© screenshotSperm
The media recently reported on the results of a
study of Danish sperm donors from 2017 to 2022 which showed 'sluggish sperm' and attributed this development to the effect of lockdowns.
In reality, the study showed a very significant 30%-plus decrease in motile sperm concentration and there is every reason to imagine that both lockdowns and vaccination are to blame.The fact that this topic was even vaguely reported is surprising given that the mainstream media have been studiously ignoring the well documented negative effects of vaccination on sperm since the end of 2021. I first highlighted these problems years ago using data from a
November 2021 paper published in Wiley Andrology and authored by a group of Israeli scientists, Itai Gat
et al. The paper was fascinating, not only for its stunning findings, but also because this paper had enormous viewing figures and was widely reported by the 'conspiracy theorists' on social media.
The huge reach meant that every media science editor must have been aware of the findings and all of the major outlets ignored the findings, with the
Epoch Times being one of the only outlets to cover this (see my
2022 video on the media blackout).
This new June 2024 paper was written by Professor Allan Pacey from the School of Medical Sciences, University of Manchester and others. They looked at the
key metrics of sperm supplied by two groups of donors, the first group who had applied to Cryos International in Denmark and the second group who had been accepted as donors. Cryos International is a sperm bank business operating at four sites in Denmark.
The researchers looked at several indicators including
sperm volume (mL), sperm concentration (million per mL) and sperm count (millions). Broadly speaking those main indicators were stable over the period from 2017 to 2022 - so far so good. The real problem came when
looking at the motility of the sperm samples, that is the degree to which they move around.
There are two main grades of motility; grade a (progress>25µm/s)
and grade b (progress >5 µm/s and <25 µm/s) and the two grades added together produce the total motile sperm count (TMSC) and motile concentrations.
The scientists found very significant declines in these metrics for both donor candidates and accepted donors.Unsurprisingly, the accepted donors tend to have better sperm performance metrics than the candidate group. The chart below shows the concentration of highly motile grade a sperm for both donor candidates (A) and accepted donors (B); there is an obvious and significant decline between 2019 and 2022 for both groups.
For the donor candidates (blue) the decline was a whopping 30% over three years. The paper doesn't provide this figure for the
accepted donors (red) which have an overall higher grade a concentration, but the drop appears to be even more significant at over 40% (circle).

Sperm Concentrations
The scientists were only able to account for around 3% of the observed changes based on impacts from known external factors
such as changes in the weather. They don't venture too many theories on the reasons behind the
unexplained 97% variation other than to say that Covid "is an unlikely explanation for our observations". For many other health problems in the post-Covid era, it has been difficult to split the impact of reduced access to healthcare from other factors. In this case reduced access to healthcare can probably be excluded so
the observed decline will be due to a combination of lockdown and vaccines only. The authors of the paper are
careful not to even mention the possibility of vaccine involvement but stick instead to changes triggered by lockdowns, including changed levels of physical activity and diet.
The impact of lockdowns would certainly be consistent with the significant decline between 2019 and 2020, but are likely less relevant to the further significant decline between 2021 and 2022 when restrictions were largely lifted. The failure to even mention the possible impact of vaccinations is bizarre given the fact that
Israeli researchers had already identified a very similar reduction in motile sperm count post-vaccination. They identified a whopping 22% reduction in the total motile count post second dose vaccine (75-125 days after second dose), which partially recovered to a 19.4% reduction, 145 days or more after the second dose.
Does it even matter?Context is very important here given that many Western countries are facing a demographic winter, with
domestic populations dropping as deaths are becoming consistently higher than births. The raging argument about immigration barely mentions the demographic context, which is driving many of the huge demographic shifts we are seeing (see
here and
Scotland monitors monthly births by occurrence and you can see a very long downward trend. There is an obvious lockdown-related impact which shows up as very low births around January 2021, and it is difficult to see a clear vaccine related impact here. But the main point is that within the context of a long downward trend
anything that further reduces male or female fertility would have serious demographic consequences.
Take the winIt is of course positive that the
mainstream media are finally reporting the enormous negative consequences of Covid policies, albeit years too late to do any good.
For me there is an open question as to why no mention was made of the jaw-dropping Israeli findings in 2021, 2022 or 2023. Similarly, it is hard to understand how the researchers in the current June 2024 paper
managed to not even mention the word vaccine given the existence of compelling evidence from the Israeli study.
Is self-censorship at play here? In any event, on the positive side
awareness is spreading and people reading the Thinking Coalition's social media posts or watching our videos will have been aware of these red flags years ago.
I will be doing some more work on demographics in the near future.
"...the medical journal Andrology published a peer-reviewed research paper showing large decreases in sperm counts in men after they received a second dose of Pfizer’s mRNA Covid vaccine. Based on sperm counts from men who donated sperm to three fertility clinics in Israel, this research finding is devastating – medically and politically." [Link]