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Snakes in Suits

French officer claims interior ministry pressured her to alter Nice attack report

French policewoman Sandra Bertin
A senior French police officer has claimed that the interior ministry "harassed" her into altering a security report from the deadly terrorist attack in Nice.

Sandra Bertin, the officer in charge of Nice's CCTV control room, told the Journal du Dimanche newspaper on Sunday that an unnamed interior ministry official contacted her after the attack and pressured her into altering her report for the night of the incident.

On July 14, a truck driver plowed through a Bastille Day crowd in Nice, killing 84 people and wounding 200 others.


Likely source behind fake NBC psyop during Turkey coup: Accused US mastermind Gen. John F. Campbell

Gen. John Campbell, busted.
Newsbud sources have identified Former NATO Commander-Retired US Army General John F. Campbell as the 'likely' NBC News' source in NBC's scandalous false reporting on the Turkey Coup Attempt during the most critical early hours of the failed coup operation.

On July 15, 2016, as an attempted coup unfolded in Turkey, NBC began to report and then circulate widely that Turkey's President Recep Tayyip Erdogan had fled the country by air and was requesting asylum in Germany. NBC attributed the false report to its senior US military official - MSNBC Producer Kyle Griffin's tweet stated, "senior US military source tells NBC News that Erdogan, refused landing rights in Istanbul, is reported to be seeking asylum in Germany." The story has been deleted from NBC and related sites since being debunked. Newsbud sources have identified General Campbell as the likely NBC News' Senior Military Official source in this strategically broadcasted false story.

On Monday, July 25, the Turkish Embassy in Washington D.C. sent its official request for public retraction and apology to the relevant divisions at NBC News. A few hours after that, Newsbud's founder and Editor Sibel Edmonds received direct e-mail communication from the MSNBC Producer involved ... Watch the video for related developments and updates in Newsbud's Campaign #ConfrontNBC.

Comment: Global Research provides some background on Campbell, and the Turkish allegations against him:
Four Star US Army General Campbell and Vice Chief of Staff (March 2013-August 2014) assumed command of ISAF from August to December of 2014. He was then appointed Commander of NATO's Afghanistan Operation Resolute Support, "a training, advisory, assistance, and counter-terror mission" from which he retired in March 2016, four months prior to Turkey's failed coup. ... According to Yeni Savak:
General John F. Campbell was one of the top figures who organized and managed the soldiers behind the failed coup attempt in Turkey, sources close to ongoing legal process of pro-coup detainees said. ... The ongoing investigation unveiled that Campbell had paid at least two secret visits to Turkey since May, until the day of the coup attempt.
The report intimates that General Campbell operated in tandem with the Fethullah Gülen organization. It also intimates that US intelligence and military were behind the failed coup.
Military sources said Campbell, who was the commander of ISAF between August 26, 2014 and May 1, 2016, had made some top secret meetings in Erzurum military base and Adana İnicrlik Airbase. ... Military sources said that Campbell was the man, who directed the process of trending / blacklisting the military officers in the base. If the coup attempt was successful, Campbell would visit Turkey in a short time, according to the sources.
The report also examined the alleged money transactions focussing on the role of The Nigeria branch of the United Bank of Africa (UBA), which allegedly constituted "the main base for the last six-months of money transactions for the coup plotters". The report also underscored the role of the CIA in implementing the money transfers
Millions of dollars of money has been transferred from Nigeria to Turkey by a group of CIA personnel. The money, which has been distributed to an 80-person special team of the CIA, was used to convince pro-coup generals. More than 2 billion dollars were distributed during the process leading to the coup. After taking money from their bank accounts, the CIA team hand delivered it to the terrorists under the military dresses.
The money was distributed to military officers who were favorable to the Gullenist cause, according to the report.
"They investigated the soldiers' trends, their personalities and family background. All soldiers were categorized in three groups: opponents, neutrals, and supporters." ...

