Health & WellnessS


Vaping damages DNA and may increase cancer risks, says study

vaping e-cigarette
© Hannah Mckay / Reuters
Vaping damages DNA, putting users at a higher risk of cancer and heart disease according to a new study which examined the effects of e-cigarette smoke on mice.

Researchers at New York University found that through damaging DNA and inhibiting DNA repair, e-cigarette smoke may contribute to human lung and bladder cancer as well as heart disease. The team noted, however, that further studies are needed to substantiate this claim.

E-cigarette smoke delivers nicotine through aerosols without burning tobacco. Nicotine inhaled from e-cigarettes could be converted into chemicals that damage DNA in the heart, lungs and bladder, according to the study.

Comment: Don't bother with vaping, Let's All Light Up!


Buyer beware: Scare tactics vs sound science in flu shot promotions

flu vaccine
Every year, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) and pharmaceutical companies mount an aggressive campaign in the mainstream media to persuade Americans to get their flu shots. Flu shots are big business: industry analysts estimate that within the next five years, the U.S. flu vaccine market will be worth almost $3 billion annually. And profit margins are growing as manufacturers increase price premiums for the newer four-strain vaccines. The U.S. expects to distribute roughly 166 million doses for the 2017-18 flu season, up from 146 million doses in the previous year. As pharmaceutical companies bombard American consumers with ubiquitous billboards, drugstore enticements and radio announcements to "get your flu shot now," the CDC has advised the industry to hike demand through the use of a "recipe" of scare-mongering messaging. (See Figure 1) CDC recommends "creating concern, anxiety and worry" among the American public.

Using spokespeople like Paul Offit and Peter Hotez as well as its extensive media partnerships and captive bureaucrats at CDC, the pharmaceutical industry has effectively banished the scientific debate about flu shot safety and efficacy from the public square. What ARE the scientific facts about the flu shot? The science indicates significant risks and low efficacy, both in the U.S. and internationally. In 2010, for example, Australia suspended its influenza vaccination program for children under five after one in 110 children experienced convulsions and other serious reactions within hours of getting their flu shots. In Italy in 2014, authorities suspended half a million doses of an influenza vaccine containing a proprietary adjuvant after 13 suspicious deaths occurred in people who got the shot. Closer to home, local news includes a steady stream of reports about healthy individuals acknowledged to have died on the heels of receiving their flu shot in recent years:

Comment: See also:


SOTT Focus: The Mediterranean Diet is Not Mediterranean (Nor is it Particularly Good)

Mediterranean diet
The Mediterranean diet is what every dietitian thinks of as the "holy grail" of diets. It basically adheres to the USDA Food Pyra- um, I mean MyPlate, and sticks to all the politically correct dietary dogmas of the day. Eat very little meat, some fish, lots and lots and lots of whole grains, vegetables and legumes, olive oil and as much red wine as you can possible manage to fit into the completely subjective term "moderate."

So it's no real surprise that when a bunch of mainstream doctors, researchers and dietitians get together to pick out the "Best Diets for Healthy Eating," as they do annually at U.S. News & World Report, they consistently pick the Mediterranean diet as number one (actually, this year it tied for number one with the DASH diet, which conforms even more closely to the government recommendations, adds in calorie-counting and misguidedly has you limit salt). It's also no surprise that 'health journalists' across the mediascape then dutifully report on these findings, talking about how great the diet is and offering advice on how to convert your eating regime to be more in line with what we're told Mediterranean people ate, like, half a century ago.

Yet another non-surprise is that this body of 'experts' consistently rank the Paleo and Ketogenic diets close to the bottom of their list (Keto is dead last this year), even above a number of diets you've probably never heard of - like, what the hell is the Spark Solution Diet? Or the Nutritarian Diet? They take points off anything that restricts carbohydrates because, "These diets provide fewer carbs than is recommended by government guidelines." They should actually rename the list "Best Authoritarian Diets for Government-Approved Eating to Make You a Good Citizen for 2018." Accurate and catchy. (You can use that one for free, guys.)


Study finds iodine deficiency reduces the chance of a woman becoming pregnant by almost 50%

fertility, pregnancy test
Women who are deficient in iodine and trying to get pregnant may have half the chance of conceiving compared to women with healthy iodine levels, according to a recent U.S. study.

Researchers followed more than 500 women trying to conceive over about five years and found that, overall, those with moderate to severe iodine deficiency had 46 percent lower odds, per cycle, of becoming pregnant.

"Our finding that moderate deficiency is associated with difficulty conceiving has important public health implications," said lead study author Dr. James Mills of the Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development in Bethesda, Maryland.

"We were surprised that moderate to severe deficiency was so common and that it reduced the chance of a woman becoming pregnant by almost 50 percent in each menstrual cycle," he told Reuters Health by email.

Comment: Iodine is literally a life-saving and essential nutrient for your brain and body - meaning everyone needs it! Deficiency of iodine in any tissue can cause problems in that area of the body and weaken the immune system. Unfortunately, iodine deficiency is very common now due to its displacement in our bodies by environmental toxins such as bromide, pesticides, and food additives. Iodine researchers have tested thousands around the world with consistent results - about 96% of people test low for iodine.


Top UK doctor warns of antibiotic apocalypse

petri dish
© Brian SnyderAntibiotics could soon stop working
Antibiotics are becoming resistant to fatal diseases in a frightening trend which could spark a post-antibiotic apocalypse, top scientists are warning.

Professor Dame Sally Davies, Chief Medical Officer for England, has urged UK patients to stop demanding treatment with antibiotics, or risk condemning the planet to an age of death by preventable disease.

Writing for the Huffington Post, the professor revealed an industry-wide fear of new diseases which are resistant to drugs.

