL654 event: An aircraft from Cocos Island, Australia that crashed in the mountainous region (Gunung Kampung Langkap) a ways further from Berembun Mountain. Remains of the victims and aircraft were found by indigenous peoples and reported to the authorities only 46 years after the incident. Photos: [Link] [Link] [Link]
2. On the 7th April 2011, a couple were at the waterfall at Gunung Berembun. One of the couple (the woman) drowned due to a heavy gush of water that came from upstream while the other was washed away by the current and is reported missing. There were two others in the group who apparently weren't affected.
3. A customs officer from Putrajaya died in a hiking event that went sour. He was 41 years old and was hiking with 26 others, starting of at 7 AM. He had reportedly fainted during the hike at the 4000 ft level. The poor cell phone coverage posed difficulties for the hiker's companions to contact the emergency services. He died as soon as the rescue team arrived at 4 PM. [Link]
Local villagers are saying that there are supernatural entities living in the jungles of Berembun and they are called "orang bunian": Wiki: [Link]
Many Malaysians have superstitious beliefs and there is a lot of stress on having respect for forest spirits.
An Assistant Deputy Director living in Northern Virginia on a large estate, after breakfast told his wife he was going down to the mailbox on the road at the end of the long driveway to collect the mail. She heard the dog barking but thought nothing of it. After doing the dishes and cleaning up, she thought, "He's taking a long time. Maybe a neighbor was driving by and stopped to chat by the mailbox." So she decided to go down and see what was taking him so long. She could follow his footprints in the mud of the driveway for about half the distance to the road, but the footprints suddenly ended in the middle of the driveway, he was nowhere to be seen in the fields on either side beyond the fences, and when she got to the mailbox, he was not there.
She called the CIA, and there was an extensive search by CIA, FBI and police, since he was a person with many secrets in his head and there was a concern he had been abducted or kidnapped by some hostile entity such as the Soviets. However, he was never seen again, anywhere, alive or dead.
There is also the case of a man who stepped off the sidewalk in New York City in the 1950s, and was run over and killed by a car. He was dressed in old-fashioned clothes, and when the police searched his pockets, finding ID, 19th-century money, and other paraphernalia from the 19th century, he was identified as someone who had disappeared without trace in New York in the 1880s, 70 years before. He reappeared 70 years later, aged the same as when he vanished, and presumably, never having seen a motor-car, did not understand what they were, walked out into the traffic and was killed. This is a quite a famous and well documented story - I do not have his name on this computer but have it saved at home.
There are so many instances of people and objects appearing out of thin air, or disappearing into thin air in full view of other people, (in fact there are even several videos on YouTube of this happening - both people and vehicles suddenly appearing or disappearing - that the phenomenon cannot be dismissed.
What is the explanation? After much research and thought, my own most plausible theory (I never claim to have a definitive and final answer for anything,) is that there are parallel universes and alternate realities which exist close to the one we now inhabit, and that occasionally some sort of portal opens and the different realities become interlinked. Moreover, in a higher, non-material universe, there would exist no time or space, and an entity could traverse both space and time instantly. Perhaps that is the nature of the portals which open between different realities.
This is speculative, and is offered as a possible explanation of these "strange" events which our present very primitive science and limited consciousness cannot understand or explain. Anyone else have any thoughts?
Aliens, IMO, are more likely to be Nazi Paper-Clip people- scientists who were originally aliens on American soil - and who are said to have invented flying saucers/hovercraft.
How easy for them to be behind abductions,snatching people in lonely places and brainwashing them into believing they were abducted by extra terrestrials. Who will investigate such a claim? What's stopping them keeping the bodies and then placing them in places which they know have already been searched.?
They are probably behind Crop Circles and animal mutilations, all part of a program to, as Baron has pointed out, to keep us guessing, worrying or terrorized according to our nature.
UFO's belong to that forbidden knowledge area under the control of corporations and probably not the government. Their activities can only be described as criminal, including abductions, theft, murders. The technology is not based on Einsteinian Physics which is fundamentally flawed and probably created on purpose as a diversionary science. You cannot make a UFO work using this physics for reasons I won't get in to.
Tractor beams are an off shoot of this technology and have been in use for a considerable amount of time. This is almost assuredly the only possible way to have accomplished this murder, as it does appear to me to be a murder.
