routinely exposes this great evil that is sweeping through and taking over much of the Western world and beyond:
- Is France Attempting to Normalize Pedophilia?
- The demise of Western Civilization: "Gender fluidity" as a harbinger for Postmodernist Hell
- LGBTQIAP+...Pedophilia? Top Dutch gay publication publishes pedophile 'coming out' interview
As Bart Bohemen from news site Curiales writes:
"The sexual revolution of the 1960s would change our society forever. Free sex, emancipation of women and the acceptance of homosexuality took off. In the wake of the cultural change, a completely different group fought for the acceptance of their pernicious sexual preference: pedophiles."The following clip (in Dutch, with English subtitles, see transcript below the video) is a good example of the types of people who fight for the acceptance of pedophilia in society. In the video we see the very creepy Edward Brongersma, a Dutch politician and doctor of law at the time, telling the presenter that children crave sexual attention from adults, and how it is our duty, as grown-ups, to give them this 'affection'. In the clip we also get to hear pastor Alje Klamer, who says, "pedophiles opened my eyes."
Politician: Thankfully, a large number of people are pedophiles, and that there is a pedophile in every human being. Actually every human being likes and loves children which is great for children, because children need affection. And there is a need for it to be expressed. This can not only happen mentally. A child is very physically oriented and also needs that affection to be physically expressed. Well, there are hugs, kisses, touching. And you just have to look at the expression of the child when that happens. The lovely enriched expression that the child gets with that, which clearly shows that children need this.The message was clear: anyone who didn't sexually interact with his or her own children is not a good parent. Sickening as this is, many people bought it.
Interviewer: We sometimes tell children: "You're so cute, I just want to eat you up."
Politician: Yes, yes, there is something about that expression that indicates the need to want to be physically united.
Interviewer: And they don't mind.
Politician: And they don't mind. Would all those children be so negatively affected by it? If this was so harmful, disgusting, or traumatizing - a term used in academic circles - for those children, well then, we would have to be living in a totally sick world. I've compared it to masturbation. That's also something people believed was so bad for you.
Interviewer: [Negatively affecting] the spinal cord... the brain.
Politician: Brain,... they said your teeth would fall out, that everything would go wrong, and that you die at an early age in a terrible way. Since social studies have been conducted that have shown that it is a common, and normal, practice, we are now seeing that it is impossible for it to be so terribly wrong.
- The interviewer now turns to pastor Klamer -
Interviewer: Thank you.... To pastor Klamer, there is a taboo regarding this issue. You have contacts with pedophiles, was it always an open matter for you?
Pastor: No, the pedophiles have opened my eyes. Thanks to their stories, I have learned to think differently and listen to others differently.
Interviewer: How can a pastor stand up for pedophiles with his religious beliefs?
Pastor: Exactly because of that. Because faith is about love. And I think that if you're talking about faith, you're talking about the person from whom you've learned about faith, and that's Jesus. And Jesus does nothing but create space for people who in those times were also shown in a bad light and described as dangerous and that they don't belong with the others.
The soft attitude towards pedophilia brought a lot of horrors with it. Child abuse scandals followed in rapid succession. Even to this day, the damage seems evident: official statistics claim that one in three Dutch children has been sexually abused or exploited.
During the early 1990s, the emancipation of pedophilia was initially in shambles after networks had come to light that consisted of individuals kidnapping, torturing, raping, and killing children and infants, then selling or buying videos of the crimes for thousands to millions of euros. It was not the image the Dutch establishment had tried to paint of pedophiles - their selling point had been that pedophiles were 'revolutionizing' how we should 'love' our children.
At the time, these revelations appeared to sound the death knell for the acceptance of pedophilia. People finally began to realize that it was not about 'love for children', as propagated by politicians, academics and the media - but about predators who get a kick out of tormenting children.
Even so, it was not until 1998 that the Dutch political party SGP tabled a motion to criminalize the possession of child pornography, and which was approved in the House of Representatives. And yet, almost all parties saw this as a violation of privacy. It was only around the end of the millennium that a political and cultural change took place whereby pedophilia was once again regarded as beyond the pale.
