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SOTT Focus: SOTT Podcast: Mind Control, HAARP, and the Coming Catastrophe

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For this podcast we go to the mail bag, which can be found on the Signs forum at: http://signs-of-the-times.org/signs/forum/viewtopic.php?id=133 where you can leave your suggestions for podcast themes. This week we discuss mind control, from the media telling you what They want you to hear, passing by what is known as Greenbauming and the making of Manchurian candidates, and finishing with a look at the real use of HAARP. We end the podcast by discussing the relationship of mind control to the cyclic castastrophes that hit our planet with more regularity than the powers that be would have us believe -- another form of mind control.

Running Time: 01:06:33

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SOTT Focus: Mainstream Press Deliberately Misrepresents Iranian PM Yet Again

By now most of the Western world believes that Iranian Prime Minister Ahmadinejad is a raving "anti-Semite", that is, that he "hates the Jewish people simply because they are Jews", and if you read today's news, (the headlines at least, which is as far as most people get) you could be forgiven for believeing that he has reconfirmed his 'Jew-hating' mania.


Dentist claims Mossad is behind Iraqi scientist killings

Baghdad: A large number of professors at Baghdad universities are fleeing the country, fearing abduction and assassination by anonymous armed groups.

M. S, a professor at the University of Baghdad, who spoke on condition of unanimity for security reasons, told Gulf News that more than 25 professors have already left Iraq for Jordan.

"Between 70 and 82 university professors have left to Amman or Damascus fleeing potential assassination attempts, while other professors are getting ready to leave for good," he added.


SOTT Focus: Video: Israel Targeting Civilians And Ambulances - Definitive Proof (As If it Was Needed)

Just for the record, let's define the two most important terms in this manufactured crisis...


The spirit of resistance

As southern Lebanon is turned into a wasteland mirroring the Gaza gulag, Washington neo-cons may stridently celebrate the contours of a final solution for the Hamas-Hezbollah "problem". Or should they?

Israel's feverish military machine at least conveys the impression it knows exactly what it's doing - with its made-in-the-USA bombs destroying not just military but civilian targets. But this does not mean Israel is winning its war against Hezbollah.

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SOTT Focus: SOTT Podcast: Killing Children - Israel Uber Alles

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What does it take to be able to kill a child, or a hundred children? Or to burn them alive and tear their bodies to shreds. Day in and day out. Could you do it? Some people don't give it a thought for they are without conscience. Meet the psychopath. He probably runs your country, may run the company you work for or be your direct boss. He is definitely in charge in Israel. He is the invisible enemy of humanity, invisible because he comes in all colours, shapes, and religions. He is aware of his difference from the rest of us, and is working to eliminate as many of us as he can in order to preserve his power. The real New World Order is the Pathocracy. It is already here. This week we look at war crimes in Palestine and Lebanon and the people who order them.

Running Time: 00:44:58

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SOTT Focus: Cheerleading The Ethnic Cleansing Of The Middle East

As with every other Israeli act of agression, the inhuman Israeli bombing of Lebanese civilians is as much an American war as an Israeli one. The obsequious and disgusting American politicians, from both parties, recently enthusiastically endorsed Israel's campaign of attempted ethnic cleansing of Lebanon and the murder of its civilians.


Leviathan run amok

Hezbollah may be writing the book - at least for now - of fourth-generation war. Hezbollah had a reputation as an extremely disciplined, mobile guerrilla force. Now Hezbollah has fully revealed itself as a more than competent asymmetrical actor.

Hezbollah controls a great deal of territory - Beirut's southern suburbs, vast areas in southern Lebanon and the Bekaa Valley, which is sandwiched between two mountain ranges along the Syrian border. Hezbollah enjoys staunch popular support running to probably one and a half million people, almost half the population of Lebanon. And Hezbollah has been capable of unleashing some relatively sophisticated military operations against Israel using both conventional and unorthodox weapons.


Bill Kristol is a Maniac

Bill Kristol has never seen a war he didn't like. No, that's too soft. A war he didn't love and lust after. Here's a wolf in sheep's clothing pretending to be serious, sober minded analyst on television when in reality he is trying to get us sucked into horrific wars that other people will die fighting. Will he ever put on a uniform and fight any of the wars he so desperately wants to start? Hell no. Will anyone in his family or friends? Hell no.They love to start wars, not fight them. That's for the poor schmucks who don't know any better and sign up to run the fool's errands Kristol wants to send them on. On Thursday, we had Ben Barnes, the former Lt. Governor of Texas on our show talking about how he got all the rich kids of Texas out of the Vietnam War, including George W. Bush. There was something about hearing him say it that struck me. It isn't just theoretical; they really do get their kids out of war while they send poor kids to get ground up by the war machine. There is something infinitely sick about that.

Bad Guys

Juan Williams Confronts Kristol: 'You Just Want War, War, War, and You Want Us In More War'

Bill Kristol and Juan Williams
© Fox NewsBill Kristol and Juan Williams debate on Fox News
This morning on Fox News Sunday, William Kristol argued that the Bush administration's "coddling" of Iran had "invited" the latest outbreak of violence, and that the United States should join in the current fighting. Juan Williams pushed back:
You just want war, war, war, and you want us in more war. You wanted us in Iraq. Now you want us in Iran. Now you want us to get into the Middle East. ... You're saying, why doesn't the United States take this hard, unforgiving line? Well, the hard and unforgiving line has been, we don't talk to anybody. We don't talk to Hamas. We don't talk to Hezbollah. We're not going to talk to Iran. Where has it gotten us, Bill?