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What would it take for you to get one of the bounty of Covid vaccines on offer? A free burger and fries? A free beer or shot of your favourite booze? How about some weed? Or 10% off your meal at a restaurant? Or how about lifetime membership at a strip club? Or maybe a lottery ticket for a million dollar draw?

What's that you say? None of these piddly bonuses are enough for you to compromise your right to bodily integrity and medical freedom? You don't think any of these cheap gifts are worth compromising your moral principles over? You'd actually need more than a stupid token to bribe you into having experimental genetic material injected into your body? What's wrong with you?

On our last show we talked about dropping vaccination rates in the US (and other places in the world). This week we're looking at how the pro-vaxxers are dealing with that - offering stupid incentives to overcome your 'vaccine hesitancy'. What's it going to take to get you on board?

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Running Time: 00:25:34

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