The specimens of gray color and white belly waved on a rocky beach called La Salinita, located in the north of La Paz Bay, capital of the state.
The research professor of the Autonomous University of Baja California Sur (UABCS) said that 38 specimens were returned to the sea with the support of some 40 people, including collaborators of the Network and students of the UABCS.
He mentioned that a tourist informed the Network about the massive stranding of dolphins on the beach located near the port of Pichilingue, around eight in the morning, so they proceeded to rescue the marine mammals.
He said that 38 could be returned to the sea alive. While the rest died and were buried near the area to avoid sanitary problems.
Two of the dead dolphins were taken by a group of veterinarians, for the performance of autopsy to determine if they had any biological or other damage.
He mentioned that, no damage was seen by fishing gear or bites by predators, so the causes of stranding are unknown until now, an event that to some extent is common among cetaceans.
For its part, the Profepa said that the specialists found recent marks of bottlenose dolphin bites in dead specimens, so they suspect that the stranding was motivated by an attack of that species.
"According to experts from the Sea Mammal and Profepa Stranding Attention Network, the dolphin group of the short-faced common dolphin species were attacked by a group of dolphins of the bottlenose species, which motivated the stranding, "the prosecutor said in a statement.
The Network noted in its report that the massive stranding event was the largest in the region in recent years.
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