Snakes in Suits

Obama claims US is 'in the midst of a revolution of the cyber threat', promises sanctions

U.S. President Barack Obama with laptop
© Larry Downing / Reuters
Saying that the US is "in the midst of a revolution of the cyber threat," the White House has issued a directive establishing new guidelines for the government in case of "significant cyber incidents," stressing that "no tool is off the table."

The new instruction authorized by US President Barack Obama tasks several federal agencies with dealing with both cyber incidents and their aftermath. The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) "will take the lead in coordinating the response to the immediate threat," White House counterterrorism adviser Lisa Monaco said on Tuesday, while announcing the new measures at the International Conference on Cyber Security in New York.

Comparing cyber-attacks to "terrorism cases," the US official stated "This includes bringing the full range of law enforcement and national security investigative tools to bear," while stressing that "No tool is off the table."

Comment: Looks like the US will come down even harder on whistleblowers and hackers for daring to expose the psychopaths' machinations. As an added bonus (or perhaps the prime reason!), they get to blame Russia, China, Iran, and North Korea - the current bogeynations of choice. Seriously, guys, it's getting old.

Red Flag

Turkey well underway in changing foreign policy - jihadis beware

© Photo: Youtube/PressTV DocumentariesGame over, man.
Turkey is on its way to change its foreign policy orientation. Instead of facing "west" towards NATO and the pipe dream of European Union membership, it is looking "east" towards tighter cooperation with Russia, China and Iran. It will also want to intensify its already developed relations with the Central-Asian states Turkmenistan, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan and Azerbaijan.

To cover the move, which began before the recent military coup attempt, the Turkish government needs some plausible excuses. The "guilty" party that justifies the change should not be itself but, preferably, its "western partners".

That the coup is probably related to covered activities of the Gülen movement in Turkey is a welcome gift. Turkey is convinced that the U.S. had some hand in the coup, or at least knew about it before it happened but did not warn Ankara. That the coup is U.S. related is not just a conspiracy theory without any basis. The tanker airplanes which filled up the F-16 bombers which bombed the parliament during the coup started from the NATO airbase in Incirlik where the U.S. command for the war on Syria is seated. Three of the five regiments involved in the coup in Istanbul are part of NATO's Rapid Deployable Corps. One of the coup commanders is the head of the Turkish second army which is coordinating the war on Syria (and ISIS) with the U.S. military.

Comment: Another NATO connection to the recent coup:
Turkey on July 26 widened its crackdown after a failed coup by detaining the top Turkish military generals that are serving as part of NATO forces in Afghanistan.

Turkish media reports said Major General Mehmet Cahit Bakir and Brigadier General Sener Topuc were detained by authorities at Dubai International Airport in the United Arab Emirates on suspicion of having links to the July 15 attempted coup against President Recep Tayyip Erdogan.

Bakir is the commander of Turkey's task force in Afghanistan.

Topuc is the chief of the Appointment Department for Turkish Land Forces.

Turkey's state-run Anadolu news agency said their detentions were the result of cooperation between Turkish intelligence and U.A.E. authorities.
PM Yildirim has announced the government and oppositions agreement on a new constitution:
"We [leaders of three parties] have agreed to make minor changes to the current constitution, and the process to draft a whole new constitution has started," Yildirim said Monday, as quoted by Daily Sabah newspaper, speaking after the meeting of Council of Ministers.


American political fiction in an age of televised lies

"We've got to face it. Politics have entered a new stage, the television stage. Instead of long-winded public debates, the people want capsule slogans—'Time for a change'—'The mess in Washington'—'More bang for a buck'—punch lines and glamour."— A Face in the Crowd (1957)
DNC 2016
© The Rutherford Institute
Politics is entertainment.

It is a heavily scripted, tightly choreographed, star-studded, ratings-driven, mass-marketed, costly exercise in how to sell a product—in this case, a presidential candidate—to dazzled consumers who will choose image over substance almost every time.