Nevertheless, the battle for acceptance of pedophilia has never ceased. Indeed, recent developments show that the acceptance of pedophilia is resurgent and making considerable progress all over the Western world.
Pedophile Empire
Today, the campaign to make pedophilia a normal 'sexual orientation' has a new cover: the 'gender revolution'. Interestingly enough, the concept of a wide array of gender identities came from a pedophile and human experimenter, which puts a very different brush on liberal 'progressivism' as a vehicle for positive change in Western societies.
Authorities and the media are blurring the lines between what is male and female to the extent that children - whose brains are not fully developed - are encouraged in schools to not conform to male or female 'stereotypes' and instead to "choose their own gender". New pronouns to address the ''new genders'' correctly are even enforced through law.

Children are also regularly depicted as sex symbols all over the media: See here, here and the following picture where 13-year-old Stranger Things actress Millie Bobby Brown is depicted one of the "sexiest TV Stars'' by W Magazin.
The "Lifestyle" editor of the United Kingdom-based news outlet Metro recently published a hideous op-ed column chastising parents who don't sexualize their children at a young age, and encouraged parents to buy sex toys for their kids. Meanwhile, the British morning chat show This Morning thought it would be edifying for the British public to show three little girls pole-dancing, and have a guest proclaim that "it's really just about fitness."
Psychologists in Canada made headlines in 2011 when they told the Canadian parliament that pedophilia is a "sexual orientation" comparable to homosexuality or heterosexuality. The following video shows that sympathy for pedophiles is one of the 'causes' of radical leftists (Antifa), who can frequently be seen carrying signs stating ''No Pedo Bashing.''
In the aftermath of the Jimmy Savile scandal in the UK, the Guardian published a feature article with the disturbing claim that there is "not even a full academic consensus on whether consensual paedophilic relations necessarily cause harm." The New York Times also published an article saying pedophilia shouldn't be a crime. While downplaying the horrors of pedophilia in this way, the MSM also depicts pedophiles as victims of their ''sexual orientation'' rather than the predators they are. While this may be true for some people with severe psychological disorders, it has already been shown that such claims are used as an excuse by inveterate pedophiles and child abusers.
Robert M, a Dutch pedophile known for having raped 87 children between 2007 and 2010, told a Dutch court that his 'sexual orientation'' is a "curse" and he simply failed to control his impulses. Yet according to contacts who knew him via the internet, M. was also very proud of the images he made and he frequently boasted about them. "What he did was very extreme. He did not care if the children cried," one contact said.
All of the above are not exceptions: the push to normalize pedophilia is becoming more evident by the day.
So how does ''gender revolution'' tie into the normalization of pedophilia? We find a clue from the leading academics and advocates of ''gender theory'' in the Netherlands. One of them is Gert Hekma, a strong supporter of legalizing pedophila, who provides an insight into his disturbing thought processes in the following interview (the full article can be found here):
Gert Hekma: [...] There is the idea that if it is about sex, no pressure may happen. That is the big problem with pedophilia, because this involves unequal balances of power, and these men, they force sex on boys who don't want it. As for Sade, it is like you need to be forced a bit to learn what you like. We accept this in many, many areas. You are forced to go to school. You are forced as a child to eat your food. You are forced to poo and pee neatly at certain times. The child is being forced endlessly, but when it comes to sex, it suddenly is not allowed anymore. Sade indicates: With a little pressure you learn how nice sex is.Later during the interview Hekma said: ''We are dealing with kids who are being confronted with sex, they discover their own sex preferences earlier, etc., so, as a society you should do something with that.'' So while preaching freedom for children through 'gender revolution', the media pushes for hypersexualisation of youth. They are creating a generation of brainwashed kids who, after being exposed to so much pro-sex material from an early age, will end up thinking that they want sex.
Interviewer: You could say that a tiny bit of pressure is permitted, but you could also say that the pressure in all these other areas might be far less compulsory.
Gert Hekma: You could argue about that. I think you should force children. Children are boring creatures as well, whom you need to put on a right track one given moment. And this goes for sex too. [...]
Interviewer: Do you yourself still look with erotic interest at a boy or maybe a girl who is not sixteen yet?
Gert Hekma: Well, that is inevitable. If you don't do that, you are crazy.
