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Snakes in Suits

Facepalm: Turkish President Erdogan cites Hitler's Germany as example of effective presidential system

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan has reiterated his desire to ensure Turkey adopts a presidential system of government and has even cited Adolf Hitler's Germany as an example of how this can be achieved.

Speaking at a news conference, Erdogan was asked by a journalist whether Turkey would be able to keep a unitary structure of government if a presidential system was implemented.

"There are already examples in the world. You can see it when you look at Hitler's Germany," he said, according to a recording broadcast by the Dogan news agency. "There are later examples in various other countries."


Kim Jong-un declares 'holy war of justice' against invaders of North Korea

North Korean leader Kim Jong Un
© KCNA / Reuters
North Korean leader Kim Jong-un says he is ready to go to war if provoked by foreign nations. However, he stopped short of saying that Pyongyang could possibly retaliate with nuclear weapons or long-range missiles.

"We will continue to work patiently to achieve peace on the Korean Peninsula and regional stability. But if invasive outsiders and provocateurs touch us even slightly, we will not be forgiving in the least and sternly answer with a merciless, holy war of justice," AP reported Kim as saying.


White House delays new sanctions on Iran without an explanation

United States Secretary of State John Kerry (L) and Mohammad Javad Zarif, Minister of Foreign Affairs of Iran
© Stephanie Keith / Reuters
The White House notified Congress on Wednesday that the following day the Treasury Department would implement new sanctions on Iran for its recent missile tests. However, when it came time, the Obama administration reportedly delayed without offering a reason.

The heads-up to Congress specified Thursday at 10:30am as the time the new sanctions were to come into effect. The new penalties were to be imposed on just under a dozen companies and individuals from Iran, Hong Kong, and the United Arab Emirates that the US believes have been involved in Iran's ballistic missile tests, which took place earlier this month.


9 key points of Russia's national security strategy for 2016

President Vladimir Putin
© Michael Klimentyev / Sputnik
President Vladimir Putin has signed the country's national security strategy for 2016 that names color revolutions and biological weapons as current threats to Russia, among others hazards. Here are nine key points you want to know about the document.


Did U.S. military facilitate the escape of 2000 ISIS terrorists from Ramadi?

© Reuters
The Iraqi Army, the Counter Terrorism units, the Federal police, and Anbar tribes entered the city of Ramadi that was occupied by the self-proclaimed "Islamic State" group (ISIS) for several months. To their biggest surprise, only a few bodies of the terrorist group were found when intelligence gathering by the U.S led coalition and the Iraqi intelligence service confirmed the presence of around 2000 fighters in the city until days before the final assault. Six ISIS fighters were arrested while trying to flee Ramadi among the 442 civilians who left the city one day before the final assault on the city center.

The same phenomenon of "ISIS evaporation" was registered in Sinjar when 7500 Kurds, supported by the U.S Air Force, occupied the key northern Iraqi city, finding a very small number of ISIS fighters in it.

So where did all these ISIS fighters go to?

Comment: Further reading:


Russia calls on Turkey to bring murderer of Russian pilot to justice, Turkey changes its story, blames Gulen and air force

War criminal and murderer Alparslan Celik.
The Russian Foreign Ministry has demanded that Turkey brings to trial Alparslan Celik who confessed in an interview with Turkish media that he had participated in the murder of the Russian pilot of Su-24 downed by Turkish air forces in November.

"We demand that the Turkish authorities take immediate action to catch Alparslan Celik and his accomplices and charge them with criminal offence for killing a Russian pilot and taking part in hostilities as members of an illegal armed group in a foreign country," Maria Zakharova, spokesperson for the Russian Foreign Ministry said in a statement.

Comment: Russia's Western "partners" sure do make it easy for the Russians to expose them as the lawless freak-shows they are. Leaders with an ounce of common sense would have immediately denounced Celik's actions and subsequent statements - even if they privately approved of them. Heck, even a fairly smart psychopath would see that doing so would be a better PR move than to tacitly sanction his actions and statements by not making a suitable reply.

Not having done so, the Russians are now in the position where it is perfectly suitable to shame Turkish leadership. By bringing attention to their lack of action, it exposes the Turks' tacit approval of this lawless murder. That is a good PR move - on the Russians' part. Not only that, it's the morally right thing to do.


Hypocrite scumbag: Corbyn critic MP Simon Danczuk sexted 17yo, campaigned against sexual exploitation

Simon Danczuk
© Ishara S.Kodikara / AFPSimon Danczuk
Labour MP Simon Danczuk has been suspended by the party following allegations he 'sexted' a 17-year-old girl in his constituency.

