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SOTT Focus: Behind the Headlines: Trump Jr. Meeting Prompts Full-Scale Meltdown: Russia!

Trump Jr. and Trump Sr.
© Jewel Samad / AFP
The big news this week - just like every other week - is all about Trump. But this time it's Trump Jr. A year ago a shady British publicist set up a meeting between the junior Donald and a Russian. Now that the whole world knows about it, people are freaking out. Meeting with Russians is bad.

Unfortunately for the Russia-baiters, this latest scandal is the same as all the previous ones. As the story grows with every telling, its substance diminishes with equal rapidity. The meeting was a waste of time. There was no Russian collusion. And the hyper-focus on what the anti-Trumpers desperately want to be there - but which cannot be found - only exposes their own hypocrisy and double standards.

It was the Clintonista crew that top to bottom invented the 'dodgy dossier' on Trump, and Hillary's DNC actually colluded with Ukraine's illegitimate "government" to help undermine Trump. If that isn't bad enough, Bill Clinton's former political operatives Michael Caputo and Dick Morris are coming out to plainly admit that they were tasked to help Boris Yeltsin get re-elected as Russian President in the 90s. A big win for team USA - and a disaster for Russia. Now, these stories would make great burgers (with all the toppings!) if the corporate media served up a semblance of objectivity.

Tune in Sunday, July 16, to Behind the Headlines, 4-6pm UTC (6-8pm CET, 12-2pm EST) as we take a look at this latest anti-Russian nothing-burger, and what the real story is that everyone is missing.

Running Time: 01:43:12

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SOTT Focus: The Health & Wellness Show: Hazed and confused: The psychology of hazing

Hazing is defined as any activity required implicitly or explicitly as a condition of initiation or continued membership in an organization whether it be a college fraternity, sports team, military unit or social club. Hazing negatively impacts the physical and psychological well being of initiates and is said to create bonds between members, but is that really the case? Does shared PTSD make people closer? Is hazing really effective in making people want to join a group and even like the group they are joining? Some researchers believe that hazing produces cognitive dissonance and wears down an individuals sense of identity. Undergraduates prone to hazing are reported to have lower self esteem, relying too much on peers and suffering from a dislike of solitude.

Today on the Heath and Wellness show we will discuss the psychology of hazing. At least one hazing death a year has occurred on a college campus every year since 1969 - and many years, multiple deaths have transpired. Is hazing part of evolutionary psychology as some suggest or is it just bullies out of control? Join us as we discuss hazing stories that have captured headlines and what is being done to address the issue.

Running Time: 01:11:52

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SOTT Focus: Behind the Headlines: Trump Tweet Triggers CNN Self-Destruction, Tremendous Trump-Putin Handshake Grips G20

Trump vs CNN
The pen is mightier than the sword. CNN may know that, but a tweet just might be more powerful than both. And CNN hasn't yet figured that one out. Last week Trump dealt what may just turn out to be the blow that will put CNN out for the count. After a string of journalistic failures, all it took was Trump re-tweeting a humorous meme of Trump pummelling a cartoon CNN to send the network into a spasm of self-destruction. Funnily enough, CNN is seemingly unaware that they have been played, and defeated, and that they are only digging themselves deeper with every response. It seems they've met their match.

Trump's CNN TKO (Twitter knockout) had good timing too: right before his first meeting with the man CNN considers the most evil in the world. Vlad "the Democracy-Impaler" Putin. After a handshake that most likely sent CNN and anyone dumb enough to watch them into convulsive fits of hysterical outrage, the two presidents apparently had a great time, with the minutes turning into hours. While nothing huge has come out of the meeting, by all accounts it was amicable and agreeable. Topics included: North Korea, Syria, Ukraine, and cyber warfare, among others.

Tune in Sunday, July 9, to Behind the Headlines, 4-6pm UTC (6-8pm CET, 12-2pm EST) as we discuss the G20 and CNN's steady demise.

