Sweden Democrats leader Jimmie Åkesson
© Per Pettersson / Flickr.comSweden Democrats leader Jimmie Åkesson
The leftist Social Democrats, of Sweden's Prime Minister Stefan Löfven, collapses, a Sentio survey shows. In the meantime the right-wing Sweden Democrats surge and become the biggest party of the country.

Jimmie Åkesson and his Sweden Democrats (SD) are on their way to become Sweden's biggest party during the next election on 9 September this year.

The SD gained 3% of support since the latest poll and is now at 26.1%. At the same time the Prime Minister's Social Democrats lost 3.6% of support and are at 21.7%, which is near their all-time low of 20.6%.

Former pro-migration party, The Moderates, also lost support. They went from 20.4% to 17.1% of support, a loss of 3.3%.

If the Sentio poll was the final election result in September, the Sweden Democrats would be the country's largest party for the first time ever.

Sweden's Nyheteridag has talked with the Swedish Democrats's party secretary Richard Jomshof and he said:

"There is something happening here and there are only a few months left for the election. It's absolutely amazing!"