This photo taken on January 24, 2018 shows ice forming on the face of a Chinese sanitation worker on a cold winter day in Hulun Buir, northern China’s Inner Mongolia region.
© AFPThis photo taken on January 24, 2018 shows ice forming on the face of a Chinese sanitation worker on a cold winter day in Hulun Buir, northern China’s Inner Mongolia region.
Temperatures in parts of Inner Mongolia have reached -50.2 degrees Celsius, according to the Inner Mongolia Weather Bureau.

The temperature of -50.2 degrees Celsius was recorded on Thursday morning in Jinhezhen, a village in the northeast of China, near its border with Russia. The village had experienced temperatures below minus 47 degrees for several days.

The weather bureau said that a bout of cold weather swept into the region since the beginning of this week, and on Tuesday and Wednesday, temperatures across the region reached record lows.

Hulun Buir traffic control.
© Weibo/Hulun Buir traffic control.
Temperatures in Hohhot's Togtoh County reached minus 31.4 degrees Celsius, marking the lowest temperature since 1981.

The village of Hailiutuozhen in Bayannur City recorded its lowest temperature in 30 years.

Meanwhile, the temperature of minus 46.5 degrees in the village of Honghua'erjizhen in the city of Hulun Buir broke historic records. Police in Hulun Buir warned drivers to use caution as fog engulfed parts of the city.

The Bureau urged relevant departments to inspect all equipment to prevent pipes from freezing and electrical equipment from catching fire. It also urged citizens to refrain from engaging in outdoor activities, bundle up when they go outside, eat high calorie foods and foods rich in iron and iodine, and other foods including fruits, vegetables, chili peppers, and ginger "that can help protect against the cold and keep warm."

© Screenshot/CCTV.
State broadcaster CCTV said that, even though the cold weather brought inconvenience to citizens, some tourists and photography enthusiasts were drawn to the northern part of Inner Mongolia by the scenes of ice and snow.

The Central Weather Bureau also issued a yellow snow storm warning on Wednesday as Shaanxi, Henan, Hubei, Anhui, Jiangsu and Zhejiang experienced snow storms.