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Al-CIAda magazine urges 'lone wolf' terror attacks on major Western airlines

© Reuters / Stefan Wermuth
Al-Qaeda has issued the latest edition of its online magazine, encouraging Islamic jihadists to carry out lone wolf attacks on major Western airlines, as well as providing a step-by-step bomb making guide and advice on how to evade airport security.

The English-language Inspire magazine was established in 2010, and is believed to be an Al-Qaeda publication in the Arabian Peninsula. Set up to influence Western jihadists with little or no command of Arabic, the magazine is alleged to be the brainchild US jihadist preacher Anwar al-Awlaki, who was killed in a drone strike in 2011.

Sheikh Nasr Al-Ainsi, writing in the latest edition on Christmas Day, tells readers that 'lone mujahedeen' are the "West's worst nightmare".

The article, "Destination airport, and Guess What's on the Menu?" gives tips to potential jihadists on how to make a bomb, evade airport security and then publicize their actions. The writers also outline potential targets.

Comment: It will be interesting to see what the CIA will deliver to its citizens from its 'menu'.


More fear-mongering? A new vision of India, 100 percent Hindu

RSS Cadre
© Sanjay Kanojia/AFP/Getty Images All for one.
This month, the Rashtriya Swayamsevak Sangh, India's powerful, male-only Hindu nationalist outfit, finally played a card it has long held in its hand. It announced an intensive conversion program to recover its "lost property" in India, feeding the dream of its cadre and allied organizations of an India that is nothing less than "100 per cent Hindu."

The RSS has visibly grown in power and ambition in the seven months since the arrival of a new government -- unsurprisingly, as it counts among its past members the current prime minister, Narendra Modi, as well as many old and new chief ministers in the states. With this carefully calculated provocation under a regime sympathetic to its ideology, the nongovernmental organization is seeking victories in many arenas.

In the realm of law, the RSS wants the passage of a stringent nationwide bill that would ban religious conversions. In the public sphere, it has arrogated the right to pronounce not just on the future of minorities in India but that of India's Hindu majority as well. In the war of the religions, it seeks to spread the news that there is now a Hindu fundamentalism eager to goad and trump well-established Christian and Islamic fundamentals in India and around the world. And among its own vast cadre, it has generated the sense that it, much more than the government of the day or the diverse institutions of civil society and business, holds the keys to India's future.

Comment: RSS is fundamentalist organization that was created to represent the non-secular Hindus to counter the overwhelmingly secular independence-movement leadership during British colonial days. India's secular foundations go back 2300 years, from the Mauryan empire to the British empire, which ruled for 89 years and found it easy to keep it that way, though they converted few with economic and administrative incentives.

Modi, who meticulously eliminated the influential patriarchs of his political party from power is in a "pickle". If he openly opposes the Hindutva, he will give more power to rebellious Hindu fundamentalists and other disgruntled BJP leaders. If he supports it openly, the country will face communal flames. This will be Modi's toughest challenge with no easy solutions. For most Indians, it is politics as usual with religious connotations.

Can Modi soften the RSS stance? Only time will tell.

Sensational headings like "A new vision of India, 100 percent Hindu" from Western media will give more credit to RSS than it deserves and it serves their agenda well.

Eye 1

NASA is spying out every earthly secret

NASA satellites
© Unknown
NASA has a lot of satellites in orbit staring at the Earth. I knew that, but I hadn't quite realized just how many were currently active!

Which satellites do you recognize? Any favorites? Landsat has been around forever providing absolutely gorgeously surreal views of home, while RapidScat is a brand-new arrival glommed onto the International Space Station. I admit I have a soft spot for the Orbiting Carbon Observatory (OCO2) after watching it eventually launch last summer. The Global Precipitation Monitor doesn't take photographs so much as continuously track rain and snow in detail that is boggling to behold. I only have a passing familiarity with Soumi NPP - that's the satellite that contributed the base-image for Earth Selfie Day, which is more than I can say about CloudSat, an experimental radar project I've never encountered.

Comment: NASA is spying on everything, except what matters the most - asteroids, meteors. It may be monitoring them secretly, but they publicly claim that they have no funds for it.

Bad Guys

American view of Cuba is highly disturbed!