Interviewer: Would you be in favour of an age of consent in relation to sexual contacts or do you think the relationship itself always has to be considered?
Gert Hekma: I would be much more in favour of the latter, of course. That is the Russian system of the twenties. But it did not amount to anything, because it was a dictatorship. So, when it was convenient, you were persecuted anyway, but it worked well that way. Minister Visser also said that any age of consent is rather arbitrary. You can say at twelve, but there are also children who are ready to have sex at ten or at six. [...]
Make no mistake about it, the push for pedophilia is happening under the guise of liberal policies such as the 'gender revolution'.
Social evils like the pro-pedophile campaign can be portrayed as mere storms in teacups, crazy ideas supported only by tiny crazy minorities. Yet the case I have made here suggests that this is a serious issue confronting all of society. Those who turn a blind eye to it risk allowing it to gain momentum to the point where we may wake up one day to find pedophilia is a legally-protected 'normal' sexual orientation.
In Western nations, laws that favor the normalization of pedophilia are being tabled and approved almost every day, division is being fomented, hatred encouraged, families destroyed, and children's lives ruined from an early age. Anyone who does not accept this radical leftist ideology is labeled a sexist, racist, 'Nazi', homophobic. Through the widespread acceptance of the 'crime' of 'discrimination', anyone who disagrees with this ideology is silenced in one way or another.
Putin, Lone Voice Of Conscience Against The Pedophile Elite
Awareness of pedophilia in very high places in modern Western society has been growing for several decades. Power attracts psychopaths, psychopaths molest children, and they know that they can only get away with it if they acquire positions of power. This combination of top-down ponerization and the increasing power of politicians is the reason why pedophilia prevails at the top. The fact that pedophile politicians are easily blackmailed is another factor.
Unsurprisingly, pedophilia appears to be widespread in the cesspool that is Washington DC. According to ex-congresswoman Cynthia McKinney, if the facts ever came to light about the DC pedophila networks, it would bring down both the Democrat and Republican parties. See also this short audio fragment in which the former Mayor of London, Ken Livingstone, talks about the role MI5 ('security service' of the UK) plays in pedophile networks in the UK.
Wherever you see the establishment media taking a pro-pedophilia stance (which is pretty much evident throughout the Western world), you can be fairly sure that the country in question is run by a group of psychopaths or otherwise seriously character-disturbed individuals.
Vladimir Putin seems to be the only major world leader who understands this threat and who has publicly spoken out in an effort to protect his people and society. According to the Russian president, Western elites have created a culture of "excessive, exaggerated political correctness" that is so destructive it will lead to the downfall of Western civilization if it is not arrested.
The excesses and exaggerations of political correctness in these countries indeed leads to serious consideration for the legitimization of parties that promote the propaganda of pedophilia. [...]The Russian President also made clear during a media interview that Russia would never accept pedophilia, unlike Western European nations and the USA. ''Russian people would sooner take up arms,'' he said.
And these countries try to force this model onto other countries, globally. I am deeply convinced that this is a direct way to the degradation and primitivization of culture. This leads to a deeper demographic and moral crisis in the West. (Source)
While a normally functioning person sees the actions of pedophiles for what they are - disgusting and traumatizing (for the children, not for the predators) - psychopaths in power strive to make every lifestyle, no matter how abhorrent or barbaric, acceptable. Thus they (de)form humanity in their own deviant image.
Pedophilia will continue to thrive as long as people remain unaware of the existence of those who are genetically incapable of empathy and who can reach high positions of power through their natural cunning and deceit. They will rob us of our humanity, conscience and soul unless we take a stand as a society.
For we wrestle not against flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places. - Ephesians 6:12
The next thing we will be told is that Satanists who murder and eat children and drink their blood, maintain that the children are enjoying their devotion to, and sacrifice of their lives for, the worship of the glorious and beautiful entity, Satan. I'd like to hear that in a court of law: "Your honor, I beat up and robbed that man because I just knew in my heart of hearts that he is a kind person who would enjoy supporting me and my drug-addicted lifestyle." Bullshit, bullshit, and more bullshit.
Thank God for Vladimir Putin. Russia is the only nation that can save Western civilization.