We are looking at what Richard Dolan and Clif High labeled the "Breakaway Civilization." This group appears to be controlling the governments as a whole, I mean globally, all political strife is imaginary or staged is what I think.
The Airship Mysteries & the Origins of the Breakaway Civilization with Walter Bosley
I heard about the 'Breakaway Civilization" a few years ago on a Time Monk radio show called The Plane Truth but as I have never heard it mentioned since I had forgotten about it.
I would imagine it to be connected to the nameless/faceless entities that are referred to as "The Deep State."
Piezoelectricity-induced Room Temperature Superconductor *(There is no such thing as "superconduction" there is the flow of the dielectic counter space)
) HIGH FREQUENCY GRAVITATIONAL WAVE GENERATOR (*There is no such thing as gravity or a gravity wave either. Gravity is an inductive process. These explanations are just that. They are not truth's. Understand and read Ken Wheeler's book)
You're living in a society with a controlled and manipulated knowledge base. Understand that first.
Ken Wheeler's book
William Lyne; Occult Ether Physics. (recommended)
Recommended. Available online if you hunt for it unless it's been scrubbed. Couldn't find a PDF link off hand.
Hitler's Flying Saucers : A Guide to German Flying Discs of the Second World War New Edition (9781935487913): Henry Stevens: Books.
Disk Aircraft Of The Third Reich Nazi Antigravity Aerospace Craft Weapons Development Programs
by the late great Rob Arndt (*overview)
PDF cover antigravity and tractor beams.
Two video's exist of cattle being abducted this is a link to one. Notice the vehicle is shrouded in what appears to be an IR cloud which essentially makes it invisible.
Everyone should watch your second link - the cow being abducted.
This technology explains so many mysteries. Thanks a lot.
It frankly amazes me that so many people believe in all this extra-terrestrial stuff.
For example really old photos typically feature 3 half round balls on the bottom of a saucer, these are likely related to microwaves and for collimation of electromagnetic polarized fields. Microwaves theory is based on electromagnetism.
Then later in the 1950's/60's we begin to get fuzzy photos and that again has to do the same principle which involved the use of microwaves, and it related to the is being called RTSC, or room temp super conduction. Where the enabling part is a high frequency
energetic field, and in these vehicles such as the Flux Liner illustrated by Mark McCandlish, the idea seems be to create a high frequency field which engulfs the entire machine.
This is a very well written simple to comprehend patent. Understanding why it does what it does isn't however really going to be found in conventional science.
And now we have arrived at a level in the Black Off the Books Breakaway Civilization where UFO's now really do look out of this world.
Which if you give me 1/4 of the US GDP, the best Nazi Scientist's that ever lived, a revolutionary idea and 80 years then I suppose I too might be able to produce some "otherworldly looking craft."
This is an HD Image released by the CIA. Probably part of an IQ test.
Super HD Image of same vehicle
and here's the source
The purpose here is to give you some idea what you're really seeing. Do not let photographers screw you up with their ideas because they don't know anything about anti-gravity and clearly there's more going on when you can see a super high definition photograph. This is one advantage to our time which others never had.
Now there's a bubble over the top area, and then a very large bubble beneath and inside of which are ring forms or donuts focused down. This is most probably a very good image of an advanced machine showing a phase shift in the electromagnetic induction field. Gravity is inductive. A phase shift is clearly being demonstrated by the color. Blue and Red are the phase shift colors of positive and negative and movement to and from.
I have always believed that there are UFOs but not that they come from another planet. That's the part for which there is absolutely no proof.
All the evidence I know shows that the resources are going to build off world bases, on the moon, on mars, in space based stations. That this is a global initiative by the richest of the rich, the blilderbergs most likely, and that the taxation's which exceed 50% throughout the West are funding this initiative.
I've heard/read folks claim that Orwell was intentionally giving a diagram for a dystopia, which I do not buy at all!
Personally, I don't have a Google/Facebook/Twitter or other account as I dislike the idea of being tracked and I am the only person I know who doesn't possess a mobile phone for the same reason.
Human abductions and animal mutilations are, I imagine, all part of their Fear Agenda. I don't think they need the tongues and testicles for tests but are done simply for scare tactics.