The professor said if diseases accelerate and antibodies fail to work, the world's population could be drastically diminished.

She wrote: "Before these truly revolutionary medical leaps, life was very different. Infections regularly killed or caused significant disabilities, many of the operations we now consider routine did not exist and the powerful drugs we use to treat cancer were unthinkable.

"In particular, I want to share one key statistic-in this time before antibiotics and vaccines, around 40% of deaths were due to infections. Now, that number is just 7%," she added.

Comment: See also:


Delayed onset muscle soreness and what you can do about it

back pain
The combination of early year resolutions and thinking about shorts and bathing suit weather may be responsible for delayed onset muscle soreness (DOMS) as you boost your exercise program or start a new one.

Research demonstrates exercise does more than tone your muscles and helps you fit into your clothes with greater ease. It also helps you build a neurological system and brain that resists shrinkage as you age, and improves your cognitive abilities.1 A long-term investment in regular exercise helps improve your mood and prevent depression.2

Exercise helps boost your metabolism, helps you to maintain your weight and prevent chronic illnesses, such as cardiovascular disease, Type 2 diabetes and high blood pressure. However, while exercise has a significant number of benefits, those benefits are not permanent.

When you stop exercising the benefits to your muscle strength and tone, neurological protection and metabolic boost slowly recede. While it is common to experience post-exercise muscle soreness after beginning a program when you have not exercised in a while, DOMS can occur even when you've been previously exercising. Knowing what it is, how to avoid it and how to speed up healing may discourage you from giving up your program completely when faced with muscle discomfort and stiffness.

Post-Exercise Muscle Soreness

Muscle stiffness may occur after starting a new exercise program, adding a new exercise to your current program or increasing the intensity and duration of your routine. This stiffness is often accompanied by discomfort, pain and sometimes, cramping.


Public school and ADHD - Why some experts don't believe the diagnosis is real

Franch children ADHD
The documentary Pharmabuse compiles interviews with various medical professions who are speaking out about Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). The film raises a growing concern that schools play an integral role in the hasty over-diagnosis of ADHD in school children.

ADHD: Real or Fake?

Is ADHD an actual illness? Or, is it just a list of behaviors that typically would require extra effort on the part of the adult?

In the opinion of Dr. Peter Breggin, MD, Psychiatrist and author of Talking Back to Ritalin, ADHD is a fictitious disease. He claims that Big Pharma created the disease with the support of a handful of psychologists and psychiatrist. Then, they sold it to the education system and medical community.

Breggin is not alone. Many believe that ADHD is not a legitimate diagnosis. The basis for this opinion is that there is no scientific testing involved in assessing ADHD. No MRI, no blood test, and no other diagnostic tests.

Comment: See also:


Rejuvenation strategies: How rejuvenation of stem cells could lead to healthier aging

"Rampant" and "elderly" are words rarely used in the same sentence, unless we are talking of the percentage of people over 65 years old worldwide. Life expectancy has considerably increased, but it is still unknown how many of those years are going to be lived in good health.

As a researcher of blood cancers and aging, I inevitably think about how in the next few decades a very large part of the population will deal with cancer treatments. Are we doing the best to manage the side effects, or even to manage aging itself? Could we accumulate just wisdom, instead of aches and pain?

Comment: Stem cell therapy: The innovations and potential to help repair and regenerate your body


Scientists discover 10 new viral defense systems in bacteria

viruses on cell
© Webridge/Wikimedia Commons (CC BY-SA 3.0)VIRAL ATTACK Viruses called phages (shown landing on the surface of a cell in this transmission electron micrograph) can infect and kill bacteria. Scientists have just found a slew of new defense mechanisms that help bacteria resist such assaults.
Since long before it gained fame as a precise gene-editing tool, CRISPR has had another job defending bacteria against viral invaders. And it's far from alone. Ten sets of bacterial genes have similar, newly discovered defense roles, researchers report online January 25 in Science.

The discovery "probably more than doubles the number of immune systems known in bacteria," says Joseph Bondy-Denomy, a microbiologist at the University of California, San Francisco, who wasn't involved in the study.

Bacteria are vulnerable to deadly viruses called phages, which can hijack bacteria's genetic machinery and force them to produce viral DNA instead. Some bacteria protect themselves against phage attacks with a system called CRISPR, which stores pieces of past invaders' DNA so bacteria can recognize and fend off those phages in the future (SN: 4/15/17, p. 22). But only about 40 percent of bacteria have CRISPR, says study coauthor Rotem Sorek, a microbial genomicist at the Weizmann Institute of Science in Rehovot, Israel. That's why he and his colleagues are hunting for other defense mechanisms.

Comment: See also:


AKT protein is key to the brain's 'memory factory'

© University of Colorado Boulder
Ask a nonscientist what memories are made of and you'll likely conjure images of childhood birthday parties or wedding days. Charles Hoeffer thinks about proteins.

For five years, the assistant professor of integrative physiology at CU Boulder has been working to better understand a protein called AKT, which is ubiquitous in brain tissue and instrumental in enabling the brain to adapt to new experiences and lay down new memories.

Until now, scientists have known very little about what it does in the brain.

But in a new paper funded by the National Institutes of Health, Hoeffer and his co-authors spell it out for the first time, showing that AKT comes in three distinct varieties residing in different kinds of brain cells and affecting brain health in very distinct ways.

The discovery could lead to new, more targeted treatments for everything from glioblastoma-the brain cancer Sen. John McCain has-to Alzheimer's disease and schizophrenia.

"AKT is a central protein that has been implicated in a bevy of neurological diseases yet we know amazingly little about it," Hoeffer said. "Our paper is the first to comprehensively examine what its different forms are doing in the brain and where."