© Unknown
On December 17, 2014, the Obama administration announced changes in relations with Cuba which broke with over fifty years of foreign policy decisions. The United States will open an embassy in Havana for the first time since 1961. All of the Cuban Five [5] political prisoners are now free. While Congress must approve a complete end of the trade embargo, some trade restrictions have already been loosened.

Of course, Yankee imperialism gave with one hand, and took with the other. The day after the Cuba announcement, president Obama signed legislation imposing sanctions against the Venezuelan [6] government. Instead of asking why the United States would help Cuba but punish its biggest benefactor, Americans are celebrating what they hope is a return to Cuba's status as a de facto American colony.

Anyone who depended on the inane exultations from the corporate media and so-called leftists would think that Cuba ceased to exist from January 1, 1959 until now. They speak as if it has remained in a state of suspended animation, not waking up until the United States woke it with a kiss, as if in a fairy tale. While Americans think that Cubans exist as relics like cars from the 1950s, that nation has succeeded in achieving a number of accomplishments which Americans refuse to acknowledge. Of course that is easy to do if revolutionary Cuba isn't thought of as a real nation, which is as much as the average American mind can fathom.

Comment: So, did the Cuban government betray Putin, who earlier this year announced to forgive $32 billion, 90% of their debt to Russia by moving towards U.S hegemony? Or are they trying to outmaneuver the Empire of Chaos? It's hard to say at this point because it's unlikely that Cuba would decline this offer, because canceling the embargo has been one of their main goals for over 50 years. It's clear that United States won't give up its efforts for counterrevolution and through this deal they may now have more influence inside Cuba. We'll have to wait and see what happens. In the meantime, check also these articles:

Bizarro Earth

Iraqi commander: 'Anti-ISIS' coalition gives arms and aid to terrorists, fails to stop ISIS

© UnknownSecretary eneral of Iraq’s Badr Organization Hadi al-Ameri
A top commander of Iraq's volunteer forces has said aircraft serving the so-called anti-ISIL coalition formed by the US drop weapons for the Takfiri terrorist group.

Secretary General of Badr Organization Hadi al-Ameri said there was compelling evidence that the coalition's aircraft threw arms and aid to the extremist group in the Salahuddin province in north-central Iraq.

He also said the coalition had failed to clear any area from the ISIL militants, adding that volunteer forces only relied on local support in their clean-up and liberation operations against the terrorists.

Ameri added the volunteer forces would soon secure areas in Salahuddin and Kirkuk, which remain in the hands of the ISIL.

The ISIL terrorists control some parts of Iraq and Syria. They are engaged in crimes against humanity in the areas under their control. They have terrorized and killed people of all communities, including Shias, Sunnis, Kurds, and Christians.

Since August, the US and some of its allies have been conducting airstrikes against what they say are ISIL positions in Iraq. Some members of the US-led coalition also started bombarding 'ISIL targets' inside Syria in September.

However, the raids have so far failed to dislodge the Takfiri group.

Comment: See also: Saudis provide weapons to terrorist groups in boxes labeled 'food aid'

Star of David

The pathological harvesting of Palestine - The Zionist Project Prevails?

© UnknownPalestinian woman arrives at a Jordanian refugee camp escaping the 1967 war.
With the recent failed bid by Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas and the Arab League at the UN security council, to try and end Israelis' occupation of Palestinian land and to create a Palestinian State within the 1967 borders, it seems an appropriate moment to review the situation for Palestinians since 1915.

What is the background to the demonization and brutalization of Palestinians? Most of all, why is the international community was assisting properly and why has it not assisted the Palestinians in protecting or restoring their inalienable rights over decades? Why is their situation so brutally upside-down almost a century after they were supposed to be independent and determining their own state affairs?


The police state just got stronger: Supreme Court rules that cops can pull you over even if they only 'believe' you've broken the law

police pull over
© Wikipedia CommonsWATCH OUT: A U.S. Supreme Court ruling has found that officers can initiate traffic stops even if motorists haven’t broken a law.
In a ruling handed down by the U.S. Supreme Court, the nation's top court found that a police officer who mistakenly interprets a law and pulls someone over hasn't violated their Fourth Amendment rights.

The case pertained to a traffic stop initiated on Nicholas Heien in North Carolina, on account of a broken tail light. The stop and search of the vehicle, conducted by the officer after the initial citation, yielded a good amount of cocaine. Heien was charged with drug trafficking.

