© Twitter/brazilweirdnews/RPPPeruvian scientists have discovered a mummy with large eyes and a triangular head, leading some UFO enthusiasts and scientist to call it an alien life-form.
The skeletal structure with an oversized skull and miniature rib cage, discovered in Peru recently, has been creating quite a buzz, with several anthropologists claiming that it cannot possibly belong to any human ethnic groups on earth and thus has come from another planet.
The claims sound completely farfetched, even as Peruvian anthropologist Renato Davila Riquelme, who made the discovery, has declared that the remains are those of a child. So who are these people celebrating the discovery of an ancient alien? As of now, they are unidentified. The "alien skull" buzz gained momentum after a Peruvian news site RPP, published an article featuring a number of anonymous quotes from "noted" (but strangely unnamed) Spanish and Russian scientists and anthropologists, who claimed that the structure "clearly" belonged to an alien.
"It has a non-human appearance," a statement from the scientists read. "The head is triangular and big, almost the same size as the boy... yes, it's an extraterrestrial being."
But even for someone who isn't an anthropologist, the structure looks significantly similar to that of humans, probably that of a child. Moreover, the scientific community has long-denied the hypothesis that aliens would look like humans, and has speculated that the probability of human-looking alien life form is extremely low. Critics of the "alien skull" claims say that the skull "could be that of a hydrocephalic child or a tribal member who has undergone tribal rituals involving skull modification, an ancient practice with thousands of years of history.
Artificial cranial deformation dates back to 45,000 BC in Neanderthal skulls, and to the Proto-Neolithic
Homo sapiens component (12th millennium BCE). The ritualistic deformation usually begins just after the birth of a child till the next couple of years until the desired shape has been reached or the child rejects the apparatus used to modify the skull. It was practiced generally to signify group affiliation or to demonstrate social status.
Photographs of skulls from the Andean Paracas culture, deformed artificially, show considerable similarity to the skull now discovered in Peru.
© Marcin Tlustochowicz/Flickr/Wikimedia CommonsSkulls from the Andean Paracas culture.
Whilst readily admitting that cranial deformation is a culture wide and very ancient ritual process, anthropologists will never admit there is anything else here other than a search for tribal or social status, etc. Yet this is no real answer because it immediately raises the question, where did the idea of such elongation as a sign of status and reverence originate from in the first place? What was the stimulus for such planet wide mimicry? Why was such deformity always associated with the highest status? We may eventually forget the roots of our customs yet continue to play them out in some bizarre ritual vacuum for eons after (e.g. Northern Shamans/Father Christmas) but there was always an originally viable source of profound inspiration, always a powerful originating motivation for such long lasting traditions. Humans do not suddenly wake up one morn and believe it is a good idea to put themselves and their children through an extreme lifelong process which wrecks their craniums for no good reason. The consistency of deformation across a range of cultures suggests a constant and impressive source. So this clearly still leaves open a non-human original.
There are several interesting ‘non-human’ skulls that have been discovered, analyzed and shown on a number of powerful indicators (including DNA) not to be truly human in origin.
Most importantly the obsession with extra-terrestrial aliens instead of hyper-dimensional locals has completely blinkered all of science to the actual reality faced. The argument that aliens would not look like humans simply does not wash when one comes to understand that the so called eponymous Grey is most likely a biological robotic probe constructed from re-engineered human foetus by highly manipulative and demonic intelligences that interact with our reality from a parallel density. Human like but physically very different - in particular their skulls. The ancients who first consciously experienced and became aware of their interaction with the 'good shepherd’s' felt compelled to mimic these seemingly all powerful Archons – interlopers of the hidden gods who treat us as their playthings and haunt that space between our reality and theirs.
Wake up people! They never left because this is their feeding ground - and we are their targeted food.