The Sun newspaper alleges Danczuk exchanged explicit messages with teenager Sophena Houlihan after she contacted the Rochdale MP to ask for a job as a case worker in his office.

Danczuk has been a prominent campaigner against child sexual exploitation and played a role in exposing the late Sir Cyril Smith as a pedophile.

Comment: This is a repeating pattern: politicians or other figures of authority who either take a stand against the exploitation of children and youths, or take positions of influence in organizations devoted to protecting children, and who themselves exploit and abuse children. It's the best place to be for sex offenders: good 'cover', and easy access to prey.

The MP is also a vocal critic of Labour leader Jeremy Corbyn. He recently told Sky News he would "probably give Jeremy a D if I had to score him."

Comment: Danczuk is probably fairly representative of the character of most MPs and leaders in most Western governments. For an idea of what a real leader should be, see: Traits that define ethical leadership

Eye 1

Dodging the public: State Dept. releases (buries) Clinton emails on New Year's Eve, PLUS misses court mandated quota

Hillary Clinton
© Brian Snyder / Reuters"Nothing classified. Really."
If one fancies a long read, the State Department is releasing 5,500 pages of Hillary Clinton's emails on New Year's Eve - falling short of the court-ordered quota by 2,000 pages. This batch of emails won't be searchable until January, either.

As a result of a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit, the agency was ordered in June to release all 54,000 pages of emails that Hillary Clinton sent during her term as Secretary of State, using a private server.

The monthly quotas set by US District Court Judge Rudolph Contreras mandated the release of 43,000 pages, or 82 percent of all messages, by the end of December, with the remaining emails made public by the end of January 2016.

On Thursday, the State Department announced that the December batch would fall short of the mark, at only 5,500 pages.

"We have worked diligently to come as close to the goal as possible, but with the large number of documents involved and the holiday schedule we have not met the goal this month," the agency said in a statement on New Year's Eve.

"To narrow that gap, the State Department will make another production of former Secretary Clinton's email sometime next week."

Moreover, unlike the previous releases the new batch will not be searchable by subject, author or recipients. Reporters will have to manually review each message.

Comment: More dodging and weaving on behalf of Killary.

Further reading


Foreshadowing the next false flag? FBI arrests patsy in Daesh-linked terror plot in upstate NY

Chancelor Suttler V for Vendetta threat level cower in fear
Due to this most recent terror plot that was foiled (and also created) by the FBI, the US government is raising the terror threat level to "Cower in Fear"
The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) arrested 25 year-old Emanuel Lutchman for attempting a New Year's Eve terrorist plot in New York State in coordination with Daesh (Islamic State), the US Department of Justice announced in a press release on Thursday.

"The FBI thwarted Emanuel Lutchman's intent to kill civilians on New Year's Eve," Special Agent in Charge of the FBI Buffalo Division Adam Cohen said.

Comment: According to an article in International Business Times:
Lutchman and the other personwho was secretly working with the FBI — allegedly discussed planting a bomb inside the restaurant/bar, kidnapping and killing people and wearing masks to avoid identification. The duo bought masks, gloves, zip ties, knives, duct tape, a machete and ammonia at Walmart Tuesday night. Lutchman later said, "we just gotta do it, man."
Sounds like yet another patsy set up by the FBI to take the fall for a terror plot that they created, in order to make them look like they're doing something pro-active (they're not), while also terrorizing people with the idea that terrorism can happen to them anywhere, at any time.

Comment: Creating fake terror plots seems to be the modus operandi of the FBI. Could this be a setup for an upcoming Daesh/ISIS false flag terrorist attack on the US?


India's PM Modi visits Moscow: What it means

Putin and Modi
Symbolic gifts from Putin to Modi: a manuscript by great pacifist Mahatma Gandhi and a Bengali sword.
Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi has concluded his first visit to Moscow. It was one of the PM's unusual foreign trips. Adoring crowds in Sydney, Dubai, London and New York fill stadiums and cheer his every word. We see him hugging leaders and his selfies with them go viral, showing good chemistry with Barack Obama, David Cameron, Xi Jinping and Shinzo Abe as well as with business leaders of the two countries.

In contrast, his meetings with Vladimir Putin are more business-like. A year of high level exchanges and background work by ministers and diplomats resulted in nearly 16 high level agreements which are estimated to be worth US $100 billion in Russian exports to India over the next decade.

The uncharacteristic one day event, low on symbolism, was cobbled together to fit in with the very different foreign policy priorities of Russia and India. Indian business is cooler toward Russia than Russia's private sector is toward India. And while the Indian diaspora are in leadership positions in Silicon valley and London, Moscow's Indian community has shrunk to a few dozen from its high of 50,000 in the early 1990s.