Running Time: 01:36:30

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SOTT Focus: The Health & Wellness Show: Suicide and Euthanasia: A valid choice or the easy way out?

© makler0008/Shutterstock
According to the World Health Organization a person commits suicide every 40 seconds and it is the leading cause of death in 15 to 29 year olds. There is a high rate of suicide among veteran and active service members and the mentally ill, whether severely depressed or psychotic, are at greater risk. Suicide and suicide attempts are still considered criminal acts in many countries and continues to be stigmatized and spoken about in hushed tones.

To many, suicide goes against a human being's innate sense of self-preservation while others claim that it is the ultimate act of freedom and taking control of one's own fate (as in assisted suicide). On this episode of The Health and Wellness Show we'll discuss the factors that could cause a person to take their own life, suicidal clusters, live-streamed suicides and whether, for some people experiencing extreme emotional of physical pain if suicide is, indeed, a valid choice.

Stay tuned for Zoya's Pet Segment where she shares her thoughts on euthanasia from a veterinarian's perspective.

Running Time: 01:16:49

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SOTT Focus: The Health & Wellness Show: Corporal Punishment: Abuse or Discipline?

"Whoever spares the rod hates their children, but the one who loves their children is careful to discipline them," so the Bible says. But what is 'the rod'? Does it just mean discipline as in teaching, guiding and setting a proper example? Or does it mean -- in what seems to be the widely accepted view -- actually smacking, hitting or spanking a child in order to correct their behavior? Research states that the majority of parents worldwide use some type of corporal punishment and practically all of these researchers agree that hitting a child is not only ineffective but leads to emotional and behavioral problems and poorer outcomes later in life.

Proper discipline is essential to a child's development but defining what is proper is often the sticking point. On this episode of the Health and Wellness Show we'll discuss discipline, corporal punishment and outright child abuse. We'll also attempt to answer the burning question, "Is it ever okay to spank a child?

Stay tuned for Zoya's Pet Health Segment where the topic will be house training your dog.

Running Time: 01:24:31

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SOTT Focus: The Health & Wellness Show: Mysterious Deaths: Holistic Doctors, Scientists & Bankers

In the summer of 2015 12 holistic doctors died under suspicious circumstances within 3 months of each other. If reports are to be believed the death tally of holistic doctors now stands at around 60. In 2016 there was a spate of banker deaths that spanned the globe. In 2001 several microbiologists were found dead of suicide or 'foul play'. In 2013 3 climate scientists died mysteriously. What's happening? Conspiracy theories abound but there is no hard evidence linking all of these deaths together. Were these professionals in possession of some top-secret knowledge that put their lives at risk from the powers that be or are all of these deaths merely an unfortunate coincidence?

On this episode of The Health and Wellness Show we explore the bizarre details and possible explanations of this strange phenomenon that leaves most alternative researchers scratching their heads.

At the end of the show we bring it back down to the mundane with Zoya's Pet Health Segment on training your cat in morning etiquette.

Running Time: 01:14:01

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SOTT Focus: The Truth Perspective: Hidden History of US Disaster in Asia: Interview with James Bradley

james bradley
The history of US intervention in East Asia is crucial background to understanding world events and the balance-of-power today. This week on The Truth Perspective we're going back in time to explore some of that history with James Bradley, a New York Times #1 bestselling author of four books about US involvement in East Asia.

These are, in chronological order: Flags of Our Fathers, co-written with Ron Powers, Flyboys, a True Story of Courage, The Imperial Cruise, A Secret History of Empire and War, and The China Mirage: The Hidden History of American Disaster in Asia.

His books can be found via his website at Bradley has also spoken to audiences, appeared on TV and radio across the US and China, Russia, Japan, and Europe, and penned op-eds in major US newspapers.

Join us today for a conversation with the author, from 4 - 6pm UTC (12 - 2pm EST, 6-8pm CET).

