prince harry
Prince Harry, a member of the British royal family, said on video that he attributed the pandemic to "Mother Nature" and "climate change".

"Somebody said to me at the beginning of the pandemic, it's almost as though Mother Nature has sent us to our rooms for bad behavior to really take a moment and think about what we've done," said the royal figure.

According to the New York Post, the Prince went on to say that he wishes everyone could be a "raindrop that falls from the sky and relieves the parched ground."

The interview took place on a brand-new online platform called WaterBear which calls itself "the first interactive streaming platform dedicated to the future of our planet."

The Prince was interviewed by WaterBear's CEO and chief of strategy, Ellen Windemuth and Sam Sataria, respectively.

"At the end of the day, nature is our life source," he continued. "Somebody said to me at the beginning of the pandemic, it's almost as though Mother Nature has sent us to our rooms for bad behavior to really take a moment and think about what we've done."

He then mentioned that the events of this year have "certainly reminded me about how interconnected we all are, not just as people but through nature," he said. "We take so much from her and we rarely give a lot back."

The Prince, who has split with the royal family earlier in 2020, lives in a vast mansion on the outskirts of Los Angeles.