Gavin Williamson
© Hannah Mckay / ReuterGavin Williamson
Defence Secretary Gavin Williamson has stood his ground after the 'hug a jihadi' crowd slammed his comments saying they should be wiped out.

Williamson recently told the Daily Mail: "Quite simply, my view is a dead terrorist can't cause any harm to Britain.

"I do not believe that any terrorist, whether they come from this country or any other, should ever be allowed back into this country.

"We should do everything we can do to destroy and eliminate that threat."

His comments were jumped upon by the Metropolitan elite, such as LibDem Defence spokesman Lord Campbell, who said Williamson's comments were "ill-considered and appear to endorse a clear breach of humanitarian law".

The BBC reported that there was "shock" in the Ministry Of Defence and "anger and concern" over Williamson's bang on comments.

Labour MP Dan Jarvis said the comments were "morally, legally and practically wrong".

Williamson hit back, saying: "The British people want to make sure that our streets are safe, the British people are incredibly proud of our Armed Forces, the work they do - making sure that the people who are a threat to this country are not able to continue to threaten this country."

"That's what the British people want to know that their Government is doing. That is what we will continue to do," he added.

His comments were endorsed by Colonel Richard Kemp, the former commander of UK troops in Afghanistan, who said: "We are fighting a war against these people. You don't fight a war by constantly taking prisoners, you fight a war by killing your enemy."

"If you are dealing with terrorists who return from Syria and Iraq and try to prosecute them, it is very hard to get sufficient evidence to do so."

"That's a real danger because it ends up with these returnees back on the street."

It's like living in the Twilight Zone when senior figures care more about rights of jihadis than keeping our streets safe!