Running Time: 01:37:17

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SOTT Focus: The Health & Wellness Show: High Intensity Training with Drew Baye

drew baye
Drew Baye has been a personal trainer since 1993 and runs a website called where he shares his expertise on high intensity strength training and bodyweight high intensity training. His goal is to train others in the 'safest, most effective, most efficient manner possible to maximize life-long health and functional ability with enjoyment of life as the standard, and to teach the best methods of achieving this.' He is the author of the following books:

Project Kratos Program Handbook: Bodyweight High Intensity Training

High Intensity Workouts: 100 High Intensity Training Workouts and Guidelines for Performance

High Intensity: The Annotated, Uncensored Post Workout Delirium Induced Ramblings

Getting Ripped: A Short Guide to Training and Eating to Maximize Fat Loss While Gaining or Maintaining Muscle

Timed Static Contraction Training: A Guide to Minimalist High Intensity Isometrics

If you want to increase your strength, muscle mass, lose fat or simply get the most out of your workout in the least amount of time, join us for this episode of the Health and Wellness show.

Running Time: 01:42:45

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SOTT Focus: Behind the Headlines: World in crisis: UK regime teetering, Qatar outed as Terror Mastermind, 'ISIS' attacks Philippines

Theresa May
© European Press Agency
Last week's UK general election result has apparently taken the establishment there by complete surprise, with Theresa May's Conservative Party losing the small majority it held before the election. The only surprise for us was that Corbyn didn't 'do a Trump' and become the next PM. As that country continues its lurch from political crisis to political crisis, we'll look at some of the many emergent contradictions thrown up by this and other recent elections and referenda in the UK and beyond.

The bombshell news last week was the apparently sudden decision of Saudi Arabia and other Arab countries to cut diplomatic relations with their erstwhile ally Qatar, and impose what effectively amounts to an economic blockade on the small Persian Gulf country. Next thing we know, 'ISIS' has massacred people in Iran's parliament. Where the heck did this come from?! Hint: funding of Islamist terrorism has - in a sense - nothing to do with it.

Meanwhile terrorists are on the run in Syria, where Syrian state forces are making advances across the desert (in spite of US airstrikes against them from across Syria's borders). But just as one head of the Islamist terror hydra is beaten, another rears its heads in the Philippines, where 'ISIS' is apparently expanding its control beyond the southern city of Marawi.

Running through all these threads is 'ISIS', that ragtag bunch of jet-setting headchoppers that somehow always manages to intervene in and influence world events of major importance.

Join us today on Behind the Headlines from 4-6pm UTC (6-8pm CET, 12-2pm EST) for more of the real story behind the 'War on Terror'.

Running Time: 02:04:07

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SOTT Focus: Behind the Headlines: Peak Liberal, Trump Deal-breakers, Corbyn Power, and ISIS Terror

Marawi City Philippines soldiers ISIS
© Erik De Castro / ReutersGovernment soldiers advance their position in Marawi City, Philippines May 28, 2017.
The virus of postmodernism appears to be peaking as an outbreak of liberal delusions flood the United States. The 2016 US presidential election unleashed the Great Liberal Hysteria and there are no signs of it letting up. An unhinged frenzy is being set loose among college campuses, entertainers, and politicians. This past week we've seen everything from Kathy Griffin's bizarre claims of being a victim after her ISIS-inspired Trump gaffe, to the Evergreen State shutdown, to the continually pathetic antics of Hillary Clinton ranting about Russians under her bed (and Macedonians too!).

Meanwhile the geo-political world continues to be rocked as Trump pulls out of the Paris Climate Agreement and snubs NATO colleagues at the Brussels summit. What will the ramifications be? The UK election circus is competing with the US to be the most ridiculous, oh, and ISIS has unleashed an invasion of Philippines.

Tune in to Behind the Headlines this Sunday June 4 from 6-8pm CET (4-6pm UTC, 12-2pm EST) for the scoop.

Running Time: 01:56:49

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