This year's presidential election, much like every other election in recent years, is what historian Daniel Boorstin referred to as a "pseudo-event": manufactured, contrived, confected and devoid of any intrinsic value save the value of being advertised. It is the end result of a culture that is moving away from substance toward sensationalism in an era of mass media.

As author Noam Chomsky rightly observed, "It is important to bear in mind that political campaigns are designed by the same people who sell toothpaste and cars." In other words, we're being sold a carefully crafted product by a monied elite who are masters in the art of making the public believe that they need exactly what is being sold to them, whether it's the latest high-tech gadget, the hottest toy, or the most charismatic politician.

Tune into a political convention and you will find yourself being sucked into an alternate reality so glossy, star-studded, emotionally charged and entertaining as to make you forget that you live in a police state. The elaborate stage show, the costumes, the actors, the screenplay, the lighting, the music, the drama: all carefully calibrated to appeal to the public's need for bread and circuses, diversion and entertainment, and pomp and circumstance.

© The Rutherford Institute
Politics is a reality show, America's favorite form of entertainment, dominated by money and profit, imagery and spin, hype and personality and guaranteed to ensure that nothing in the way of real truth reaches the populace.

After all, who cares about police shootings, drone killings, SWAT team raids, asset forfeiture schemes, private prisons, school-to-prison pipelines, overcriminalization, censorship or any of the other evils that plague our nation when you can listen to the croonings of Paul Simon, laugh along with Sarah Silverman, and get misty-eyed over the First Lady's vision of progress in America.

But make no mistake: Americans only thinkthey're choosing the next president.

In truth, however, they're engaging in the illusion of participation culminating in the reassurance ritual of voting. It's just another Blue Pill, a manufactured reality conjured up by the matrix in order to keep the populace compliant and convinced that their vote counts and that they still have some influence over the political process.

Stop drinking the Kool-Aid, America.

Heart - Black

Genocide, war crimes and lies: Saudi-Western coalition is brutally suppressing a popular uprising in Yemen

building destroyed in Yemen
© Anees Mahyoub / Reuters
It is often that analysts claim objectivity in their writing to better anchor their statements - whatever they might be, in a truth which they ambition to be factual ... I will not!

As far as Yemen is concerned, as far as the truth on Yemen's war is concerned I will not pretend to own reality as my own. What I will do is stand in the only truth there is to have in this war. I will tell Yemen's war from the perspective of a people whose land, sky, lives, hope and dreams have been pounded, hijacked and robbed by powers greater than their own.

I will tell you dear readers of the hypocrisy and lies of those nations you most likely call your own. I will tell of a reality so brutal, and disturbing that few ever dared look sit squarely in the face - never mind take responsibility for.

Yemen is no longer the forgotten conflict of our decade, it is the unspoken shame of our generation! Yemen has become a bleeding and starving euphemism for genocide - the land where men, women, and children have been made to die in.

Comment: Due to the actions of the U.S. and Saudis, Yemen is experiencing mass starvation on a scale last seen in Ethiopa. One in two people - nearly 13 million people are now struggling to find enough to eat, and half of them are on the brink of starvation. The coalition has bombed markets, schools, hospitals, and residential neighborhoods, killing thousands of Yemeni civilians. These attacks are not isolated cases, but reflect the coalition's overall strategy of indiscriminately dropping bombs with wide-area effect in populated areas.

I realise at this stage in the proverbial game that your views of Yemen, and on Yemen are more than a little bias ... thank you mainstream media for such a well-orchestrated propaganda campaign. With the help of a few well-placed adjectives Yemen's War has been portrayed as a war of democratic restoration against the evil of Shia Islam.

Thanks to the bias of reporters, analysts and commentators, Saudi Arabia has held on to such political righteousness that not even the sight of butchered children could dent its exceptional armour.

