I really had to read this three times to make sense of it! I still don't get it, but here it is. It's hilarious. (Fortunately in Arabic)

See these guys at Al Azhar University may seem like they have too much time on their hands, but in fact they are not sitting around twiddling their thumps; they are working hard on coming up with Fatwas to help Muslims deal with some of the challenges facing them in these challenging times.

So the latest Azhar fatwa, ingeniously thought of by the head of the Hadith section at the university who argues it's based on a Prophet's strong Hadith (saying), is trying to solve the problem that in this darn age men and women are spending time alone together at work when that is forbidden. The solution? Easy! The problem can be easily solved by having the woman nurse her colleague. Yep. Nurse him as in put her breast in his mouth. This way they become related through nursing and as such can be alone together without breaking any moral or religious codes. But they need to keep accurate records of who nursed whom so things don't get mixed up. Once a man is nursed by a woman, she can take off her veil in front of him because now he's "forbidden" to her.

I'm not sure what effect this will have on productivity at the work place but then it might prove quite productive. I bet you it will make milk, not coffee, the favorite morning drink of Egyptian civil servants. Now, how can that be bad?

And they accuse Al Azhar of not being creative! How can they not be creative. They're NUTS!!!