© Utrecht UniversityA plate tectonic chain reaction.
Geologists at Utrecht University are working hard to unravel the secrets of plate tectonics, the mechanism that continuously shapes Earth's crust and is causing earthquakes and volcanic eruptions. This time, another mystery has been dissected. In the Earth's geological past, there were 'short' periods of a few million years during which many tectonic plates around the world suddenly changed their speed and direction. What caused these abrupt changes in plate movements?
Earlier research showed that changes in movement between two plates can result from continental collisions or rising mantle plumes. But could such collisions or mantle plumes set off a global chain reaction? Now geologists have succeeded in finding evidence that supports this. "With this discovery, we are able to better understand the driving forces behind plate movements, and thus processes such as mountain formation or volcanism."
This paper, published in
Nature Geoscience, was a collaboration between geoscientists from Utrecht University, Australian National University, and Ben-Gurion University of the Negev. To test their hypothesis, the researchers asked themselves the following question: did the formation of a new subduction zone north of Arabia that was triggered by a mantle plume that caused a
super volcano near Madagascar ~100 million years ago set off a chain reaction? Utrecht professor of plate tectonics and paleogeography
Douwe van Hinsbergen, geologist, former Utrecht PhD student and first author Derya Gürer, and geophysicist Roi Granot, analysed the consequences step by step. "If our hypothesis is correct, the new subduction zone that formed north of Arabia should have caused forces that accelerated, and rotated the African Plate in the 10 million years after subduction initiation. However, to analyse this, we had to solve a major problem," says Gürer.
Quiet zoneLike a tape recorder, the chronicle of past plate motions is archived in the oceanic crust's magnetic. As soon as rock form during cooling of the magma beneath the ocean floor at mid-ocean ridges, they record and store the Earth's magnetic field.
When the magnetic field reverses, it points in the opposite direction in younger rocks than in older rocks. The crust of the oceans thus contains a magnetic archive, reconstructed in a bar code of changing black and white patterns. This archive allows us to reconstruct the movement of tectonic plates in the distant past.
But in the period between 125 and 83 million years, there were no reversals of the magnetic field. "In the oceanic crust that formed in this period, the magnetic field is therefore everywhere pointing in the same direction. It forms the so-called magnetic Quiet Zone," Van Hinsbergen explains. Until now it was impossible to reconstruct plate movement changes within this time interval. But 10 years ago, Roi Granot discovered that the rocks in the Central Atlantic Quiet Zone did record abrupt changes in magnetic noise. "By applying the methods that we normally use for magnetic reversals to magnetic noise variations, we were able to greatly improve the plate model. It showed that the African plate did indeed accelerate and rotate when the new subduction zone started pulling," says Granot. This rotation in turn caused a sequence of events, including a new subduction zone in the Western Mediterranean, which in turn pulled the western Mediterranean apart. "This is the first time that evidence has been found for a plate tectonic chain reaction. With this research, we have dissected a mechanism to explain why there are short periods of time in which plates suddenly change direction. These plate movements affect mountain formation, marine gateways, volcanism, and even the global climate," says Gürer.
Practical applicationsThe research by the international team of geoscientists contributes to unravelling the mechanisms behind plate tectonics. The plate tectonic chain reaction triggered by a super volcano illustrates how the dance of tectonic plates is ultimately driven mainly by the forces of subducting plates that sink into the Earth's mantle - the so-called 'slab pull'. Geoscientists study these mechanisms because they govern earthquakes, volcanism, mountain building, and the formation of ore deposits and other resources. Previously, Van Hinsbergen's team investigated, for example, the previously mentioned
super volcano as a possible underlying trigger of plate tectonics, the limited role of
mantle convection on plate motion and reconstructed the
lost continent of Greater Adria in the Mediterranean region. "I have been studying these mechanisms for 20 years, and although we are finding more and more pieces of the puzzle to unravel the drivers behind plate tectonics, it is also becoming increasingly clear what we do not yet understand," says Van Hinsbergen.
PublicationDerya Gürer, Roi Granot, Douwe J. J. van Hinsbergen, 'Plate tectonic chain reaction revealed by noise in the Cretaceous Quiet Zone',
Nature Geoscience,
Reader Comments
That's a lovely phrase. It seems like a slow waltz, not boogie woogie!
Please explain.
What about that is confusing for you WN3?
Come on WN3 - figure it out.
Now, when I take a hot steamy shower soon, my lungs will be clear!
Oh man, I wish I was back in Iceland because there hot water is in abundance.
Come on WN3 - figure it out and don't let your fears influence your fingers when you are typing.
Yours truly,
NC State!
Go Lady Wolfpack.
I could segue into the wolfpack song of dismay for our enemies, but out of respect for you WN3, I won't.
Ha, ha.
I'm getting on with life and continuing my journey into exploring mankind's history.
plus, I have my mission and that is between me and my Lord.
Best to you WN3 and truly I'm plussed that you posted today because been one too many internet friend lost lately and that was one too many.
Of course, no expectations can be had for the posting of another and truly what is an internet friend if not a substitute for the real thing, but does not diminish sharing ideas with others from across the lands one bit. Not one bit at all.
I'm not a sociologists but that to me, sounds more liken to a threat than a reasonable response.
Moreover, War is War, and only those with firm resolve live to see another day ultimately....tis a rule of time I believe, but I could be wrong.
Your friend Ken, who already declared "no harmful intent", but come uninvited and I will respond.
Peace is easy,
No proof.
We have witness songs, reduced to Greek, in the first book of the most important and misunderstood book the world has ever seen. The oceans were created in one day. They saw it.
Then we had the birth of Venus.
Soon, we will have to agree on a new name for the new planet.
Covid infection models. CO2 warming models. Financial models. Astrophysics models. Twin Tower models. Population models. All based on wishes and rainbows and unicorns and corporate funding with questionable (dangerous) agendas.
Are these not enough examples? Why won't people wake up to the bullshite that runs the world?!