The problem? According to North Carolina traffic law, only one tail light needs to be functional. That means the initial stop, justified on these grounds, would have been illegal - and so would the seizure of the cocaine found in Heien's car.

Comment: Know your rights so you'll know what to do when the police don't know (or claim to not know) the law:

ACLU cop stop advice

Quenelle - Golden

Putin won't back down, lauds Crimean accession as 'landmark in national history'

In his New Year address to the nation, Russian President Vladimir Putin thanked Russians for their "invariable readiness to defend Russia's interests, to be with it both in days of triumph and in times of trial".

Russia is struggling to avoid a recession next year having been hit hard by the steep fall in oil prices and economic sanctions imposed by the US, EU and their allies over Moscow's alleged role in the Ukraine unrest.

The Russian currency has hit an all-time low in 2014 and has declined more than 50 per cent since the start of the year.

Comment: Putin is a true statesman, openly acknowledging mistakes and maintaining dialogue with the Russian people. He also is not afraid to voice the truth during a time when it has become a criminal act punishable by death:
The International Federation of Journalists (IFJ) reports that 118 journalists and other media workers have been the victims of targeted killings while another 17 were registered as "accidental death" among them, Serena Shim, who died in Turkey after she told colleagues that she had been threatened by Turkey's intelligence service.
This is one of the reasons Putin has to go - NATO cannot allow an independent Russian superpower to challenge their empire of lies.


Putin's New Year message to Obama: You're not the only superpower

© Presidential Press and Information OfficePutin's New Year Address to the Nation.
Russian President Vladimir Putin has said in a New Year's message to U.S. President Barack Obama that Moscow is looking for equality in bilateral relations next year.

The Kremlin on Wednesday published several dozen New Year's messages addressed to heads of states and international organizations such as the Olympic Committee and FIFA.

Putin reminded Obama of the upcoming 70th anniversary of the allied victory in World War II and said that it should serve as a reminder of "the responsibility that Russia and the United States bear for maintaining peace and international stability." Moscow is anxious for the relations to advance but only as long as there is "equality and mutual respect."

Conspicuously absent from the list of the recipients of New Year's messages was Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko.

Comment: Polite, firm, diplomatic, reasonable. How many times, and in how many ways, does Putin have to say it? The only thing standing in the way of peace is the U.S.'s belligerent, arrogant, megalomaniacal psychopathy. There would be no conflict in Ukraine, or Syria, or Iraq, if the U.S. just accepted that they have no right to rule the world like a global dictator. Equality and mutual respect. It doesn't sound like much, but it's unthinkable to the clowns in Washington.

Putin also wished happy New Year to the Russian people. Here's his description of the holiday season:
The New Year of 2015 is about to begin.

As always, we look forward to it with anticipation, making wishes, giving gifts and traditionally seeing in the New Year with family and friends. An atmosphere of kindness, goodwill and generosity warms our hearts, opening them up to pure thoughts and honourable deeds and giving hope.

Naturally, everyone is concerned primarily about the well-being of their own family, wishing health and happiness to their near and dear ones. The happiness and success of each person makes up the well-being of Russia.
The world needs more leaders like this man: individuals willing and able to live with virtue, honor, and goodwill, to be the conscience of their nation, setting an example. The example set by leaders in the West is atrocious, and we can see the result in the social chaos eating away at Western society.


"Shameful and disgraceful": Ashrawi on UN Palestine vote

Hanan Ashrawi
PLO Executive Committee member Hanan Ashrawi on Wednesday condemned the UN Security Council vote against a bid to end the Israeli occupation of Palestine as "outrageously shameful."

"It is ironic that while the United Nations designated 2014 as the International Year of Solidarity with the Palestinian People, the resolution failed to pass as an indication of a failure of will by some members of the international community," she said in a statement.

"Furthermore, all the articles of the resolution are consistent with declared American policy, international law, UN resolutions, and the requirements of peace. The extent to which the US has gone to protect Israeli impunity and lawlessness and to enable its criminal behavior is disgraceful and dangerous."

Comment: Ashrawi is right. It is utterly disgraceful and hypocritical. See also: Not surprising: Palestinian statehood bid fails at UN Security Council