Comment: Monolithic and Ruthless Conspiracy: The West's Obliteration of Yemen by Covert Means:
If there's anything we can do, it is to at least be aware of the situation and to realize that Western governments are causing, supporting and encouraging the mass murder of thousands upon thousands of innocent civilians. It's especially incumbent on us to recognize their hypocrisy and lies when they say they want to 'protect' us from chaos and anarchy while delivering precisely that. Other ways we can contribute is by sharing information on what happens in Yemen on social media, and to boycott products made in Saudi Arabia. We shouldn't look away like most in the 'free world' do when such war crimes occur, whether it's close to home or in a land far away.


Germany considering internal army use as top officials claim 'Islamist terror has arrived'

German train station
© Dominic Ebenbichler / Reuters
Officials in Germany are considering deploying the army inside the country in the wake of multiple attacks, while the governor of Bavaria says Islamic terror has already "arrived."

"Each attack, each act of terrorism, is one too many. Islamist terrorism has arrived in Germany," Horst Seehofer, the governor of the German state of Bavaria, told reporters on Tuesday. The official gave a joint news conference with Bavaria's interior minister, Joachim Hermann, following a summit of the local government, where security issues dominated the agenda.

Last week, the country's southern regions, including Bavaria, were shaken by four assaults, three of which were perpetrated by migrants. Officials in Germany are investigating two of the incidents as potentially linked to or inspired by Islamist extremism.

Earlier, following the violence, Bavaria's justice minister, Winfried Bausback, had also claimed that Islamist terror has "arrived in Germany," stressing that the country should "take that into account."


Trump is whichever villain the media wants him to be

Picture of Putin and Trump
Trump and Putin after they created ISIS.
Donald Trump is the media's favorite excuse to bash Official U.S. Enemies. His Rorschach politics that shift almost weekly allows overworked writers to project onto Trump whatever traits they need to make an analogy stick (and deadline met).

Over the past year Trump has been Nicolas Maduro, Joseph Stalin, Kim Jong-Il, Saddam Hussein, an African dictator, Bashar al-Assad, Bernie Sanders, Fidel Castro, Ayatollah Khomeini, Hugo Chavez (a dozen times!), Mao Zedong, a Chinese communist (present day), a Chinese communist (1980s), Caligula, Rodrigo Duterte, Jeremy Corbyn, Pinochet, Norse god Loki, Brexit, Napoleon, Barry Goldwater, Mussolini, Nero, Andrew Jackson, Voldemort, Groucho Marx, Adolf Hitler, Moqtada al-Sadr, Joseph Goebbels, L. Ron Hubbard, King George III, Richard Nixon, Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, Basically the entire cast of Game of Thrones, Batman vs. Superman, and Donald Trump himself. Twice.

Comment: Trump isn't the only one being classed as a 'Putin's useful idiot': Presenting 'Putin's useful idiots': Anyone who disagrees with the establishment


Pepe Escobar: The real secret of the South China Sea

South China Sea
© REUTERS/ U.S. Navy/Handout
The South China Sea is and will continue to be the ultimate geopolitical flashpoint of the young 21st century - way ahead of the Middle East or Russia's western borderlands. No less than the future of Asia - as well as the East-West balance of power - is at stake.

To understand the Big Picture, we need to go back to 1890 when Alfred Mahan, then president of the US Naval College, wrote the seminal The Influence of Sea Power Upon History, 1660-1783. Mahan's central thesis is that the US should go global in search of new markets, and protect these new trade routes through a network of naval bases.

That is the embryo of the US Empire of Bases - which de facto started after the Spanish-American war, over a century ago, when the US graduated to Pacific power status by annexing the Philippines, Hawaii and Guam.


Reflections on the coup attempt in Turkey

Turkey coup thoughts
There is still a lot that is murky about it, the most murky being US involvement and foreknowledge, but I believe some conclusions can be drawn.

Comment: See also: Writing on the wall for Erdogan: Align with Russia, Iran and Syria or Turkey's destruction awaits